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Subject: Nasty Persuasions

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Date Posted: 23:12:21 03/20/14 Thu

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Occupational Health Risks in Veterinary Practice: Reproductive Health in Female Veterinarians

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Bhakti-Yoga: The Yoga of Love and Devotion

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Basic Concepts of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

Surfing: Women of the Waves

Winearchitecture: The Winery Boom

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Universal Coverage: The Elusive Quest for National Health Insurance (Conversations in Medicine and Society)

Wolverine Classic, Vol.. 4

Career Development for Health Professionals

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Subject: The Ancient Near East, Volume 1: An Anthology Of Texts And Pictures

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Date Posted: 23:11:46 03/20/14 Thu

>>> The Ancient Near East, Volume 1: An Anthology Of Texts And Pictures <<<

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The Standard & Poor's Guide to the Perfect Portfolio: 5 Steps to Allocate Your Assets and Ensure a Lifetime of Wealth (Standard & Poor's Guide to)

Private Funding Mechanisms for Long-term Care

Madonna: The Style Book

Backyard Adventure: How to Create Outdoor Play Spaces for Kids

Memories of a Cuban Kitchen

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Stormcatcher (Great Lakes Legends, Book 3) (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense #16)

Design Is in the Details: Outdoor Spaces

The plum curculio as an apple pest (Bulletin / New York State Agricultural Experiment Station)

The Holy Land: A Pilgrim's Guide

Wilderness with Children

The S.M.A.R.T.. Guide to Mixers, Signal Processors, Microphones, and More

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Subject: Marabout: 100% Motivacion (Spanish Edition)

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Date Posted: 23:10:36 03/20/14 Thu

>>> Marabout: 100% Motivacion (Spanish Edition) <<<

Marabout: 100% Motivacion (Spanish Edition)

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Subject: ???

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Date Posted: 21:06:59 07/13/11 Wed


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Subject: For test

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Date Posted: 07:07:11 06/17/11 Fri

Just for test

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Subject: Re: Extra Brass to trade

Oscar (brass)
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Date Posted: 06:53:04 06/17/11 Fri

Just for test.

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Subject: Re: Extra Brass to trade

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Date Posted: 08:42:31 04/25/11 Mon

Hi Kelly,

check Out our brass exchange program :)

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Subject: Extra Brass to trade

Kelly Beauchamp
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Date Posted: 09:05:13 04/03/11 Sun

I have switched from .45 to .40S&W and from .308 to .223, so I have 1000's of once fired cases to trade. I need a mix of nickle and brass for reloading the .40 and would like a few 100 nickle of the .223 and the rest in brass for the .223. Email me if you have anything. Also if I don't email you back immediately, give me a extra day or so to answer. Thanks Kelly

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Subject: 7.62 x 51 or 308 1x fired brass

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Date Posted: 16:40:14 03/23/11 Wed

I am lookingfor 1x fired 308 brass. No junk. I like LC WCC, IMI, Fed or. Send price and qty to danielsdad7@sbcglobal.net. I am looking at qty of 500 plus only please. 1000 is good.

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Subject: 350 rem mag

Darrell Perkins (7-7-2011)
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Date Posted: 08:44:20 03/17/11 Thu

I have a 350 rem mag. I need to purchase ammo or brass for the same would like to have 200 rounds. For the same rifle I need a vent rib the one I have has is broken. Please let me know if you have any of this items. Darrell

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Subject: 223 FMJ bullets

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Date Posted: 20:02:41 03/08/11 Tue

I was just curious the manufacture of the FMJ 223 bullets???

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Subject: Excellent Customer Service

Larry Bommarito (Happy)
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Date Posted: 10:06:53 11/01/10 Mon

Dear Nicole,
My order of 500 pcs. .44 Russian brass arrived yesterday in fine condition, taking only two days to make the trip since being shipped, and only five days since submitting the order. I'd like to offer both my thanks and my congratulations for such a nearly-unheard-of level of efficient service. I've been a handloader and cartridge collector for just shy of fifty (count 'em, 50) years, so I've handled and inspected a lot of cartridge cases, and yours appear to be the full equal of any Winchester, Remington or Federal I've ever used. Can't wait to get some of them dirty in my Italian Smith & Wesson repro.
You have my permission to use my name and this letter if you wish.

Larry Bommarito

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Subject: Re: need brass and more brass

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Date Posted: 00:02:37 10/18/10 Mon

>I am need of lot of 45 acp and 308 brass also 270
>,7mm and 30 30 also 3006... i have a new reloading
>shop and have some large orders to fill
Check out bbrbrass.com they usually have good qtys of what you are looking for. I buy from them on a regular basis.

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Subject: Re: need brass and more brass

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Date Posted: 13:10:31 10/11/10 Mon

>Visit our website. On the specials page we have 30-06,
>7mm and we have plenty of . 308 brass as well as
>processed 45 acp. i just ordered some from u

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Subject: Re: need brass and more brass

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Date Posted: 12:11:21 10/11/10 Mon

Visit our website. On the specials page we have 30-06, 7mm and we have plenty of . 308 brass as well as processed 45 acp.

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Subject: need brass and more brass

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Date Posted: 11:47:39 10/11/10 Mon

I am need of lot of 45 acp and 308 brass also 270 ,7mm and 30 30 also 3006... i have a new reloading shop and have some large orders to fill

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Subject: Re: Brass Powder, Bullets

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Date Posted: 08:21:28 10/11/10 Mon

I know the posting was awhile back, but do you have anything left?

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Subject: Re: Brass Powder, Bullets

Dave Koran
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Date Posted: 08:19:52 10/11/10 Mon

I know the posting was awhile back, but do you have anything left?

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Subject: Pleased with Product

Tom Caldwell
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Date Posted: 08:08:38 08/09/10 Mon

primed the .308 trimmed brass ordered last month. Got 501 in my bag without
single cull. Really pleased. Inspector/employee #208 really does nice
Have about 1,500 .223 brass already but more work processing them than
ordering yours. Will consider the brass exchange next time...Thanks...Tom

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Subject: Re: Joe Bowman!

Buck Wheat
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Date Posted: 18:19:18 07/24/10 Sat

>Joe Bowman Died! A Great Man!

Which Joe Bowman,...

Retired Ironworker fron Chula Vista, CA
Hope not!

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Subject: Re: Brass Powder, Bullets

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Date Posted: 09:27:58 07/10/10 Sat

>>Got old baught to much, want to sell 308 brass, has
>>been FLS, base squared, flash hole reamed, inside
>>flash hole deburred, inside chamfored, light neck
>>turned, 300 pieces.
>>Nosler Ballistic Tip, 30/150 (308).
>>Eight pounds of Winchester 748 powder never opened.
>Send me a message with price shipped to South Dakota
>for all your supplies

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Subject: Re: Brass Powder, Bullets

Randy Hofer
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Date Posted: 14:54:32 07/09/10 Fri

>Got old baught to much, want to sell 308 brass, has
>been FLS, base squared, flash hole reamed, inside
>flash hole deburred, inside chamfored, light neck
>turned, 300 pieces.
>Nosler Ballistic Tip, 30/150 (308).
>Eight pounds of Winchester 748 powder never opened.

Send me a message with price shipped to South Dakota for all your supplies

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Subject: Honor Joe Bowman!

John Bowles (Honor Joe on your site!)
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Date Posted: 23:15:57 06/29/10 Tue

Add Something to Honer Joe!

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Subject: Joe Bowman!

John Bowles
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Date Posted: 23:03:16 06/29/10 Tue

Joe Bowman Died! A Great Man!

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Subject: Brass Powder, Bullets

David Winders
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Date Posted: 07:49:21 06/21/10 Mon

Got old baught to much, want to sell 308 brass, has been FLS, base squared, flash hole reamed, inside flash hole deburred, inside chamfored, light neck turned, 300 pieces.
Nosler Ballistic Tip, 30/150 (308).
Eight pounds of Winchester 748 powder never opened.

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Subject: Excellent Customer Service

Juan Lopez (Happy)
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Date Posted: 09:28:38 06/18/10 Fri

I would like to take the time to thank you for solving my problem. The .218 sizer worked like a champ on the case necks. I am able to load my flat based V max bullets or any other round I choose. When you say 100% satisfaction you truly mean it. Even for someone buying small amounts like myself. I will continue buying brass from you folks at Top Brass. Has I told you over the phone. Your 7.62 X 51 brass is top shelf. My FN FAL loves it. I will see how well the 5.56 X 45 works out in my AR 15's . Most certain I will be getting more.

Juan C. Lopez

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Subject: Re: .30-06 Brass

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Date Posted: 18:32:59 06/06/10 Sun

I have hundreds available, let me know if imterested. Can ship in a flat rate box..

>Hi Kay..........those 900.30-06 cases you sent me have
>been through MY process and are reloaded....168gr,
>How about looking around your back forty for more,
>email me if you do have some.........
>Thank you,
>Don in Alpine, CA.....on a clear day you can see the

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Subject: 308 LC brass

Molon Labe
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Date Posted: 15:51:47 05/12/10 Wed

I am looking for 308 brass. I would like LC or if you have processed 308 brass I would be interested in. I am also looking for 45acp brass once fired only no range crap please. Thanks. Scott danielsdad7@sbcglobal.net

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Subject: Recieved order kudos

Willet Brown
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Date Posted: 07:28:09 05/03/10 Mon

I received my order yesterday the 29th, I am more than happy with my order! Everything promised by you and the people at Top Brass couldn't have been more true. Very nicely done everything perfect.
Thanks again for a pleasant experience ,will pass on the good news to all the shooters I know. Of course I will be back soon myself.

