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Subject: .:.You're confused with the "cowgirl" position.:.

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Date Posted: 21:53:14 04/30/10 Fri
In reply to: ... 's message, "i love cowboys" on 12:17:05 04/30/10 Fri

He caught the movement of the brute from the corner of his eye. The disgusted grimace of his features reminded Zeth of something but he couldn't pin it down. Perhaps it was flustered state in which he hurried in the bathroom. His clothing was stripped down save a plaid pair of boxers. Everything was shoved deep into the laundry basket to cloak the perfume that clung to them. A night of wining and dining and zeth could turn back to the chores while his beautiful wife slept. It was the same almost every night.

Zeth snatched a freshly folded towel from he closest and drapped it over the shower door. The steam welcoming and inviting as if fogged up the patterened glass. But after these tasks where done, Zeth turned his to the stranger. His grey eyes studied the male for a minute or two. There was something familiar in the eyes and the movement of his hands... The way they delicately undid the knot before letting th toe fall to the crisp tiled floor...But the buldge in the pants and the whiskers on the face threw him. "I don't. Did we do business before?" he turned to test the water against his fingertips and wrist. "don't insult an expensive bottle of booze... And keep talking while I shower... Late for a date with my beautiful wife."

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$ Tis a Lovely Position $Alicia Baslazari14:41:21 05/12/10 Wed

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