- Strange, secret, intrusive medical events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood - intersting polls -- Knuit Holt, 16:45:24 05/09/17 Tue [1] (
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Girl, 11 yo, Australia, genital and body development assessment arranges as an emmergency cervice
I am female. It happened in Australia, 2010-2014. when I was 11 year old. I had just had my first period a week ago, and my parents asked me to come into the living room and take my clothes off (I just wear underwear in the house usually). They looked at my body a bit, nodded to each other, and told me it was time to get my first 'woman's exam' and we were going to the clinic. They didn't tell me to get dressed before we left so I didn't.
My parents drove me to the exam. At a special establishment used for these type of exams. I was told this was common, so I assume all girls my age had something similar once they started menstruating. I don't know what about seeing my body told them it was time.
I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They washed my body before the exam.
They placed me upon a simple examination table, but they placed me in several ways during the exam: I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs, on my stomack with streight legs, on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread, on my right side and on my left side.
My dad came in with me and stayed during the exam. They said it was good I was ready to go (naked already) and took me out into the hallway to get weighed and measured. Once we got in the room they had me get up on the table with the paper on it. They put me in a variety of positions throughout the exam.
I got electrodes on my legs that were used to monitor my body reactions duing the exams that followed. I did not get any anesthesia.
The doctor checked over my whole body, examined my fingers lengths, spread my toes apart.
They used a speculum in my vagina. They inspected my vagina with a scope. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger. Looked inside every hole I've got.
He had me do a lot of different positions like squat, handstand, lift one leg, lie on my back and lift both legs, lots of things like that.
They examined arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar.
During that he asked me a lot of questions, like had I had sex, had I felt up or been felt up, have I kissed anyone. The doctor touched my nipples and asked if that felt good. He spent some time touching me on my minge and asked if it felt good too. He said it was important to see if those bits are working right yet, and my dad agreed.
The doctor felt and rubbed me for a while til I started getting wet and feeling good. He kept going and rubbing my button til I had a cum. He had my dad look at me there and said I had a normal reaction. Some other type of arrangements. He let me lie there for a while and took some other measurements while other nurses came in, then like.
They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work, like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed. They did some other type of test with advanced machines.
We did the x-ray bits after that, and then I just went home.
After the positioning, I went naked to the x-ray room and got an x-ray of my stomach and my limbs.
Throughout, several different nurses came in and left. I think maybe some were students.
There was some time spent in the hallway while my parents talked with the doctor more and then with the front desk (Mum had been out filling out forms throughout). Then we just drove home.
I was homeschooled, we live way out far from others.
This was a gynecological exam combined with an assessment of total body development and pubertal status.
The girl specifies that they examined her vagina with a speculum, with finger and with a scope, examined her anus with a finger, but also that they looked into every hole she has. It is therefore highly probable that they looked into her nose and her throut with a scope, performed a bladder inspection with a scope and an anal inspection with a scope too.
It seems like the doctor during the testing let some of his handlings be of a more sexual nature that what was his job and even was allowed to do, but standards for such thestings vary between communities, so it is difficult to conclude surely.
It seems like this community does this types of exam on all girls as an emmergency service when certain signs of puberty development occurs. Decidings signs were probably the menstruation, signs of bubic hairs, devlopment around the breast nipples and changes in the genital lips.
It seems like the parents had been given special instruction or even attended a course to learn to monitor the body development of the girl, possibly because she was homeschooled.
It is highly probable that this community has a similar service for boys too that all boys are called into when certain signs occur.
Edited by Knut Holt
Girl, 11,12,14yo, development check and gynecologic exam in a van
I am female. It happened in Russia, 1990-1999 when I wa 11, 12 and 14 year old.
My parents got a piece of mail that told them it was being offered and when the van would come. I went there alone by myself to a great ambulating van equipped for doing the exam.
I think it was do to whichever kids that had parents who wanted them to get a quick free exam without having to go to the clinic.
They had me go inside the van and told me to take off all my clothes. I did as they asked, and they took a sponge and a bucket of water and washed me. This was before being given the anaesthetic medication to drink.