Willett Brown

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Subject: Re: 7mm Laser jr

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Date Posted: 07:53:17 04/16/10 Fri

>dose anyone have info on 7mm laser reloading? would
>like any info

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Subject: 7mm Laser jr

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Date Posted: 07:51:13 04/16/10 Fri

dose anyone have info on 7mm laser reloading? would like any info

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Subject: Re: M1 Carbine

Richard Shupperd
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Date Posted: 13:25:16 03/28/10 Sun

Hi go to Civilian Marksmanship Program and click on sales ypou can buy a WWII M1 Carbine for about 500.00-600.00 depending on what model you get. Theuy say allow 120 days for delivery but I received my 2 with 4 weeks. This is some of what they have

R017UDR UNDERWOOD $479 Accepting orders
R017WINR WINCHESTER $575 Accepting orders
R017QR QUALITY HARDWARE $479 Accepting orders
R017SAR SAGINAW $479 Accepting orders
R017SGR SAGINAW S'G' $595 Accepting orders
R017NPR NATIONAL POSTAL METER $479 Accepting orders
R017STR STANDARD PRODUCTS $495 Accepting orders
R017IBMR IBM $495 Accepting orders

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Subject: Re: M1 Carbine

Jerry Stall
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Date Posted: 05:06:57 03/06/10 Sat

>Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase an M1
>Carbine? My grandfather says it is the best rifle ever
>made!! He was in WW11,and I would like to present it
>to him,as he is getting older! At this time in his
>life,that is all he talks about!! He says it saved his
>life many times! No one knows what it looks like and
>if he has the actual rifle to show them it would
>help!! Thanks,Ed

contact Willy Cramer at Old West Guns in Kearney Ne.68847 Phone number is (308)237-7900 he is there Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Saturday 10am to 3pm

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Subject: Re: .30-06 Brass

Jim Smith
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Date Posted: 08:12:10 03/04/10 Thu

Hi Don, If you're interseted I have 300 once fired cleaned and polished .30-06 cases of various headstamps...Lake City,WCC,RP,FC.....$50.00+$11.50 shipping.....Ph. 712-660-0051 Hi Kay..........those 900.30-06 cases you sent me have
>been through MY process and are reloaded....168gr,
>How about looking around your back forty for more,
>email me if you do have some.........
>Thank you,
>Don in Alpine, CA.....on a clear day you can see the

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Subject: Re: walmart ammo

SFC K Davenport (It starts at the top!)
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Date Posted: 02:23:03 03/01/10 Mon

LEWIS,It may be a local ordinance(law). The WALMART here still sells all they can get. Don't blame the middle man.

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Subject: .30-06 Brass

Don C. Shane (CD)
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Date Posted: 09:02:42 02/16/10 Tue

Hi Kay..........those 900.30-06 cases you sent me have been through MY process and are reloaded....168gr, IMR-3031.....
How about looking around your back forty for more, email me if you do have some.........
Thank you,
Don in Alpine, CA.....on a clear day you can see the Pacific

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Subject: bullets

Mark (happy, joyful, pleased, ect.)
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Date Posted: 16:11:25 12/22/09 Tue

I just got my frist M1 garand and need reloading supplies and could not find what I needed!I went to Top Brass on line, and BOY did I find every thing there.prices were good and I got my order in about 8 days. thank you Top Brass, I will order from you agian!!

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Date Posted: 22:43:26 12/14/09 Mon


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Subject: Re: NEW 357 & New 45 Primed Brass, 3 Bags 1.000 pieces

dick cannioto (happy)
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Date Posted: 11:30:47 12/10/09 Thu

> have 3 bags of New 357 Primed brass
>& 3 bags of New 45 Primed brass 1,000 pieces each.
>I am wondering what they are worth. I am trying to
>sell them
I need some of both i would like to buy them from you if we can come up with a price.
Dick 585 944 4481 call

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Subject: Feedback

Art Zasadny
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Date Posted: 06:09:13 12/10/09 Thu

I ordered 3000 .223 brass cartridges that were resized, swaged, trimmed and primered. I loaded 2300 of these and they are perfect! I used the 55gr FMJ bullets you sell and I'm extremely pleased with the results. I'll buy all of my .223 and .308 brass from you! Thanks again!

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Subject: 20 Round Ammo Boxes

Ed Walker
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Date Posted: 05:46:13 12/09/09 Wed

I had been looking for some 20 Round 223 ammo boxes for a while. Item number PS 21707 is exactly what i was looking for. Very sturdy boxes with inserts. Thanks Top Brass.

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Subject: NEW 357 & New 45 Primed Brass, 3 Bags 1.000 pieces

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Date Posted: 18:44:26 12/02/09 Wed

I have 3 bags of New 357 Primed brass
& 3 bags of New 45 Primed brass 1,000 pieces each.

I am wondering what they are worth. I am trying to sell them


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Subject: Top/Scharch brass 10mm quality

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Date Posted: 08:41:06 11/22/09 Sun

I recently purchased 1000 pieces of your "new" 10mm brass. And it was more consistent than Starline's 10mm brass.
Your brass was easier to prime, overall length of your brass cases was way more consistent than Starline's brass.
(I did'nt even need to trim it.)
Thank you for your attention to quality, and consistency.
I'll definitely be back!

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Subject: Great Products and Service - Highly Recommended

Frank K.
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Date Posted: 18:06:11 11/11/09 Wed

I cannot be more pleased with Scharch. I ordered 1000 once fired mil .223, primed and sized - outstanding. A sampling of some 20 cases put them within 0.001 of each other, and primers were properly seated (about half were Federal, the others mixed headstamp LC). Also ordered the IVI .308 - great quality new brass, averaging 185 grains per case. All orders shipped practically overnight. And the prices are really good. Thanks!

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Subject: 9 mm WWC gun shells

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Date Posted: 10:37:11 11/08/09 Sun

I have 28 9mm WCC gun shells a gentleman wanted to buy. The only thing is I can't find any reference to their cost anywhere. Can anyone help me?

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Subject: 6.8

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Date Posted: 03:59:28 10/24/09 Sat

I want to thank you for stocking the 6.8spc brass. It is difficult to find quality brass at a reasonable price! I hope that you can continue to do so!

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Subject: KUDO'S

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Date Posted: 08:36:59 10/21/09 Wed

Hello Kay,

I wanted to take the time to tell you, thank you.
I recently ordered 500 pieces of 357 mag. brass, and a few weeks ago I ordered 1000 pieces of 30 M-1 brass. The instant reply, followed by the immediate shipment and rapid delivery time is what every business should strive to accomplish.
I know keeping items in stock, especially with the current events as they are, is difficult if not impossible. Most companies delay shipment by dragging their feet, and that is why I value Top Brass and will continue to shop with you. The quality and price, supported by fast shipping, is not matched anywhere else.
Now, if I could just find small pistol primers, regular and magnum. The world has gone into a spin. Zoiks
Mark Meeks

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: great service / product

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:59:21 10/12/09 Mon

Wonderful service, great looking product. I can't wait to load the 147gn. .308 bullets that I just received. Five stars

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Processed 300 win mag

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:23:43 09/20/09 Sun

Looks good. Has anything been done to the brass? Cleaned? polished?



>Hi Mike,
>check Our specials page!
>>Any plans of offering 300 win mag? I have started to
>>see a few pallets available since the military has
>>started adopting it.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Processed 300 win mag

Nicole Webster
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:18:40 09/16/09 Wed

Hi Mike,

check Our specials page!

>Any plans of offering 300 win mag? I have started to
>see a few pallets available since the military has
>started adopting it.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Processed 300 win mag

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:51:04 09/15/09 Tue

Any plans of offering 300 win mag? I have started to see a few pallets available since the military has started adopting it.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Unequaled speed

Joe Craft
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 17:31:08 08/30/09 Sun

If you cruise through the messages left here you will see an astonishing number notes of the best service seen in years. Add this, to that list. I barely checked my shipment updates and the brass was here before I knew it. I was commenting to my wife that I was looking for a package from you all and she pointed to the breakfast bar and said it came two days prior. This will be first of more brass orders from here!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Customer Service

Tom Blackman
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Date Posted: 14:00:39 08/27/09 Thu

Its a pleasure writing notes such as this. Ive spent my career in the luxury hotel & resort business and can tell you from experience that repeat business comes from quality customer service. There are lots of luxury resorts; there are lots of people who sell reloading components. All else being relatively equal, service quality will identify and push forth the industry leader. Im delighted to know that you at Scharch are people who strive for the same level of service that we try so hard to provide. Many thanks for a quality product and outstanding service.

Best regards,


[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: M1 Carbine

peter johnsosn (Join the army)
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 09:23:10 08/25/09 Tue

>Google CMP. Go to there website they have all the info
>you should need to find exactly what your looking for
>Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase an M1
>>Carbine? My grandfather says it is the best rifle ever
>>made!! He was in WW11,and I would like to present it
>>to him,as he is getting older! At this time in his
>>life,that is all he talks about!! He says it saved his
>>life many times! No one knows what it looks like and
>>if he has the actual rifle to show them it would
>>help!! Thanks,Ed

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: M1 Carbine

Dan Lanotte
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:00:42 08/20/09 Thu

Go to http://www.thecmp.org and click on the "Sales" tab on the right side of the page. That will take you to the sales page. M1 Carbine is listed for sale. Click on "M1 Carbine" to see what is available. Ordering instructions are on this website.
>Google CMP. Go to there website they have all the info
>you should need to find exactly what your looking for
>Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase an M1
>>Carbine? My grandfather says it is the best rifle ever
>>made!! He was in WW11,and I would like to present it
>>to him,as he is getting older! At this time in his
>>life,that is all he talks about!! He says it saved his
>>life many times! No one knows what it looks like and
>>if he has the actual rifle to show them it would
>>help!! Thanks,Ed

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Kudos

Chris Fessler
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Date Posted: 08:33:37 07/23/09 Thu

Kay - your team scores again - both in June and this month I ordered brass and you exceeded all my expectations for rapid product processing, delivery and communication.

Thank you very much - I wish all vendors were as good as Top Brass. Not only is your product great but your prices are reasonable too.

Best wishes on the rest of the year.

Chris Fessler
Saltys Sports
Evanston WY 82930

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: M1 Carbine

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 14:54:32 07/22/09 Wed

Google CMP. Go to there website they have all the info you should need to find exactly what your looking for


Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase an M1
>Carbine? My grandfather says it is the best rifle ever
>made!! He was in WW11,and I would like to present it
>to him,as he is getting older! At this time in his
>life,that is all he talks about!! He says it saved his
>life many times! No one knows what it looks like and
>if he has the actual rifle to show them it would
>help!! Thanks,Ed

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Headspace (case)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 17:27:26 07/17/09 Fri

I purchased 1000 rds 223 late last year (2008). Took awhile to get it but I sampled about 50 rnds when it arrived and all of them passed my Wilson case gauge. I still sample when loading a batch and I have never had a piece not pass the Wilson.


