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Subject: at least your life isn't boring

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Date Posted: 13:04:14 01/20/11 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.I need to move.:." on 11:21:26 01/20/11 Thu

Shitfuckdamn. Balin had not gone in through the living room window as he had thought, but instead found himself sprawled across the foot of a bed. The television sounded muffled and hardly intelligible from the bedroom especially with the window open, yet it had been Zeth’s voice the pierced the confusion swirling about Balin’s mind. What the hell was Zeth doing here? He was really hoping Zeth would have been out drinking, raising hell, or chasing skirts. Limbs trembling from effort, the figure attempted to move from the ivory comforter to the open window only to collapse with a loud thump face first to the floor, leaving a ruby slick from the bedding to the wood floor. Face pressed against the floor all Balin could mutter was the F-bomb repeatedly.

Perhaps it would have been light years easier had he just given up and ran like hell to the light. The only silver lining Balin could figure is that those ugly beasts would not be feasting on his bones. In every other way, however, he was screwed.

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.:.just deadly and royally fucked up.:.Zeth14:11:32 01/20/11 Thu

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