They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas.
They had me lie down on the floor of the van while they did some examinations. They had me do some aerial bicycle kicks with my legs before anesthesia was given.
I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast and other body areas.
I got lubricating and numbing cream into my vagina. The anesthesia made me relaxed, but I was conscious. I was mostly awake during the procedure, despite anesthesia given.
I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.
They examined my head or neck. my upper body, my stomach area with and, my shoulder area, my hip area and my arms and legs with ab ultrasound probe or something similar.
They took x-ray pictures of my chest, my stomach and my hip area.They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.
They recorded my body functions with electrodes on my chest, my belly and my genitals.
The inside of my cheek got swabbed. They spent a lot of time touching and examining my thin pubic hair and my bony hips and knees.
They used a speculum in my vagina. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger.
I had catheter into my bladder. I sat up against the wall of the van with the catheter in until I peed, and until I could move easily again. There was no blanket, just sat there naked with my legs apart because I couldn't move them together.
Many people walked by and could see me. They did not let me dress or tell me where my clothes were for quite a while afterwards, and started examining other children. Only after 2 more girls and a boy were examined did someone give me my clothes and tell me to go home.
It was mostly a regular school but with heavy focus on dance and gymnastics.
This exam had the primary goal of checking the development status and puberty stage of the kids. Girls and boys that have ballet and gymnastic as a heavy subject on the curriculum are nearly always checked thorroughly in the intimate regian, joinst and for nutritional status, so this thorough exam was probably especially recommended for those kids.
Girl, 9yo, Western Europe, Heart catheterization
I am a female. I was a school-aged child, 9 yearsold, in 1980, western Europe.
I was examined in a hospital. My parents took me to the exam. A team of a doctor and nurse did the exam.
They examined my blood vessels or heart with a catheter inserted into a blood vessel. I do not know any other exam done.
I was given pain-killing or sedative shots. I was then totally put to sleep. I was totally naked.
First I got a shot in my butt to calm me down, then put me to sleep by mask.
What do you think was the reason for this exam? Heart disease.
They put me in a diaper.
What happened was that they put a catheter up to the heart, injected contrast fluids and took x-ray pictures. The catheter was probably inserted through a vessel in the arm or the shoulder area, but it could possible also have been inserted high up in a thigh or the groin area.
Boy, North A, intimate endoscopy at school, bladder dysfunction, treatment with catheter
I am a male. I was a school-aged child. Year 2011, In North America. I was examined in the medical section of a private school. I walked to the exam room early followed by the school nurse. A visiting doctor and a visiting nurse did the exam aided by the school nurse.
Exam overview:
They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals. They examined my rectal zone. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones. They inserted instruments into my urinary opening. They inserted some kind of tubular scope inside my urinary opening.They inserted instruments into my rectal opening. They used an ultrasound sound through my anus. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.
Anesthesia and arrangements:
I was given anesthesia into the blood-stream. I was sedated but mostly sleeping. I was naked at the examined body parts and at my genital/rectal zone, but elsewere clothed. During the exam I lay straight at my back first and then in stirrups.
Exam sequence:
First clothes taken off. Then had to go to the toilet. Then visual inspection and palpation of pelvic zones. Then they inserted a scope through my urethra and used it for more than 30 minutes. Eventually I was lifted onto a coach and lay with a blanket over me until I was fully awake. At last I was allowed to take on clothes and my parents came and took me home in a car.
Psychological test:
Two days before I had a long psychological test.
Urinary and genital exam details:
They inserted a scope to look into my bladder. They used a flexible scope in my bladder. They palpated my outer male genitals and testicles. They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They performed a ultrasound exam on my genitals, including my testicles. They examined my my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum.
Rectal exam datails:
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They examined my rectum with an inserted finger. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond.
Strange observations:
I was called in for quite another thing, but they also examined my genital and urinary zone.","They said they should examine my stomach. Someone came and performed a psychological test even though I was called in for quite another thing.
Reason and judgement:
What do you think was the reason for this exam? I was surprised.