>Well Pete if you ever use their brass let me know how
>you like it. I will do the same. After I measure it.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:57:24 07/09/09 Thu


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Subject: OOP"S

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:57:31 07/07/09 Tue


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Subject: Re: BRASS SALES

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:10:38 07/07/09 Tue


[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: BRASS SALES

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Date Posted: 19:10:13 07/07/09 Tue


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Subject: Re: BRASS SALES

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Date Posted: 19:09:52 07/07/09 Tue


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[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:07:54 07/07/09 Tue


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Subject: M1 Carbine

Bud (Looking to buy!)
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Date Posted: 02:43:33 07/04/09 Sat

Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase an M1 Carbine? My grandfather says it is the best rifle ever made!! He was in WW11,and I would like to present it to him,as he is getting older! At this time in his life,that is all he talks about!! He says it saved his life many times! No one knows what it looks like and if he has the actual rifle to show them it would help!! Thanks,Ed

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Subject: Product Pride

Cecil Couch
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Date Posted: 08:53:03 06/29/09 Mon

I received my order of once fired, processed and primed .223 Mil brass yesterday. Once again, the pride in your product is readily apparent. The consistent precision and high quality of your product shows both pride and professionalism, and will ensure repeat business again and again. The delivery was even sooner than expected, and a quick eye and finger inspection immediately confirmed the superior product quality that I knew would be there. The pride in your organization shows in your products and should easily and quickly instill trust and confidence in your customers. Your employees are a credit to your organization. Thank you for another exceptionally pleasant transaction. Have a wonderful day!

Cecil Couch

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Subject: Headspace (case)

Dean Hendrickson
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Date Posted: 11:25:28 06/28/09 Sun

Well Pete if you ever use their brass let me know how you like it. I will do the same. After I measure it. hehe

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Pete J.
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:11:46 06/26/09 Fri

>>>>On full-length resized ammo, "head space"
>>>>is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a
>>>>headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used
>>>>resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance).
>>>>specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing
>>>>typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size".
>>>>factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle,
>>>>full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI
>>>>speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies
>>>>differently but all within the "TOLERANCE"
>>>>Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S.
>>>>Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that
>>>>there is excessive misinformation and needless
>>>>concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or
>>>>manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized
>>>>brass will function no differently than NEW brass.
>>>>(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>>>skill of the folks here?)
>>>>I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again
>>>>>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>>>>>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for
>>>>>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson
>>>>>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet
>>>>>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this
>>>>>If you are a reloader this is important. This is
>>>>>only question that so far has kept me from
>>>>>think it a great thing to knock off most of the
>>>>>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but
>>>>>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean
>>>No. I am not questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>>the skill of the folks. I am simply asking whether or
>>>not anyone here has measured any of the cases sent to
>>>them with any of the case gages available to
>>>reloaders. I just want to know if they bump the
>>>shoulder back to new case dimensions or min. sammi
>>>specs. Which is usually .003 - .004" short of most in
>>>spec chambers so there is no "out of battery" issues
>>>with some semi autos. Simple question easily
>>>Case gages can also be verified for accuracy with
>>>"new" ammo. No, not just one but from different mfgs.
>>>and they are usually fairly close. The question has
>>>been here on the message board for a long time. All
>>>scharch would have to do is tell me if they use min
>>>sammi or not.
>>>Don't you check your cases for headspace? Your
>>>headspace measurement "irrelevant" concerns me in as
>>>much as you shooting reloaded and resized ammo in
>>>rifle that you don't even know if the HS is correct,
>>>if you did you wouldn't be asking me what my motives
>>>are. My motive should be obvious to you and anyone
>>>reading this or my other two posts. It's called
>>>safety. There may not be an issue with the rifle but
>>>there surely could be an issue with cases HS too much
>>>or not enough. And if you shoot a semi auto service
>>>rifle it is essential. This is common everyday stuff
>>>for those of us that shoot service rifle in matches.
>>READ General Hatchers book (which I mentioned in my
>>first post). He was chief of ordinance for the army
>>for many years. He gives a phenomenal detailed account
>>of every 03 rifle failure since the adoption of the
>>weapon for U.S. Army. He devotes an entire chapter to
>>headspace and the misinformation currently
>>circulating, and he even suggests where and why this
>>misinformation has taken hold and why even good, and
>>knowledgeable gunsmiths perpetuate it. I understand
>>and commend your adherence to safe reloading and
>>shooting practices; the actual meaning of your
>>original question still eludes me though. If you
>>accept full length resizing as an acceptable method of
>>reconditioning brass for reloading, and you accept the
>>skill and equipment used, and the probability that in
>>todays litigious environment only accepted practices
>>would be utilized by someone in business of
>>reconditioning and providing to the public a product
>>used in ammunition remanufacturing, buy a small
>>quantity of their product, and evaluate them to
>>whatever standard you feel is necessary. I am
>>surprised you would take a strangers word on the
>>results they obtained, (in evaluating their purchased
>>brass) if you question the quality control of the
>Pete. I actually talked to Kay and Dan. Kay was
>supposed to send me a few sample rounds. Dan asked me
>if I have a headspace tool to check the accuracy of my
>precision mics. I said I don't. He mentioned a few
>places where I might purchase them. Seems to me that
>checking various unfired factory rounds would
>accomplish the same. But I don't understand why the
>meaning of my original question still eludes you?
>Don't you set the shoulder back when you run your
>brass through the sizing die? If you do, what do you
>set it to? Do you even own a precision case mic or
>wilson case gage? Why or why not? I don't have
>Hatchers notebook but it sounds like a worthwhile
>read. But Pete, why don't you enlighten the rest of us
>on the "misinformation" of headspace. After all this
>typing I think its the least you could do. What is the
>misinformation regarding headspace you keep typing
>about? Don't just tell me to read Hatchers notebook,
>tell us please. BTW I shoot M1's,M1A's and ARs, not an
>03. Bolts can be a bit more forgiving especially if
>the round is alittle tight. You seem to have a burr
>under your saddle about me even asking this question.
>Once again. Hopefully for the last time. I AM NOT
>Whats up with that? I simply want to know what they
>bump the shoulder back to when they resize. Have you
>used their brass before Pete? If so did you check any
>of the cases? If not why not? If so why? Do you shoot
>their brass in a service rifle, bolt gun or
>sporting/hunting rifle? I you haven't used their brass
>never mind these questions.

1) No burr under any saddle I know of. Nevertheless, I can see where this exchange could become misunderstood and unpleasant.
2) Hatchers notebook is a wonderful read for firearm/shooting enthusiasts. The guy even managed the U.S. Army shooting team, and developed some aspects of match ammo.
3) I have not used any of these folks brass: I was looking to expand my sources when I found the message board. From others comments Ive read, I will use their brass the next time Im in the market. (At this point in time, I am O.K. for Brass, and components)
4) I now understand your question. I believe anyone selling brass for reloading, and claiming it was resized, would move the shoulder to minimum cartridge dimensions specified by SAMMI. Whatever that number happens to be. (This would put them on the small side of NATO specs). It seems you needed a more specific dimension than minimum SAMMI. (A point I missed twice.)
5) As far as explanations, General Hatcher does a much better job than I can on headspace, (Chapter 10 in the book). I believe my interpretation can be summarized (for rimless cartridges) as the distance between the closed breech face, and a reference point where a specified diameter occurs on the shoulder cone of the chamber. (According to Hatcher, the M1 Garand has a tight .002 inch tolerance on this dimension as opposed to the typical .004 inches in service bolt actions). The difference in forward velocity, and therefore force, of the bolt on your M1, or M1A, when chambering the first cartridge and overcoming its resistance caused by the friction of the spring of a full magazine, and the reduced resistance offered by the last cartridge in the magazine could probably deform the last cartridge by the .002 previously mentioned. (But I can hardly do justice in six sentences to what General Hatcher says in 600+ pages.)
6) My confusion occurred when you used the term headspace (a CHAMBER dimension) when referring to a cartridge case.

Hope you find what you are looking for, and best of success in your future endeavors.

Pete J.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Pete J.
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 20:47:44 06/26/09 Fri

>>>>On full-length resized ammo, "head space"
>>>>is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a
>>>>headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used
>>>>resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance).
>>>>specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing
>>>>typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size".
>>>>factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle,
>>>>full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI
>>>>speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies
>>>>differently but all within the "TOLERANCE"
>>>>Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S.
>>>>Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that
>>>>there is excessive misinformation and needless
>>>>concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or
>>>>manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized
>>>>brass will function no differently than NEW brass.
>>>>(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>>>skill of the folks here?)
>>>>I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again
>>>>>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>>>>>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for
>>>>>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson
>>>>>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet
>>>>>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this
>>>>>If you are a reloader this is important. This is
>>>>>only question that so far has kept me from
>>>>>think it a great thing to knock off most of the
>>>>>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but
>>>>>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean
>>>No. I am not questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>>the skill of the folks. I am simply asking whether or
>>>not anyone here has measured any of the cases sent to
>>>them with any of the case gages available to
>>>reloaders. I just want to know if they bump the
>>>shoulder back to new case dimensions or min. sammi
>>>specs. Which is usually .003 - .004" short of most in
>>>spec chambers so there is no "out of battery" issues
>>>with some semi autos. Simple question easily
>>>Case gages can also be verified for accuracy with
>>>"new" ammo. No, not just one but from different mfgs.
>>>and they are usually fairly close. The question has
>>>been here on the message board for a long time. All
>>>scharch would have to do is tell me if they use min
>>>sammi or not.
>>>Don't you check your cases for headspace? Your
>>>headspace measurement "irrelevant" concerns me in as
>>>much as you shooting reloaded and resized ammo in
>>>rifle that you don't even know if the HS is correct,
>>>if you did you wouldn't be asking me what my motives
>>>are. My motive should be obvious to you and anyone
>>>reading this or my other two posts. It's called
>>>safety. There may not be an issue with the rifle but
>>>there surely could be an issue with cases HS too much
>>>or not enough. And if you shoot a semi auto service
>>>rifle it is essential. This is common everyday stuff
>>>for those of us that shoot service rifle in matches.
>>READ General Hatchers book (which I mentioned in my
>>first post). He was chief of ordinance for the army
>>for many years. He gives a phenomenal detailed account
>>of every 03 rifle failure since the adoption of the
>>weapon for U.S. Army. He devotes an entire chapter to
>>headspace and the misinformation currently
>>circulating, and he even suggests where and why this
>>misinformation has taken hold and why even good, and
>>knowledgeable gunsmiths perpetuate it. I understand
>>and commend your adherence to safe reloading and
>>shooting practices; the actual meaning of your
>>original question still eludes me though. If you
>>accept full length resizing as an acceptable method of
>>reconditioning brass for reloading, and you accept the
>>skill and equipment used, and the probability that in
>>todays litigious environment only accepted practices
>>would be utilized by someone in business of
>>reconditioning and providing to the public a product
>>used in ammunition remanufacturing, buy a small
>>quantity of their product, and evaluate them to
>>whatever standard you feel is necessary. I am
>>surprised you would take a strangers word on the
>>results they obtained, (in evaluating their purchased
>>brass) if you question the quality control of the
>Pete. I actually talked to Kay and Dan. Kay was
>supposed to send me a few sample rounds. Dan asked me
>if I have a headspace tool to check the accuracy of my
>precision mics. I said I don't. He mentioned a few
>places where I might purchase them. Seems to me that
>checking various unfired factory rounds would
>accomplish the same. But I don't understand why the
>meaning of my original question still eludes you?
>Don't you set the shoulder back when you run your
>brass through the sizing die? If you do, what do you
>set it to? Do you even own a precision case mic or
>wilson case gage? Why or why not? I don't have
>Hatchers notebook but it sounds like a worthwhile
>read. But Pete, why don't you enlighten the rest of us
>on the "misinformation" of headspace. After all this
>typing I think its the least you could do. What is the
>misinformation regarding headspace you keep typing
>about? Don't just tell me to read Hatchers notebook,
>tell us please. BTW I shoot M1's,M1A's and ARs, not an
>03. Bolts can be a bit more forgiving especially if
>the round is alittle tight. You seem to have a burr
>under your saddle about me even asking this question.
>Once again. Hopefully for the last time. I AM NOT
>Whats up with that? I simply want to know what they
>bump the shoulder back to when they resize. Have you
>used their brass before Pete? If so did you check any
>of the cases? If not why not? If so why? Do you shoot
>their brass in a service rifle, bolt gun or
>sporting/hunting rifle? I you haven't used their brass
>never mind these questions.


