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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 11:33:24am
Author: it should be done
Subject: Your first sentence is wrong...
In reply to: Aine 's message, "Re: I'd like to see adults doing slow speed hard shoe again" on Friday, July 08, 10:43:14am

>"Adults" can do slow speed Hardshoe if they enter into
>a proper age category

Nope, not across the board. You can if your TC allows you to/doesn't mind. If your TC doesn't want you to? Then you can't. Not allowed. And that's not fair at all.

There are many reasons. One is that they don't want to you leave their adult ceili group. Another is that in some regions it's not a big deal, but in others, oh, boy will you get looks from the judges. They are simply not interested in seeing a 50 year old woman up there with 17 year olds.

Now, what's the solution to this? I have something that I have yet to find anyone who DOESN'T agree with:
Get rid of adult comps. Including ceili. That way there is a place for everyone. No one is excluded.

And it's not even a big deal if they don't extend all the current age categories, e.g. simply make 21&Over for all levels. Of course, that would be ideal, but if they stay exactly as they are that would still be a great start. Would it mean that competition would be tougher? It sure might, but isn't that fair?

Let's say you are a 45 yr old PW dancer. And then there's no more adult comps. So you have to switch to overs. Maybe you have to switch to 16&Over novice. There certainly may be a disparity in levels and I don't think there should be. But at least now you are competing, able to do slow speed, and can work your way up the levels evenly and fairly, as far as your abilities take you.

Also, it's the idea that we all "know" about adult comps. Had we never known that such a thing existed, and simply dancing in the oldest available catagory was just what everybody did, no one would be the wiser. And we'd all be allowed to dance slow speed. And no one would roll their eyes. Or penalize us for being up there "where we don't belong". Best part is this often comes at feiseanna that don't even bother having levels in adult comps...that's right, many don't even bother giving us anything more than "beginner" and "advanced"...sometimes it's only "adult"! How lame.

If that happened, and the groups became big enough, eventually there would be an older age split, say 21 or 25&over. There are too many older and older dancers who are very good and yet have no place to dance. (See Peter Smith feis, adult championships, third place winner a 62 year old grandmother.)

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  • A dancer that starts at age 23 is going to have a greater range of movement and ability to -- more, Friday, July 15, 10:38:03am
  • But if they didnt have the chance to "opt out"... -- Aine, Saturday, July 16, 11:56:21am

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