Arrangement after the exam:
They used a catheter to collect urine. After the exam I had a catheter when waiting for the sedation to go away.
Diagnosis and treatment:
The exam resulted in this diagnosis: They called the diagnosis bladder dysfunction. I had to have a catheter when I was sleeping each night during 3 years. My parents managed it.
In many private schools children's behavior, development and health are monitored much more detailled than in public schools. There also tend to be a thight cooperation between the parents and the school to manage the behavior and health. Any kind of deviation from a strict normality scheme will typically be noted, then result in psychological examinations, then physical examination, and eventual treatment to manage the deviation. A pelvic exam with a thorrough inner urogenital and anal inspection will typically be done.
In some private schools all boys and girls will be subjected to such exams at specific age levels. I suspect this school did this with many of the children or even all of them, but without informing generally about it.
Surprizingly often the exam result in some kind of management of the genital and urinary functions of the child, like intalling catheter during night, and in some cases even have the child catheterized permanently for periods to help emptying of the bladder completely and to hinder sleep disturbanses or behavior deviations due to an incompletely emptied bladder.
What was called bladder dysfunction, could also be caused by problems with urination caused by uncontrollble erections, which is fairly frequent in boys when they enter puberty, or the sexual reactions of the boy was not tollerated by the parents or school.
It is therefore possible that the catheter had the purpose of calming down the sexual reactions of the boy by means of medication smeared onto the catheter or delivered through the catheter.
It is also possible that this catheterization procedure was used as a standard in this school for all boys that showed certain bahaviour symptoms, or even for all children as a general means of managing intimate behavior of the children during the preteen and earliest teenage period.
I wonder if this school was either a montessori school or a school where ballet or gymnastic was a special or big subject on the curriculum, since these kind of schools tend to use such kind of arrangement.
Knut Holt
Man, 70-79yo, North America, Cystoscopy combined with sigmoidoscopy
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Year 2011, when I was 70 -79 years old.
Had cystoscopy in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason.
Given enema at home before going. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole.
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also inspected anus with a scope.
No special arrangements afterwards.
The reason was urinary infection. It was useful.
Cystoscopy and sigmoidiscopy that the man probably also had at the same time are simple procedures that do not require other anesthesia that some painkilling lubrication, and combined with a gentle approach, to hinder most discomort, if it is only for inspection, which this example shows.
Knut Holt
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Please copy the links and use them in the address field of your prowser to go to the page of interest
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
By Knut Holt: http://www.mydeltapi.com
Intrusive well-child examinations under general anesthesia:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
Experienced something that look like alien abduction:
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- Joan, have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! -- Neysa, 04:58:18 12/24/08 Wed [1] (user-38lci56.dialup.mindspring.com/
I miss reading and posting on this forum.
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- Joan and all Catholics -- Catie, 07:59:19 05/14/08 Wed [12] (h128.232.140.67.ip.alltel.net/
I'm curious. What is your opinion of this article?
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- A Catholic quiz -- Joan, 06:26:29 06/04/08 Wed [7] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
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- dd -- dd, 13:07:13 05/11/08 Sun [1] (190-37-226-223.dyn.dsl.cantv.net/

Korea, Republic of (Press Release) May 8, 2008 -- This is the first time that the coronation night will be held outside the Philippines since its inception in 2001, except last year that other activities was held in Vietnam.
Miss Earth is an annual international beauty pageant promoting environmental awareness.It is one of the three largest beauty pageants in the world in terms of the number of national level competitions to participate in the world finals.
Those who participate in the pageant are involved with environmental causes. The pageant winner is expected to become involved with international environmental projects. These projects are also promoted during the pageant's broadcast. The delegates also take part in tree planting ceremonies, environmental and cultural immersion programs, sponsor visits and tours. Miss Earth is based in the Philippines.
Over 90 contestants are expected to arrive for the said pageant which will be held on November 9 in Seoul, South Korea.
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- What are your impressions of the pope's visit? -- Joan, 05:44:25 04/21/08 Mon [5] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
He's so quiet, that it's hard for me to read him. But that's good--we know he's not a phoney. :)
He's in amazing shape for someone in his 80's. The schedule he kept was ridiculous.