1) No burr under any saddle I know of. Nevertheless, I can see where this exchange could become misunderstood and unpleasant.
2) Hatcher's notebook is a wonderful read for firearm/shooting enthusiasts. The guy even managed the U.S. Army shooting team, and developed some aspects of match ammo.
3) I have not used any of these folks brass: I was looking to expand my sources when I found the message board. From others comments Ive read, I will use their brass the next time Im in the market. (At this point in time, I am O.K. for Brass, and components)
4) I now understand your question. I believe anyone selling brass for reloading, and claiming it was resized, would move the shoulder to minimum cartridge dimensions specified by SAMMI. Whatever that number happens to be. (This would put them on the small side of NATO specs). It seems you needed a more specific dimension than minimum SAMMI. (A point I missed twice.)
5) As far as explanations, General Hatcher does a much better job than I can on headspace, (Chapter 10 in the book). I believe my interpretation can be summarized (for rimless cartridges) as the distance between the closed breech face, and a reference point where a specified diameter occurs on the shoulder cone of the chamber. (According to Hatcher, the M1 Garand has a tight .002 inch tolerance on this dimension as opposed to the typical .004 inches in service bolt actions). The difference in forward velocity, and therefore force, of the bolt on your M1, or M1A, when chambering the first cartridge and overcoming its resistance caused by the friction of the spring of a full magazine, and the reduced resistance offered by the last cartridge in the magazine could probably deform the last cartridge by the .002 previously mentioned. (But I can hardly do justice in six sentences to what General Hatcher says in 600+ pages.)

Hope you find what you are looking for, and best of success in your future endeavors.

Pete J.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Dean Hendrickson (???)
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:18:57 06/26/09 Fri

>>>On full-length resized ammo, "head space" measurement
>>>is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a
>>>headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used
>>>resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance).
>>>specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing
>>>typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size". If
>>>factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle,
>>>full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI
>>>speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies size
>>>differently but all within the "TOLERANCE"
>>>Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S.
>>>Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that
>>>there is excessive misinformation and needless
>>>concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or
>>>manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized
>>>brass will function no differently than NEW brass.
>>>(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>>skill of the folks here?)
>>>I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again
>>>>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>>>>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for
>>>>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige
>>>>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet
>>>>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this
>>>>If you are a reloader this is important. This is the
>>>>only question that so far has kept me from ordering.
>>>>think it a great thing to knock off most of the work
>>>>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but
>>>>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean
>>No. I am not questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>the skill of the folks. I am simply asking whether or
>>not anyone here has measured any of the cases sent to
>>them with any of the case gages available to
>>reloaders. I just want to know if they bump the
>>shoulder back to new case dimensions or min. sammi
>>specs. Which is usually .003 - .004" short of most in
>>spec chambers so there is no "out of battery" issues
>>with some semi autos. Simple question easily answered.
>>Case gages can also be verified for accuracy with
>>"new" ammo. No, not just one but from different mfgs.
>>and they are usually fairly close. The question has
>>been here on the message board for a long time. All
>>scharch would have to do is tell me if they use min
>>sammi or not.
>>Don't you check your cases for headspace? Your calling
>>headspace measurement "irrelevant" concerns me in as
>>much as you shooting reloaded and resized ammo in your
>>rifle that you don't even know if the HS is correct,
>>if you did you wouldn't be asking me what my motives
>>are. My motive should be obvious to you and anyone
>>reading this or my other two posts. It's called
>>safety. There may not be an issue with the rifle but
>>there surely could be an issue with cases HS too much
>>or not enough. And if you shoot a semi auto service
>>rifle it is essential. This is common everyday stuff
>>for those of us that shoot service rifle in matches.
>READ General Hatchers book (which I mentioned in my
>first post). He was chief of ordinance for the army
>for many years. He gives a phenomenal detailed account
>of every 03 rifle failure since the adoption of the
>weapon for U.S. Army. He devotes an entire chapter to
>headspace and the misinformation currently
>circulating, and he even suggests where and why this
>misinformation has taken hold and why even good, and
>knowledgeable gunsmiths perpetuate it. I understand
>and commend your adherence to safe reloading and
>shooting practices; the actual meaning of your
>original question still eludes me though. If you
>accept full length resizing as an acceptable method of
>reconditioning brass for reloading, and you accept the
>skill and equipment used, and the probability that in
>todays litigious environment only accepted practices
>would be utilized by someone in business of
>reconditioning and providing to the public a product
>used in ammunition remanufacturing, buy a small
>quantity of their product, and evaluate them to
>whatever standard you feel is necessary. I am
>surprised you would take a strangers word on the
>results they obtained, (in evaluating their purchased
>brass) if you question the quality control of the
Pete. I actually talked to Kay and Dan. Kay was supposed to send me a few sample rounds. Dan asked me if I have a headspace tool to check the accuracy of my precision mics. I said I don't. He mentioned a few places where I might purchase them. Seems to me that checking various unfired factory rounds would accomplish the same. But I don't understand why the meaning of my original question still eludes you? Don't you set the shoulder back when you run your brass through the sizing die? If you do, what do you set it to? Do you even own a precision case mic or wilson case gage? Why or why not? I don't have Hatchers notebook but it sounds like a worthwhile read. But Pete, why don't you enlighten the rest of us on the "misinformation" of headspace. After all this typing I think its the least you could do. What is the misinformation regarding headspace you keep typing about? Don't just tell me to read Hatchers notebook, tell us please. BTW I shoot M1's,M1A's and ARs, not an 03. Bolts can be a bit more forgiving especially if the round is alittle tight. You seem to have a burr under your saddle about me even asking this question. Once again. Hopefully for the last time. I AM NOT QUESTIONING ANYONE'S PRACTICES, SKILL OR EQUIPMENT. Whats up with that? I simply want to know what they bump the shoulder back to when they resize. Have you used their brass before Pete? If so did you check any of the cases? If not why not? If so why? Do you shoot their brass in a service rifle, bolt gun or sporting/hunting rifle? I you haven't used their brass never mind these questions.

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Pete J.
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:42:00 06/26/09 Fri

>>On full-length resized ammo, "head space" measurement
>>is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a
>>headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used to
>>resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance). SAMMI
>>specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing die
>>typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size". If
>>factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle,
>>full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI
>>speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies size
>>differently but all within the "TOLERANCE" specified.)
>>Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S.
>>Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that
>>there is excessive misinformation and needless
>>concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or
>>manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized
>>brass will function no differently than NEW brass.
>>(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or
>>skill of the folks here?)
>>I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again in
>>>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>>>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for
>>>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige
>>>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet seen
>>>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this
>>>If you are a reloader this is important. This is the
>>>only question that so far has kept me from ordering.
>>>think it a great thing to knock off most of the work
>>>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but
>>>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean
>No. I am not questioning the machinery, technique, or
>the skill of the folks. I am simply asking whether or
>not anyone here has measured any of the cases sent to
>them with any of the case gages available to
>reloaders. I just want to know if they bump the
>shoulder back to new case dimensions or min. sammi
>specs. Which is usually .003 - .004" short of most in
>spec chambers so there is no "out of battery" issues
>with some semi autos. Simple question easily answered.
>Case gages can also be verified for accuracy with
>"new" ammo. No, not just one but from different mfgs.
>and they are usually fairly close. The question has
>been here on the message board for a long time. All
>scharch would have to do is tell me if they use min
>sammi or not.
>Don't you check your cases for headspace? Your calling
>headspace measurement "irrelevant" concerns me in as
>much as you shooting reloaded and resized ammo in your
>rifle that you don't even know if the HS is correct,
>if you did you wouldn't be asking me what my motives
>are. My motive should be obvious to you and anyone
>reading this or my other two posts. It's called
>safety. There may not be an issue with the rifle but
>there surely could be an issue with cases HS too much
>or not enough. And if you shoot a semi auto service
>rifle it is essential. This is common everyday stuff
>for those of us that shoot service rifle in matches.


