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Date Posted: 09:45:18 03/26/10 Fri
Author: Emmaline
Subject: Well then, know that I will never fully trust you.
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "_-But how could I know the future?-_" on 04:30:42 03/26/10 Fri

Bright golden eyes watched him from beneath a cascade of dark curls that fell down her face, neck and back. She studied the way his amber eyes moved over the menu and saw that he wasn't really reading. As he continued to look down at the menu and answered her question, she heard the soft nonchalant and nuturing tone of his voice. She offered him a small shrug. "To be honest, it doesn't matter who I would or wouldn't choose. I don't get a decision in the matter. Master Dimitri will decide who I am to go to, whether it be Master Elijah or you Mast...Telly." She moved a hand to brush a few locks of hair off her white shoulder. She focused in on what he was saying about the wine and nodded. Of course she knew, she had been with Silas who was a big wine drinker and a flamboyant gay man, until it came to her...then he was straight as a board. Emmy had been the only woman that Silas had ever loved and been intimate with. She had used to tease him endlessly, asking if he liked her because she looked like a man in someway to which he quickly found a way to silence her jokes and provide her with a new topic. Gah, she missed that man.

"Of course. The Ice wines are always quite delectable...I'll try your mascoto Telly." She said with a soft smile. Why exactly had he offered to take her out for a drink anyways? An apology? A way to try and get her in bed? Or close enough to eat? She knew that her blood was...different. Or was he thinking it was just a get to know each other time? Hmm....she would find out soon enough. Emmaline looked up and caught the eyes of the waiter giving him a slight nod to come and get their drink orders.

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