The news reported that security for the pope's visit cost about 6 million.
Oh, and what did you think of his snazzy red shoes? ;)
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- I just heard someone praise Pope Benedict for standing -- Joan, 10:32:52 04/16/08 Wed [7] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
up to radical Islam (the Islamists). He especially likes that the pope speaks his mind without mincing words, and says that other world leaders look soft in comparison.
Other people have criticized Pope Benedict's very direct, yet scholarly approach, which requires intelligence and careful attention to *all* that he says to properly understand what he is saying. (There are no soundbites with Pope Benedict.)
Your opinion?
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- Joan.....I just started reading a book that might interest you! -- Barb, 08:08:31 04/18/08 Fri [3] (clgrtnt9-port-113.dial.telus.net/
The title is "Forever And Ever, Amen." It is the autobiography of Sister Karol Jackowski who became a Nun in the 1960's. She tells the story of her early days as a postulate nun in training with grace and humour. A real inside look at what goes on in a convent. If it interests you at all, when I am finished reading it I would be more than happy to send it out to you! :-) (It was published last year.)
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- Pope Benedict XVI comes to the USA tomorrow -- Neysa, 16:06:58 04/14/08 Mon [36] (user-2inik7e.dialup.mindspring.com/
I saw on the news that President Bush and his wife Laura, are going to have a gala dinner in honor of the Pope at the White House on Wednesday. The Pope will not be attending the gala dinner. I'm just wondering why they are having a dinner if the Pope won't be attending...do our tax dollars pay for these gala dinners?
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- Re: Pope Benedict XVI comes to the USA tomorrow -- Catie, 16:23:16 04/14/08 Mon
- Joan, do you miss Pope John Paul?.............. -- Barb, 16:26:24 04/14/08 Mon
- Interesting: Joan, I know you won't agree with this post. Remove it if you must. It's my opinion. -- Catie (speaking frm the heart), 10:46:51 04/15/08 Tue
Scary pope. :) -- Joan, 15:50:47 04/15/08 Tue
- I'll tell you who's scary these days.....Jimmy Carter!! ................. -- Barb, 16:19:08 04/15/08 Tue
- Re: I'll tell you who's scary these days.....Jimmy Carter!! ................. -- Joan, 16:39:28 04/15/08 Tue
- I agree, Jimmy Carter has gone too far. He speaks as a mad man! -- Catie, 18:07:54 04/15/08 Tue
- Thank you for such an intelligent and informed post, Catie............. -- Barb, 08:48:56 04/16/08 Wed
- Re: Thank you for such an intelligent and informed post, Catie............. -- Joan, 10:24:42 04/16/08 Wed
- Joan I didn't even vote for him. And he's a Georgian. (NT) -- Catie, 12:19:52 04/16/08 Wed
- His accent drives me crazy. His is SOUTHERN GA accent. (NT) -- Catie, 12:21:50 04/16/08 Wed
- My parent's voted for him! -- Neysa, 17:28:08 04/16/08 Wed
- There's is a very typical Southern Georgia accent. When I was in -- Catie, 18:07:53 04/16/08 Wed
- "Their's...not There's" I grow worse day by day. Grrrr. (NT) -- catie, 18:10:52 04/16/08 Wed
- Catie......... -- Neysa, 23:05:51 04/16/08 Wed
- Forgot to mention Catie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -- Neysa, 23:25:45 04/16/08 Wed
- What the letter really said. -- Joan, 16:03:39 04/15/08 Tue
- Should churches have rich stuff? -- Joan, 05:31:34 04/09/08 Wed [9] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
Do you think that churches should have expensive things in them?
Is it OK to have a gold chalice? Should they have stained glass in the windows?
Should churces have only the bare neccessities, like a wooden or glass chalice, and plain glass windows, to save money to give to the poor?
If the church already has those things, should they sell them to help the poor?
How much is too much, when it comes to fancy stuff in churches?