READ General Hatchers book (which I mentioned in my first post). He was chief of ordinance for the army for many years. He gives a phenomenal detailed account of every 03 rifle failure since the adoption of the weapon for U.S. Army. He devotes an entire chapter to headspace and the misinformation currently circulating, and he even suggests where and why this misinformation has taken hold and why even good, and knowledgeable gunsmiths perpetuate it. I understand and commend your adherence to safe reloading and shooting practices; the actual meaning of your original question still eludes me though. If you accept full length resizing as an acceptable method of reconditioning brass for reloading, and you accept the skill and equipment used, and the probability that in todays litigious environment only accepted practices would be utilized by someone in business of reconditioning and providing to the public a product used in ammunition remanufacturing, buy a small quantity of their product, and evaluate them to whatever standard you feel is necessary. I am surprised you would take a strangers word on the results they obtained, (in evaluating their purchased brass) if you question the quality control of the re-manufacturer.


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Date Posted: 15:31:48 06/22/09 Mon



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Subject: Re: ak 47

ralph polston
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Date Posted: 17:45:53 06/21/09 Sun

>new to the world of ak 47 , need to know is 5.56 mm
>same ammo as 223 ??? and can other round be fired by
>ak 47 . looking at a smith and wession ak 47 . so got
>to start some were . thanks ralph polston

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Re: .223 AMMO AND SUCH

Ken Whitley
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Date Posted: 10:32:09 06/21/09 Sun

How much brass and bullets do you have? Price? Shipping to zip 76904?

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Subject: ak 47

ralph polston (info)
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Date Posted: 15:40:47 06/20/09 Sat

new to the world of ak 47 , need to know is 5.56 mm same ammo as 223 ??? and can other round be fired by ak 47 . looking at a smith and wession ak 47 . so got to start some were . thanks ralph polston

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Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Dean Hendrickson
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Date Posted: 15:41:30 06/19/09 Fri

>On full-length resized ammo, "head space" measurement
>is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a
>headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used to
>resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance). SAMMI
>specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing die
>typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size". If
>factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle,
>full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI
>speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies size
>differently but all within the "TOLERANCE" specified.)
>Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S.
>Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that
>there is excessive misinformation and needless
>concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or
>manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized
>brass will function no differently than NEW brass.
>(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or
>skill of the folks here?)
>I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again in
>>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for proper
>>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige
>>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet seen
>>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this question.
>>If you are a reloader this is important. This is the
>>only question that so far has kept me from ordering. I
>>think it a great thing to knock off most of the work
>>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but head
>>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean

No. I am not questioning the machinery, technique, or the skill of the folks. I am simply asking whether or not anyone here has measured any of the cases sent to them with any of the case gages available to reloaders. I just want to know if they bump the shoulder back to new case dimensions or min. sammi specs. Which is usually .003 - .004" short of most in spec chambers so there is no "out of battery" issues with some semi autos. Simple question easily answered. Case gages can also be verified for accuracy with "new" ammo. No, not just one but from different mfgs. and they are usually fairly close. The question has been here on the message board for a long time. All scharch would have to do is tell me if they use min sammi or not.
Don't you check your cases for headspace? Your calling headspace measurement "irrelevant" concerns me in as much as you shooting reloaded and resized ammo in your rifle that you don't even know if the HS is correct, if you did you wouldn't be asking me what my motives are. My motive should be obvious to you and anyone reading this or my other two posts. It's called safety. There may not be an issue with the rifle but there surely could be an issue with cases HS too much or not enough. And if you shoot a semi auto service rifle it is essential. This is common everyday stuff for those of us that shoot service rifle in matches. Dean

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Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Pete J.
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Date Posted: 07:48:18 06/18/09 Thu

On full-length resized ammo, "head space" measurement is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used to resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance). SAMMI specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing die typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size". If factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle, full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI speck) shouldnt either. (Different factory dies size differently but all within the "TOLERANCE" specified.) Buy and READ "Hatchers Notebook" by Julian S. Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that there is excessive misinformation and needless concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized brass will function no differently than NEW brass.

(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or skill of the folks here?)

I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again in
>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for proper
>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige
>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet seen
>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this question.
>If you are a reloader this is important. This is the
>only question that so far has kept me from ordering. I
>think it a great thing to knock off most of the work
>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but head
>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean

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Subject: Kudo'S

Bruce Wertz
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Date Posted: 11:12:33 06/17/09 Wed

Dan & Kay,

I am a first time user of Scharch Mfg Inc products (see my order info below), and in today's world most people, including myself, are quick to complain if something is wrong with a product or a service, but very few are quick to compliment a person or an organization on a good product and/or exemplary service. This email is about the latter.

I know nothing about the reloading business but my brother (shipped to info) is truly an expert in the field. He even hand makes lead bullets and custom loads match competition ammo for the older "western" guns and rifles (he's not happy until his groupings of 5 fit in a quarter size or less at 100 yards with a western rifle).

Tom just took receipt of the UPS package the other day (and yes it was delivered to his P.O. Box - most firms don't know the US Postal Service allows this) and spent almost 2 hours inspecting and testing the specs on your once fired, primered .223 brass. In a nutshell, Tom said your brass was the best he had ever seen, and coming from that Vietnam era sniper, that's one hell of a compliment because he rarely gives them out.

I want to add a compliment of my own. Personally, I appreciate how you stated you did not have product on hand but would ship upon its receipt (in 6-8 weeks) if I placed an order secured by a credit card; and you would not make a charge against my card until the product was shipped. It's refreshing to do business with an ethical firm that lives up to its stated promises online - Thank you! Your customer service rep even contacted me to confirm shipping info, which in and of itself would have allowed me to cancel the order if I had so chosen -- again a trait rarely found in today's business world.

So from the Wertz brothers to you, keep providing this kind of quality and service, and we'll keep buying from you, and we'll be happy to refer people to you whenever the occasion arises.

Kindest Regards,

Bruce Wertz
Hurst, Texas

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Subject: Re: 35mm AMMO????

Gene Gilbert
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Date Posted: 13:11:08 06/16/09 Tue

>Try Huntington's in Oro Ville, California or Black Hills Ammunition in Rapid City, SD.

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Subject: Re: 35mm AMMO????

Nicole Webster
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Date Posted: 07:36:52 06/15/09 Mon

hi Sarah,

We jsut started offering Lions Cartridge Loaded ammo. However we do not offer that caliber. I am sorry your having trouble finding some. I wish I knew where i could send you.

Good luck
Nicole Webster

>Hi all just bought a brand new 35mm, wanted to go to
>classes and get trained on how to take care of and use
>the gun... etc (its my first hand gun)..anyway... NO
>WHERE has ammo for it, not at Dick's, Walmart, Bass
>Pro etc... anyone know where I can buy it??? I can't
>even buy it on this site only cases for ammo...no
>ammo? HELP!!!!!

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Subject: 35mm AMMO????

Sarah (UPSET!!!)
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Date Posted: 14:13:32 06/14/09 Sun

Hi all just bought a brand new 35mm, wanted to go to classes and get trained on how to take care of and use the gun... etc (its my first hand gun)..anyway... NO WHERE has ammo for it, not at Dick's, Walmart, Bass Pro etc... anyone know where I can buy it??? I can't even buy it on this site only cases for ammo...no ammo? HELP!!!!!

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Subject: Re: walmart ammo

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Date Posted: 18:43:25 06/13/09 Sat

Did you vote for him? No Powder, no brass, no primers.

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Subject: walmart ammo

sgtlewis bond (DAV)
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Date Posted: 12:50:06 06/13/09 Sat

I'm sure someone already knows,plese help me understand,i just came home,i'm a DAV. why is all the walmarts here in the atlanta,ga area out of pistol ammo,.40,9mm and so on. is walmart stopping the sell of ammo? lewis

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Subject: 223 preprimed

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Date Posted: 19:39:53 06/12/09 Fri

Just,recieved my order of the 223 pre primed brass.Absolutely THRILLED!!!great quality brass,it was better than expected.Just ordered another 1,000.GREAT COMPANY!!KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK>

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Subject: .308 Brass

Edward Martin (Very Happy)
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Date Posted: 12:00:55 06/08/09 Mon

Just received 2000 .308 processed brass from Kay Scharch Mfg.

It is BEAUTIFUL !! Better than expectations.

It makes me proud to see such quality and from an American company.

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Subject: Kudos from a Satisfied Customer

Cecil Couch (Happy)
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Date Posted: 06:23:44 06/04/09 Thu

Good afternoon and Happy Memorial Day! I recently received the order indicated below and since this was my first order with you, I didn't really know what to expect. When I opened it and inspected the brass (Mil once fired 223, processed, unprimed), I got a terrific and extremely pleasant surprise. I have never seen a better looking lot (1,000) of used brass. I have loaded several thousand of them over the past 15 or 20 years, but have never seen this type of quality. The cases were in remarkable condition. I checked several of them with my calipers, and couldn't believe how true and consistent they were. Every one was trimmed to the exact same thousandth of an inch (1.750). The condition of the necks and case mouths equaled or exceeded some new brass that I have used. I just finished priming them using an RCBS APS Hand Priming tool and I was again pleasantly surprised. The primer crimps had been removed to an exact tolerance and they primed just great. In short, I am tickled pink with my purchase. So much so, in fact, that I subsequently ordered another thousand (primed, this time) and am eagerly looking forward to receiving them.

Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for the professionalism and effort you put into the product you sell. This will undoubtedly not be my last order.


Mr. Cecil Couch

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Subject: Re: gun show in utah

Lt Jamer Arr
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Date Posted: 12:45:08 05/30/09 Sat

>>****this was very difficult to read.....you need spacing and caps...very difficult to understand what you are sayingexpo
>>center,in sandy utah. they have a history of good
>>vendors and a packed house. i have been to many stores
>>in our area looking for 8mm, with no luck in finding
>>any.at the gun show we asked every vendor if they had
>>any 8mm with no luck. we finally found some reloads
>>8mm they hand one case left. we were excited to find
>>it that we did not check things to make sure every
>>thing was ok. well to cut this short none of the
>>shells were checked and non of them fired. it was not
>>a problem with the gun we went and bought some 8mm
>>from a store, everything was great,it is a sad day
>>that we are starting to get scrupules dealers at our
>>shows that will sell anything to make a buck. i am a
>>disabled indiviual and as many of you have found out
>>you don't make it to far on the money. i was a public
>>school teacher after being at fort polk la. i then
>>went to collage had some problems adapting to the
>>changes, suffered from PTSD Depreesion,and other
>>problems, my sons after many years have been able to
>>get me outdoors for shooting and fishing. when i was
>>in walmart any quality rounds were 25-30 dollars a box
>>and really only shot gun shells is all they had,what
>>is happening. mike wylie if you no how i could get
>>some broken guns to work on i could really use them i
>>need to find some to work on before i want to work on
>>someone elses,I have never seen a person speak out of
>>the side of his mouth as o' bama does.how are things
>>looking for those of us that are sports enthuseast?
>>have a good one.

