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Neysa -- Catie, 04:45:38 06/05/08 Thu [1] (
Good grief no I don't believe other planets are full of little gray men with google eyes! LOL God has created beautiful things. Man is the one who paints the pictures of aliens looking like that. I don't think God's creation of intelligent life looks like that nor do I think they visit our planet either.
I think this planet is the one that has been touched, affected by sin. We know from scripture Satan was cast to the earth. God allows him to try to convince mankind, just as he did the 3rd of the angels, to turn their backs on God because god created man to "choose" to love him. God can not lie. He can and will not go back on his word. Satan has powers to a limited degree that God has not taken from him. All of the universe stands in awe, watching to see if God is faithful to his word.
We know there was a GREAT war in heaven. (scripture says so) At that time God could have destroyed Satan and his 3rd of angels when they turned their backs on God. But God has said "I am a fair, faithful and just God". "If anyone comes to me of their own will, I will in no way cast them aside". Satan tried to convince all of heaven they were being forced to worship God. Only 1/3, a small minority of angels believed him. But how do you think the other 3/4 angels felt, what were they thinking? God did not want them to remain there with him out of fear, but by choice and out of love. So now all of the universe is watching to see if God keeps his word. At any given moment God could destroy earth. But he is faithful to his word and found a way to build a bridge between earth and heaven so that earth would not have to be destroyed. That was the plan of salvation. If you get a chance you might enjoy reading "The Great Controversy".
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I don't think that God needed the Big Bang -- Joan, 11:02:16 06/06/08 Fri [1] (
but he didn't need to breath life into Adam either. He could have done it any way he chose. There's no need involved, since God is infinite power.
Maybe the Big Bang doesn't seem very personal, but maybe it is just as personal as the Gensis story. Since God exists out of time (and in all time) the whole time from the Big Bang to now is nothing. The science of the Big Bang is complicated to us, but not to God.
To the creator, no process, no matter how complicated, is impersonal. It could be argued that the more complicated the creative process is, the more personally involved the created feels.
Slap a coat of paint on a board. OK, the board gets painted. Mission accomplished. Cut the wood, plane the wood, sand the wood, make the paint, make the brush, paint the board--now it's a work of love.
The science of the Big Bang and evolution are just the building blocks of creation.
IMO, a literal translation of Genesis makes no sense. To get aroung that, people resort to proposing that "day" means something other than day. And a day and a night could be thousands of years. It's either a literal story or it's not.
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Joan -- Catie, 05:47:14 06/07/08 Sat [1] (
I see your point. I agree God doesn't need in the sense we humans need. But one reason God created MAN was for fellowship. Did he need it? Probably not since he is afterall, GOD. But obviously God did want the fellowship and when he said "Let us make man in our image" and he followed through with that plan, I love believing the idea that the God of all Gods, the Lord of the Universe took time to care, to love mankind, so much so that he actually came close enough that he most likely touched the lips of man. At least we know for sure our breath is directly from God. Without it, nothing lives. :-)
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Re: Joan -- Joan, 14:31:25 06/07/08 Sat [1] (
There's no reason, imo, to believe that the Big Bang theory and evolution mean that God wasn't very interested.
Science is just proving that the method was a lot more complicated than the story in Genesis.
But, heck, for God it was neither difficult nor complicated.
Who knows why He chose to create things the way He did.
I think evolution is very interesting, though, so I'm glad he created that. :) Big Bang? Well, that's too complicated for this little brain.
It's interesting that some people still believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, and that Dinosaurs either walked the Earth with man, or that their fossils are tricks (left by Satan? God? I've never been clear on that).
I wonder how the people who believe in a literal 6 day creation, explain how fossils of some kinds of animals an plants are found only in certain layers, and how some animals aren't found in the same layer. You don't find trilobite fossils and human fossils in the same layer. But w/ a literal 6 day creation, teh fossils of animals that went extinct before man was created would be in the same layer as everything else.
It's hard to understand how they reconcile their literal interpretation w/ the evidence.
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