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Date Posted: 21:56:11 09/23/13 Mon
Author: Domino
Subject: Howdy, Welcome, And ALL the Jazz!
In reply to: Mon 's message, "You should stick around because..." on 17:50:13 09/22/13 Sun

Hello Stephanie,

As Mon stated before CM has been around for awhile (2001) but perhaps 2000. The orignal owner, Ashley, handed the game over to Loo after things began to slow down and she went on a different route. Back in the day CM had MANY different types of creatures and humanoids running around along with the realistic(ish) animals.

Dragons, unicorns, big cats, wolves, horses, and oddities galore were the tales of CM. We have downsized to the main ones that the game first started with. Horses and Wolves were the main areas, though Humans have been the most popluar in the last few years. CM is semi-realistic, meaning animals can talk to one another in their realm but they obviously don't talk to humans (usually) and humans don't go into their realms (usually).

As you can see there are exceptions to these. If you click on the About (if you haven't already) it'll give you a bit of information, but I agree that there isn't a ton of information there. Usually the realm rulers (players of characters who are selected rulers) dictate or look over the area to keep conflicts from arising OOC, Loo of course also keeps an eye when things are needed. Also animals age, but its not a forced age, so while it's suggested you age your character at some point you don't have to age them onto death unless you want to. (My horse should be dead by now as should my wolf, but I refuse to kill them, but both are rather old now).

There are stealing or challenging boards (something I've always disdained, but were a MAJOR kick of fun for a lot of people back in the day) where horses could steal one another away as prisoners, the concept carried over to other realms, save Humans which of course have enough of their own problems and issues :)

I've rambled and I have no idea if I helped at all but wanted to give you a bit more information about the game/site before going into myself.

As for me I'm 29, live in Texas, and was married in May of this year. I married a giant of a man (6'11") and we have one big boxador pup, as well as 6 cats within our home currently. I'm a full time graduate student (graduate in December 2014), as well as working part-time, and interning. So needless to say as much as I love posting/writing. I can't do it as I once did. Right now I'm writing this instead of posting, before I pass out for the night (sorry Mon!)

I think CM is a great place for story writers, its a place where you can write alone or with others (which is more fun of course!) and the two of you or whomever can create a new story where the characters take control and direct things a certain way.

As of right now I have a wolf (inactive but there), horse (also inactive) and a zillion humanoid like characters that I cycle in and out of depending on Mon/Chaos' whims or Loo's. My main human you'll see is Angelina Uris she owns Club Alien and accepts all sorts of folks there (human or not).

Hopefully this helped you out some. If you have any questions feel free to email Mon as she stated or myself as I included my email (though response may take 24 hrs, due to scheduling). I hope to hear from you and also wish you a happy birthday and congratulations on your special day coming soon!

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