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Subject: Available today!...

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:39:52 05/30/09 Sat

I have two belts ammo and links...looks like 7.62mm
m060 belts...two different types of blanks 86 rounds
each belt...one belts has crimped end the other belt is not,and looks like the primer has been fired.
The one belt has intact primer the other does not.
anyone know the prices of ammo belts?
702 373 5062...also will trade for junk gold, silver
or what have you........702 373 5062
email available when you call...I just don't want my
name and address out there right now.

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Subject: Headspace (again)

Dean Hendrickson
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Date Posted: 13:21:59 05/29/09 Fri

I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again in a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for proper head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet seen a post mentioning this or anyone asking this question. If you are a reloader this is important. This is the only question that so far has kept me from ordering. I think it a great thing to knock off most of the work involved in processing brass. Not trim length but head space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean

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Subject: Re: .223 AMMO AND SUCH

Jim Leong AR15jim@att.net
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Date Posted: 09:27:32 05/29/09 Fri

how much are you asking for this?
and what are the details of what you have?
please email me the info.
Thanks, that is if it is still available.

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Subject: Re: Ammunition

Bighorn - Montana
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Date Posted: 13:09:33 05/24/09 Sun

>I am looking for 25-20 caliber ammunition. I inherited
>an old Marlin lever action rifle from my grandfather.
>Can you help me?

Try - Old Western Scrounger

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Subject: Re: .223 AMMO AND SUCH

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Date Posted: 13:03:20 05/24/09 Sun

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Subject: .223 AMMO AND SUCH

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Date Posted: 09:22:33 05/19/09 Tue


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Subject: Ammunition

George R. Luttge (Anxious)
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Date Posted: 12:17:51 05/17/09 Sun

I am looking for 25-20 caliber ammunition. I inherited an old Marlin lever action rifle from my grandfather. Can you help me?

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Subject: Re: military primers

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Date Posted: 15:30:38 05/15/09 Fri

Bob you can buy a primer pocket swager, Or use a case mouth deburr tool. Careful not to cut to deep just chamfer the ring out. Hope this helps.

>>The three dimples that hold the mil. primer is no
>>problem, but how do you get rid of the ring around
>>primer, type?

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Subject: Re: military primers

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 07:54:13 05/06/09 Wed

>The three dimples that hold the mil. primer is no
>problem, but how do you get rid of the ring around
>primer, type?

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Subject: military primers

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Date Posted: 07:51:22 05/06/09 Wed

The three dimples that hol the mil. primer is no problem, but how do you grt rid of the ring around primer type?

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Subject: Re: FC .223 Brass

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Date Posted: 18:14:05 04/24/09 Fri

>Hi, what I want to know is there a hazmat fee for
>shipping the .223 primed brass? Thanks.....coral

I just ordered some .223 primed brass and was only charged shipping not hazmat... doesn't make sense cause you would be charged hazmat for just primers but you need to consider it's a gov reg so it does not have to make sense.

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Subject: Re: FC .223 Brass

coral bordelon
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Date Posted: 18:49:50 04/21/09 Tue

Hi, what I want to know is there a hazmat fee for shipping the .223 primed brass? Thanks.....coral

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Subject: Re: FC .223 Brass

coral bordelon
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Date Posted: 18:47:50 04/21/09 Tue

>Hi Jim,
>We only purchase our 5.56 brass from the US
>Government. It is collected from different US Bases
>here in the 50 states WCC and FC brass comes in the
>mix. It is loaded to the 5.56mm Nato Spec under
>contract for the US Government.
>It is fired by our troops in M-16's. It has certainly
>survived the first firing and most likely will survive
>the second firing, After that I'm never sure about any
>The Percentage of WCC and Fc is very low and most of
>the time we mostly see LC, but the WCC and FC is
>present from time to time and we need to advertise it
>that way. We do not sort head stamps for anyone. We
>Sell a lot of brass and have not had problems to this
>point with FC.
>Thank You and Best Luck
>Dan Scharch

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Subject: Re: equipment for de-capping military primers

Devin Noffsinger
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Date Posted: 20:36:21 04/18/09 Sat

>>>I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308,
>>>and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?
The best and strongest tool for de-capping GI brass is the LEE de-capping tool. You will find that it also happens to be the most inexpensive.

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Subject: Re: gun show in utah

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:34:06 04/16/09 Thu

>Recently i went to a gun show in the southtown expo
>center,in sandy utah. they have a history of good
>vendors and a packed house. i have been to many stores
>in our area looking for 8mm, with no luck in finding
>any.at the gun show we asked every vendor if they had
>any 8mm with no luck. we finally found some reloads
>8mm they hand one case left. we were excited to find
>it that we did not check things to make sure every
>thing was ok. well to cut this short none of the
>shells were checked and non of them fired. it was not
>a problem with the gun we went and bought some 8mm
>from a store, everything was great,it is a sad day
>that we are starting to get scrupules dealers at our
>shows that will sell anything to make a buck. i am a
>disabled indiviual and as many of you have found out
>you don't make it to far on the money. i was a public
>school teacher after being at fort polk la. i then
>went to collage had some problems adapting to the
>changes, suffered from PTSD Depreesion,and other
>problems, my sons after many years have been able to
>get me outdoors for shooting and fishing. when i was
>in walmart any quality rounds were 25-30 dollars a box
>and really only shot gun shells is all they had,what
>is happening. mike wylie if you no how i could get
>some broken guns to work on i could really use them i
>need to find some to work on before i want to work on
>someone elses,I have never seen a person speak out of
>the side of his mouth as o' bama does.how are things
>looking for those of us that are sports enthuseast?
>have a good one.

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Subject: Re: equipment for de-capping military primers

scotty e
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Date Posted: 19:27:57 04/16/09 Thu

>>I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308,
>>and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?
>Dillon Precision

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Subject: Re: 308, 30.06 brass

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Date Posted: 17:53:11 04/16/09 Thu

Interested in 308 brass...LC mil. if possible. Email me at knucklejim@sbcglobal.net

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Subject: Re: Large Rifle Primers

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:05:32 04/16/09 Thu

>Looking for primers, North Carolina is "OUT". cked
>buddies in Kentucky, South Carolina , Arizona,
>California, no one I know has any.
look at bass pro shops they carry small quanities or cabelas shipping is the problem though

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Subject: 9 mm Ammo

William (flawlessintime)
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Date Posted: 10:45:03 04/13/09 Mon

looking for 9 mm ammo in bulk. Northern California is almost out!

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Subject: Large Rifle Primers

Ron Dyer
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Date Posted: 13:07:47 04/12/09 Sun

Looking for primers, North Carolina is "OUT". cked buddies in Kentucky, South Carolina , Arizona, California, no one I know has any.

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Subject: Re: M 1 Carbine brass

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Date Posted: 11:31:12 04/11/09 Sat

>>bobby i will be cleaning out my shop this week i think i have 30's loaded don't shoot carbine anymore i think i have ammo and brass would be glad to sell or trade.Dave Where can a guy purchase M-1 carbine brass? Everyone
>>seems to be out. Our Gov't supplies to many of these
>>weapons to 2nd, 3rd world countries to have a
>>shortage. I have a 1943 vintage carbine. I enjoy
>>shooting it. However, box'd loaded ammo is to
>> Respectfully
> bobbycwoodshop@yahoo.com

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Subject: gun show in utah

james m wylie (poor reloads)
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Date Posted: 18:33:23 04/09/09 Thu

Recently i went to a gun show in the southtown expo center,in sandy utah. they have a history of good vendors and a packed house. i have been to many stores in our area looking for 8mm, with no luck in finding any.at the gun show we asked every vendor if they had any 8mm with no luck. we finally found some reloads 8mm they hand one case left. we were excited to find it that we did not check things to make sure every thing was ok. well to cut this short none of the shells were checked and non of them fired. it was not a problem with the gun we went and bought some 8mm from a store, everything was great,it is a sad day that we are starting to get scrupules dealers at our shows that will sell anything to make a buck. i am a disabled indiviual and as many of you have found out you don't make it to far on the money. i was a public school teacher after being at fort polk la. i then went to collage had some problems adapting to the changes, suffered from PTSD Depreesion,and other problems, my sons after many years have been able to get me outdoors for shooting and fishing. when i was in walmart any quality rounds were 25-30 dollars a box and really only shot gun shells is all they had,what is happening. mike wylie if you no how i could get some broken guns to work on i could really use them i need to find some to work on before i want to work on someone elses,I have never seen a person speak out of the side of his mouth as o' bama does.how are things looking for those of us that are sports enthuseast? have a good one.

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Subject: 308 brass

Mark (sad)
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Date Posted: 13:36:26 04/08/09 Wed

Sad to see price increase on 308 brass...was making 40 to 50 bucks per 1000....after shipping.The little man is cut out once again!I'll be back when "I" get a 17.5 % raise.

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Subject: Re: M 1 Carbine brass

Mike Brown (trust but verify)
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Date Posted: 22:06:11 03/27/09 Fri

>>check out the CMP in anniston alabama, just a short hop from here in atlanta, been getting LC '06 and carbine for years, well 06 anyway, carbine went back on sale in2006 when they started releasing the rifles again


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Subject: Re: 223 brass

Mike Brown (trust but verify)
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Date Posted: 22:01:12 03/27/09 Fri

>You dont net a class III stamp if the flash suppressor is 5 1/2" long and soldered and pinded to the barrel, have on from bushmaster i built many years ago, shoots great, but its loud!!
hope this helps

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Subject: Re: 308, 30.06 brass

larry stuart
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Date Posted: 17:54:55 03/20/09 Fri

send me your address, i dont have 3006 but have 270 same brass minus bullet size. i will send them to you,

>I am wanting to purchase only 10 of the 30-06 and 308
>>empty cartridges with NO primers. I want to use them
>>for a craft project and can't find them anywhere. Can
>>anyone help me?
> Email me at bcb43@hotmail.com and I'll be
>glad to send you some 30-06 brass and 308 brass.