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- A priest, a minister and a rabbi -- Joan, 04:35:08 04/06/08 Sun [5] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
Religious leaders protest the governor's order to crack-down on illegal immigration.
What do you think? Does your religion support illegal immigration? Does illegal immigration compare to slavery--as a legal question the churches should be involbed in, on the side of the illegal immigrant as they were on the side of the slaves?
Is this a question about law? Or is it a question about human need and mercy?
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- I'm curious have any of you Christians seen this? If so what are your opinions? -- Catie, 11:20:21 04/02/08 Wed [13] (h95.231.140.67.ip.alltel.net/
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- I found a quote about modern church buildings. -- Joan, 10:30:48 03/27/08 Thu [22] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
The author was saying that modern churches aren't inspirational (spiritually).
What do you think? What style church do you feel most comfortable in? Does the style make a difference in how you feel during a Mass or service? Is it easier to pray in a traditional building vs a modern one?
I agree with the author. I grew up in a parish that had a modern church building. I hated it! I still prefer traditional church buildings. The cathedrals I've been to are amazing and inspirational, especially The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC. But the church doesn't have to be very old, big, and full of statues, paintings, and stained glass. My parish church is a much simpler brick structure that was built 75 years ago. It has no stained glass, and except for a few elements (the tabernacle, a crucifix, and a few statues), you would think you were in a Protestant church. But it's a traditional building, and so I'm comfortable there.
What about you? What kind of church building do you prefer? Or maybe it makes no difference to you? Have you been to one of the mega churches? If you have, what did you think (of the building, I mean)?
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- Hell, again. :) -- Joan, 18:33:06 04/02/08 Wed [3] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
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- Happy Easter -- Joan, 20:48:13 03/22/08 Sat [3] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
Happy Easter everyone!
I went to the Easter Vigil this year. I didn't know what I was missing. It was a 2-hour Mass, but it felt like no time had passed. Very moving.
There were 3 adults admitted to the Church. They looked so happy, especially the woman.
The Pope also Baptized adults today. One is a well-known, Muslim-born journalist. He had to have a guard for protection. What a wacky world we live in.
I hope you have a very happy Easter. Will any of you be going to a sunrise service? I guess I should as if any of you *went* to a sunrise service. It's already 11:50, and I think I'm the only one still up. :)
May the Easter Bunny fill your basket with oodles of good things. :)
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- Easter Memories -- Joan, 06:48:04 03/09/08 Sun [25] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
It's getting close to Easter. What are your favorite childhood Easter memories?
Do you go to the Easter Vigil?
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- The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic. -- Joan, 09:54:41 03/16/08 Sun [1] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
Here's a link to the Our Father read in Aramaic.
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- poweroftheletter.com -- Joan, 06:39:48 03/15/08 Sat [1] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
You can mail a card for free! I don't know all the details, but if you go to this site, you'll find out how to do it.
HBO is paying for it. It has something to do with promoting the new show they're doing.
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Another lucky book find -- Joan, 12:04:14 03/09/08 Sun [4] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
Again, I'm sure this find is worthless, but I think it's really neat.
I check the religion section out at a local used book store, and sometimes I find something worthwhile. A few weeks ago, I found a 1965 Jerusalem Bible--new in the box!
Yesterday, I found another autographed book.
Leslie R. Severinghaus wrote "Religions and History", which is meant to be a textbook for public school students, that integrates political history with the history of religions. He had a really interesting life. had an advanced degree from Columbia. Spent time in the orient, and apparently collected quite a few rare texts in his travels. He opened an English language lab while there, too. He was first a teacher, and then a headmaster. He married the sister of Henry Luce, the publishing giant, who married Clare Booth Luce, the Catholic convert who either won or was nominated for an Academy Award for one of her screenplays.
Anyway, that's my latest "find". Have any of you found any treasures lately?
What are you reading? I'm just finishing "The Captured" about kids who were captured by Indians (Native Americans) and then rescued or returned. Their stories are interesting, but ultimately very sad.
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- Work on Sundays -- Joan, 11:36:52 03/09/08 Sun [3] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
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