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Date Posted: 14:52:05 11/05/06 Sun
Author: Remy/Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay/Haylie 's message, "inside" on 14:31:25 11/05/06 Sun

(She was still recovering from her laughing fit, laying on her side on the floor in the fetal position and watching the preceedings with quiet eyes. It was nice to have a distraction from everything. Shay's question made her sit up and she ran a hand back through her long blonde hair to tame it a bit as she looked around at everyone.) You shouldn't have to cook, Shay.. we can order in.. (She got up quietly and stepped over some puppies on her way into the kitchen to get the pile of menus that even she knew were kept by the phone. The penthouse had, after all, been a bachelor pad long before it became a home. She nearly walked into Haylie on the way back into the living room and smiled warmly as she said hello.) We are looking at menu's for lunch.. want to help me? (She asked, picking up a cordless phone off the table and crossing into the living room to take a seat byb the coffee table. She laid out the menus like she was dealing a card game and began sorting through them.) (He rolled his eyes.) Must we bring up the scarves every time we discuss beds? (He asked, shaking his head. It never failed.. their sex life was an open book to the whole agency it seemed. He let his head roll back on the set of the couch as he held Shay by his side, listening to what was going on around him and processing every sound as though he were actually seeing it all.. he could hear the little scooting sounds of his son as he moved around the floor, the growls and muffled barks of the puppies, the rustle of paper and the click of Haylie's heels.. all of it and a million other little sounds registered to him clearly all at once. He opened one eye and looked over at Haylie.) Are you sure Kyrian will want a puppy around the baby? (He teased, knowing that his friend was over protective.)

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