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Subject: Re: 308, 30.06 brass

billy langridge
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Date Posted: 13:30:11 03/19/09 Thu

>I am wanting to purchase only 10 of the 30-06 and 308
>empty cartridges with NO primers. I want to use them
>for a craft project and can't find them anywhere. Can
>anyone help me?

Email me at bcb43@hotmail.com and I'll be glad to send you some 30-06 brass and 308 brass.

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Subject: D.O.D, DRMS Small Arms Ammo/Brass

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Date Posted: 18:44:42 03/17/09 Tue

So will brass sales begin again this week.

From: Cunningham, Mark (HQ DLA)
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:51 PM
To: Brian Blalock (Tester)
Cc: Glover, Rebecca (HQ DLA)
Subject: Small Arms Cartridge Cases
We received your March 17, 2009, letter on the recent reclassification of small arms cartridges. Please advise whether the information provided below will suffice in lieu of a written response which will contain the same information.
The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS), a field activity of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), is the Department of Defense (DOD) activity responsible for the disposition of excess and surplus DOD Property.
The primary focus of the DRMS mission is to protect national security by ensuring property is properly identified for reutilization and disposition and not released for public sale when to do so would jeopardize national security.
During the past two years, DRMS revised its processes to further ensure only appropriate items were made available for public sale. To strengthen current controls and to mitigate future security risk, the DOD issued policy that prohibits the sale of military unique items controlled by the Department of State through its Munitions List.
Small arms cartridge cases are identified as a sensitive Munitions List item and were held pending review of the policy relating to the category of items in which cartridge cases were included. Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale.
The DRMS sales contractor has been notified of this decision and has begun the process of reoffering the cases that have been held pending completion of the policy review. As was previously required, buyers who purchase cartridge cases from the government must be approved to do so under Trade Security Controls.
Mark Cunningham
Legislative Affairs
Defense Logistics Agency

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Subject: Re: 223 brass

Larry Brock
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Date Posted: 09:09:31 03/02/09 Mon

>Received my brass today looks great thank you, more

Rained and snowed all weeekend long here in SC. We got nine inches last night. I haven't reloaded in years. Haven't hunted or shot in years. I heard the Attorney General made a comment about banning the sell of assualt rifles. I have a Colt AR15 SP1 I bought a DPMS CAR for it at the NRA Convention in Charlotte a few years ago. I started searching for ammo, upper receivers, primers, poweders this weekend. Good grief. Guess I'll have to give up the idea of getting a Colt upper with a 11.5 barrel. I wasn't aware you had to have a class 3 stamp. I'll have to stick with my DPMS CAR upper. I came across this website. Glad I did. I just bought 2k primed brass. I pass it on to a couple of buddies of mine. They couldn't make it to work today.


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Subject: Re: M 1 Carbine brass

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Date Posted: 06:41:15 02/27/09 Fri

Did you look under Top Brass, pistol? I see some new there.

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Subject: 223 brass

Howard Jones
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Date Posted: 12:05:22 02/23/09 Mon

Received my brass today looks great thank you, more ordered.

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Subject: Re: M 1 Carbine brass

Robert Clippinger,153 cr 612,Mtn. Home,AR.72653 (M-1 Carb. Brass)
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Date Posted: 22:40:30 02/19/09 Thu

>Where can a guy purchase M-1 carbine brass? Everyone
>seems to be out. Our Gov't supplies to many of these
>weapons to 2nd, 3rd world countries to have a
>shortage. I have a 1943 vintage carbine. I enjoy
>shooting it. However, box'd loaded ammo is to
> Respectfully

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Subject: M 1 Carbine brass

Robert Clippinger,153 cr 612,Mtn. Home,AR.72653
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Date Posted: 22:37:44 02/19/09 Thu

Where can a guy purchase M-1 carbine brass? Everyone seems to be out. Our Gov't supplies to many of these weapons to 2nd, 3rd world countries to have a shortage. I have a 1943 vintage carbine. I enjoy shooting it. However, box'd loaded ammo is to expensive.


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Subject: Re: 308, 30.06 brass

Kay Scharch
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Date Posted: 08:05:00 02/13/09 Fri

>I am wanting to purchase only 10 of the 30-06 and 308
>empty cartridges with NO primers. I want to use them
>for a craft project and can't find them anywhere. Can
>anyone help me?
Call me!
800 836-4683

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Subject: 308 brass

William Riddell
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Date Posted: 10:55:02 02/12/09 Thu

I just wanted to let everybody know that the .308 brass once fired is the most PERFECT brass I have ever reloaded. I checked all the cases before and after reloading them by using my case lenght guide and they were ALL PERFECT. Thanks for a GREAT product.

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Subject: 308, 30.06 brass

Mabel Lou Brown
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Date Posted: 23:46:54 02/06/09 Fri

I am wanting to purchase only 10 of the 30-06 and 308 empty cartridges with NO primers. I want to use them for a craft project and can't find them anywhere. Can anyone help me?

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Subject: Re: Military crimp?

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Date Posted: 09:08:18 02/04/09 Wed

The brass was sent to you with the crimp removed.

No you don't have to remove the crimp to reload it. It's not there anymore. Your reloading process does not add it.

>Has the crimp from the primer pocket been removed from
>your "Primed Military Brass"? Once I load it and fire
>it will I have to remove the crimp to reload it?

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Subject: 223 brass

George Lainhart (Very happy)
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Date Posted: 05:03:40 02/04/09 Wed

recieved my first order of 223 Brass and it wass out standing Quality so I amm placing another order for 2000 rds

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Subject: Re: 308 Processed brass

Dean Hendrickson (headspace)
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Date Posted: 08:27:00 02/02/09 Mon

>I have purchased about 2000 case of 308 and am
>thrilled that it all (not 98 or 99 but 100%) mikes out
>at 2.005 and is properly cleaned as deprimed. Will
>continue to buy here!

How was the headspace?
Thanks. Dean Hendrickson

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Subject: Headspace .308/7.62 & .223/5.56

Dean Hendrickson
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Date Posted: 14:30:02 01/31/09 Sat

Just wondering what head space number you shoot for in your .308/7.62 & .223/5.56? My M1A chamber is 1.632. I usually try to get at least .003" under that when I size my brass. Sounds like you have a good idea that takes out alot of the work in reloading. Thank you. Dean

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Subject: 223 brass, 223 bullets 55grn,hpbt,w/c

louis Paccapaniccia ((The proof is in the Sauce))
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Date Posted: 09:54:23 01/14/09 Wed

Thank you Top Brass, I purchased your 223 brass, and your 223 bullets and reloaded them with winchester 248 powder in my dillon. this made for a very nice load out of the newly purchased AR-15. I Went to the range and shot a five shot group at 50yards to sight in the red dot. Put all five just under bull at 6 O'clock. Perfect. Went to the 200 yard range and unloaded about 15 shots and hit the steel plate everytime. It's so enjoyable to squeeze the trigger, and hear the ping of the steel plate. Hey sports fans it you haven't tried a red dot yet I recomend getting one. Very easy target aquisition, I set my ar-15 up for 250 yard shots. Just place the dot on your target and say, "tango down,". next purchase when the money rolls in will be your already primed brass, thank you topp brass, your brass gave me less time on the reloading bench and more time on target. from the Zesty Italian.

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Subject: 45 ACP 500 (499)

Charles B. Pickens (frustrated)
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Date Posted: 17:04:04 01/08/09 Thu

I received my shippment of 500,.308,500,223,and today I got into the 45 ACP bag of 500 and was transfering the brass to 50rd boxes.When I got to the last box I was one short,(bummer!)Everything else seems o.k.. 499 close to perfect!

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Subject: Military crimp?

Doug L.
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Date Posted: 17:43:55 01/06/09 Tue

Has the crimp from the primer pocket been removed from your "Primed Military Brass"? Once I load it and fire it will I have to remove the crimp to reload it?

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Subject: Satisfied New Customer

Cory Goulding
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Date Posted: 18:42:27 01/05/09 Mon

Ordered 500 cleaned, sized and primed brass to test your waters. Received my brass and found that it was not primed. Gave you call and was treated very well with assurance that the correct brass would be on it's way the following day.

Even though a mistake was made I was very impressed with the service I recieved and the non-primed brass that I did receive looks very good.

Thanks so far.


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Subject: Relieved

Chas Bross
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Date Posted: 22:09:59 12/30/08 Tue

Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your once fired brass. I ordered it last summer and due to my hectic life hadn't touched it since. Recently I have found time to get back to my hobbies and was reading an article by Zediker warning that brass once fired in another rifle can sometimes be so out of spec. or damaged that it is mostly unusable. With a rising sense of foreboding I raced to the basement and began plunking cases into my Dillon cartridge case gage. Well as you folks at Scharch probably already know I didn't get dissapointed I got bored! Thanks for a great product!

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Subject: Good Brass

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Date Posted: 22:49:33 12/28/08 Sun

Just reloaded my first 1000 of this brass ,, Great brass for the price ,, only found 2 cases out of the 1000 that were not usable ,, both were victims of bent/crushed necks caused by the sizing die.. bought some Remington a few weeks back and got 5 of 100 that were damaged right off the shelf .. very pleased and happy with my purchase!!! will be buying 1000 more on the 10th thanks for a great product at an even better price!!!

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Subject: Great Brass...

T. William Thomas (Extremely Pleased)
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Date Posted: 08:57:57 12/28/08 Sun

I just stumbled on to your web site a few months back and have ordered brass and packing products from you. Your .223 cleaned, sized and decapped brass is second to none. Out of 5,000 pieces of brass, I have only found two pieces I would not use. That is better than new Remington or Winchester brass that I have loaded in the past. I will recommend you to everyone I shoot with here in Ohio and Michigan.


p.s. I am still waiting on my packing items for the .223 The two weeks waiting time is no big deal. I hope to buy more AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS from you in the future. Remember keep America strong, buy American made products made in America and keep our jobs here. GBA

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Subject: Lion Cartridge

Mike Bishop
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Date Posted: 08:10:08 12/20/08 Sat

What are the "Lion" cartridges?

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Subject: Re: FC .223 Brass

Dan Scharch-President
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Date Posted: 11:05:20 11/28/08 Fri

Hi Jim,

We only purchase our 5.56 brass from the US Government. It is collected from different US Bases here in the 50 states WCC and FC brass comes in the mix. It is loaded to the 5.56mm Nato Spec under contract for the US Government.
It is fired by our troops in M-16's. It has certainly survived the first firing and most likely will survive the second firing, After that I'm never sure about any brass.

