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Date Posted: 22:44:11 04/07/11 Thu
Author: Toby
Subject: --Never Say Never--
In reply to: Laurie Ann 's message, ":Love Experience It:" on 15:43:20 04/07/11 Thu

As the rain poured down around them, his thoughts touched on the life they'd shared nearly a decade ago. They'd been strong...maybe stronger than any of the couples, because what they'd had had been pure-- untainted by the problems and drama that seemed to plauge a lot of the crew. The only thing they'd had between them was his job...and that had caused their downfall. No matter what happened, he'd always count himself a lucky son of a bitch for getting that time with her.

Still, that time just wasn't enough. Maybe he was greedy, but dammit, he wanted his life back. His old life...the one that included her. And if she had a fiance out there...how exactly could he let her go again?

She started to speak, but was interrupted by her phone. He watched her as she scanned it, the glow of zigzagging lightening in the sky illuminating her features. When she revealed who it was, he had a good idea of why Angelina wanted to see her. Apparently, Stan had discovered a set of balls too, and come back. He thought to ask of how Angelina was....the woman had been darn good to him and the others. But then she began to speak, and he had a feeling that this was going to be important.

Her first words about a summer wedding hit him hard...but it was what she finished with that was the equivilent to a right hook to the chin.

He could only stare at her, mouth slightly agape, for the following 20 seconds or so. Had he heard her correctly? Because if he had....he had to do some serious thanking to the man upstairs.

What would this woman, so pure and so innocently angellic, what with a dirty machanic like him? He would never understand why she wanted him, but would remember to be grateful every day that she did.

"Laurie..." he paused, trying to straighten his racing thoughts. "If what you're saying is what I think you mean..." he stopped again...staring at hard. "Then I would marry you in the dead of winter. I have never deserved you...but I am damn glad you think I do."

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