The Percentage of WCC and Fc is very low and most of the time we mostly see LC, but the WCC and FC is present from time to time and we need to advertise it that way. We do not sort head stamps for anyone. We Sell a lot of brass and have not had problems to this point with FC.

Thank You and Best Luck
Dan Scharch

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Subject: .223 Ammo can special

Mark (Very Happy with this purchase)
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Date Posted: 17:07:47 11/25/08 Tue

Thank you for your fast shipping and the brass looks excellent I hope you still have more in the near future I would like to reorder as soon as I can. Just add powder what could be easier than that....Pre primed brass SWEEEEEET

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Subject: Unprimed .223 brass

UtahSpike (Very Happy)
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Date Posted: 23:39:55 11/23/08 Sun

I purchased 1000 rounds of unprimed .223 brass this weekend here in Salt Lake City, Utah at the gun show. After I got home I looked at the brass a little closer and was very impressed with the overall condition and the tolerances held after processing. I am definitely going to order a few of the Ammo can combos. Got to stock up while we can, you know about the whole Obama thing.

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Subject: FC .223 Brass

Jim Dyer (Curious about Federal Brass)
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Date Posted: 05:09:13 11/23/08 Sun

I am anticipating placing an order for your .223 brass. You state that the headstamps will be LC, WCC and FC mixed.
Many articles I read state that the Federal brass is too soft to be used is AR15's. Is so why do you add the FC to the mix? Also, what is the percentage of LC to WCC to FC?
Am I missing something?

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Subject: No such Order message?

Mike Hale
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Date Posted: 11:46:19 11/20/08 Thu

I ordered 500rnds of .223 unprimmed, yesterday. I stopped back today to check the order. I entered the order number and email address. I got a message that said there was no such order? Do I need to wait another day or two? Or did I do something wrong when I ordered?

Just Checking,

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Subject: Re: equipment for de-capping military primers

Steve O'Dell
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Date Posted: 06:11:14 11/11/08 Tue

>I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308,
>and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?

You should have no problems decapping US military brass with any good quality decapping die. You will however, need to remove the crimp from the primer pockets before you will be able to prime those same cases. There are several options for doing that, ranging from simple hand held tools that sell for about $10 or less, up to really high-end motorized devices that sell for hundreds. It's really a question of time and volume. My recommendation for an "average Joe" is to check out the device marketed by Dillon Precision. Sells for about $90.00 last I checked, comes with the parts to do 9mm, .45 ACP, .30 Carbine, 5.56mm .30/06 and 7.62mm. You couldn't wear one out in three lifetimes, it's very simple to operate, and works as fast as you can. Great tool.

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Subject: Great Price and Product

Matt Lee (Happy)
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Date Posted: 07:43:00 10/06/08 Mon

Dan or Kay,
My name is Matt Lee and I live over here in Soouthwest Mo, I was reading some of your comments on the message board and there was one complaining about your prices.I have bought from you folks before and I just got done ordering another one of your ammo can specials, with the processed brass that is primed. I have done a lot of research on the internet and from I have seen, you guys are giving the best "bang" for a buck! I have had no problems with any of your products and whenever I speak with your staff via-email or over the phone they are great to deal with, laid back and professional all at the same time, its great. I am a paramedic and we dont get to much feedback from our customers, but when I get a good note or a thank you card it makes a big difference. So I thought I would give you a little note to let you know that I believe you guys are the best ammo reloading company, period.

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Subject: Re: Shipping

Nicole Webster
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Date Posted: 06:09:29 09/30/08 Tue

>I just placed an order last night for 1k .223 brass
>and bullets and I was wondering will I get a tracking
>number for the shipment?

Yes, you can retrieve that tracking number by clicking order status on the home page. It will give you the status of your order.

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Subject: Shipping

Arlie J Bourgeois
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Date Posted: 14:28:50 09/29/08 Mon

I just placed an order last night for 1k .223 brass and bullets and I was wondering will I get a tracking number for the shipment?

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Subject: Quality of Brass

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Date Posted: 15:41:11 09/27/08 Sat

I've posted how happy I was with my initial order. I've now started cycling the load rounds through my M1a. Every shot under 1MOA, I've resized about 100 rounds and don't need to trim yet. I can't say the same for some Calvim, yes I still have a lot of those rounds, and current Privi. I'll buy more.

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Subject: equipment for de-capping military primers

David W. Sanders (nonsense)
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Date Posted: 17:16:59 03/28/08 Fri

I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308, and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?

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[> Subject: Re: equipment for de-capping military primers

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:29:53 04/05/08 Sat

>I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308,
>and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?

Dillon Precision

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[> Subject: Re: equipment for de-capping military primers

Charles Leatherman (The cowboy shooter)
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Date Posted: 17:40:23 07/22/08 Tue

>I need equipment for decapping military .223, .308,
>and .30-06 brass! Where can I find it?
If you are talking about taking out the crimp in the primer pocket get the Dillon de-swagger. It cost less than $100.00 and I've been using one for over 20 years for .30-06, .308. .223 and .45. It takes no effort at all. I love it, even after de-crimping over 7,000 cases.

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Subject: 223 Brass

Scott (happy)
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Date Posted: 18:01:49 05/30/08 Fri

I rec'd my first order of 223 brass. I am just starting to learn how to reload and WOW this stuff looks and feels awesome. I showed it to some friends of mine who are more experienced reloaders and each on asked me where I got such a deal. I'm sure I'll be buying more in the future. Many Thx.

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Subject: .223 Rem Brass

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Date Posted: 04:04:09 05/16/08 Fri

Recieved my second order from here and I am very pleased with the quickness and level of service (excellent). Ordered over the weekend and was shipped on Monday. 4 days later at my door step. Very good for being sent to Pa. from CO.

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Subject: 308 military brass

Mark W. (happy)
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Date Posted: 18:29:02 04/25/08 Fri

Awhile back I ordered 1,000 of the 308 processed brass. It's mixed headstamp and not a single case needed to be discarded. I didnt expect once fired MG brass to make very accurate ammunition but just by sorting headstamps I'm already building sub 1" @100yds ammo. I'm firing it from an autoloader and with 168 Hornady AMAX I managed a 10 shot group of .80" It's not easy holding that for 10 rounds!

Good stuff, it even prompted me to buy 1,000 of the .223 in the ammo can combo!

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Subject: Excellent quality, unbeatable price.

Justin W.
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Date Posted: 11:38:50 04/22/08 Tue

Just recieved my brass, and I was suprised. The quality of this brass is incredible. Every piece of .223 I measured was within .001" each other. All the brass has the factory new sheen, even the primer pockets are fairly clean. All you need to do is add a primer and reload these. This takes all the 'grunt' work out of using de-milled brass. Also the shipping is extraordinarly fast. I will be purchasing more very soon. Thank you for such a great product.

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Subject: 223 Brass

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Date Posted: 03:04:38 04/15/08 Tue

Just received my order of 100 processed 223 bras. It looks very good and when I'm ready to ordermore this is the place that I will order. Very prompt service.

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[> Subject: Re: 223 Brass

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 03:06:18 04/15/08 Tue

>Just received my order of 100 processed 223 brass. It
>looks very good and when I'm ready to ordermore this
>is the place that I will order. Very prompt service.

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Subject: Loss of a good friend in the shooting industry

Dean Felker
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Date Posted: 23:24:58 04/05/08 Sat

Ed Bednarz passed away March 28. He was a good friend and honest businessman. Ed had several companies involved in the shooting industry, Midstates Cast bullets and Patriot Centerfire Ammunition. His goal was to make products with superior performance at an honest price. Ed always could find a silver lining in dark clouds, turn negatives into positives and loved the business he worked so hard at. He will be missed by many good friends and customers like myself.

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Subject: Outstanding deal on 308

William b> Richards III (The Badger)
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Date Posted: 07:44:21 04/01/08 Tue

I just received my first order of 1000 of the processed .308 brass. I liked it so much that another order for 1ooo was placed today. Great product, Great company. Friendly service


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Subject: .223 Brass

Dave Burnett (Real Happy)
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Date Posted: 13:42:32 03/04/08 Tue

I just loaded 1000 .223 primed brass and it sure is a timesaver buying them already to go. I will be back for more soon.

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Subject: .223 primed military brass

Mark Hutchings
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Date Posted: 17:20:01 02/27/08 Wed

Just got my .223 brass. 1,000 processed and primed. What a deal. They look just like new. Best service and communication with customer ever. They are perfect. As if I did each one myself. The precision is unmatched. They came perfectly polished and trimmed. Most were very recent headstamps. Very, very impressed and pleased. Can't wait till I need some more. Will tell all I know to buy here. Don't hesitate to buy from Scharch.com, Top Brass!!!!! As good as it gets.

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Subject: 5.56 primed brass

mike swartz
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Date Posted: 11:21:44 02/23/08 Sat

Loaded 3000 so far with out a problem! Sure takes the work out of reloading military brass. My FN-2000 loves this brass! Thanks for a great product! Mike

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Subject: 308 Processed brass

Mike Schwartz
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Date Posted: 14:53:12 02/10/08 Sun

I have purchased about 2000 case of 308 and am thrilled that it all (not 98 or 99 but 100%) mikes out at 2.005 and is properly cleaned as deprimed. Will continue to buy here!

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Subject: brass & bullets

Tom M
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Date Posted: 08:35:34 02/05/08 Tue

I just placed and received my first order of 1000 223 brass and 1000 55grn bullets and i have to say i am very impressed they are everything and more they said they were , brass was very clean and uniform in size just a little case lube and i was reloading in minutes I will be buy allot miore from this compant and would recomend them to my friends Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[> Subject: Re: brass & bullets

Tom Mitchell
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Date Posted: 08:37:20 02/05/08 Tue

>I just placed and received my first order of 1000 223
>brass and 1000 55grn bullets and I have to say I am
>very impressed they are everything and more they said
>they were , brass was very clean and uniform in size
>just a little case lube and I was reloading in minutes
> I will be buying allot more from this compant and would
>recomend them to my friends Great

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Subject: 308 Brass

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Date Posted: 15:08:48 01/27/08 Sun

I bought 500 GI processed brass a few months ago and I'm very pleased with product.

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