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Subject: ‡Monster.I've.Become‡

Erich Malcovosk
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Date Posted: 12:03:02 01/10/12 Tue
In reply to: Cammie Hajoysky 's message, ": Shadows Haunt Me :" on 23:55:32 01/09/12 Mon

For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine

The nights had lasted too long for him as well, when he'd been of the human variety. Perhaps it was that very aspect that had brought them to each others beds back then--far too many hours had been available to consider the carnal cravings passing like electricity upon the air between them. "I remember those days too well." He was sure a tour of the apartment would surely coax back memories best left laid to rest, lest his beast get wind of those primal desires. He'd noted that memories of acts done with his partner tended to stoke the monster's hunger--for the creature found nothing more divine than the once-blonde that worked now in the kitchen. It had surely marked her...and meant to have her. Erich would be wise to be prepared for when the strike would occur, for it was nothing but a certainty.

He watched as she returned to him, setting before him a bag of liquid that could only be blood judging from the way his body all but jolted from the scent. Even though anticipation raged through him with the ferocity of a tsunami, he kept his hands steady as he prepared himself a shot of the liquid that seemed to rule his existence. "Aye. And vengeance. Always that." He raised his glass, then tipped it back, letting the warm fluid course his parched throat. He savored the feel of the craving as it ebbed, the feel of the beast becoming preoccupied with the newest offering. He paused, then repeated the action, knowing that single shot would only tease the creature, and further tempt it to seek a fresher source of nourishment. "I have much appreciation for this." He nodded towards the bag, then glanced at her. He felt slight disgust at himself...never had he thought he would be nourishing himself with the life force of another in front of his partner of old.

"Much has changed since then." He said, drawing his gaze from her to the bag of blood before him. It was not stated with remorse, or regret--a simple observation given. Remorse and regret had been conquered in his first year of undeath...worthless emotions that generated no useful outcome, and were best discarded. If an emotion would not bring him closer to the revenge he so desperately sought, Erich deemed it worthless to him...so great was his focus. Likely why he'd been so shaken by the disgust in her Cammie's gaze on the previous eve...simply from his reaction.

Her words drew his icy orbs back to hers once more, and he settled back in his seat just slightly as to distance himself a little further from the sultry undertones of her flesh. "My knowledge be patchy at best, comrade. On that holiday eve, I was bitten...ambushed." It had been the only was the dominus would have ever gotten the upper hand, truthfully...Erich's training had been to well-honed and nay had a mistake been made. "I laid in the dark and cold...an unknown location...writhing in pain. The dominus, he never left my side. On the fifth day, I could feel his concern grow. The change rarely takes longer than than that, of course. Still, my pain raged on." There were no words to describe the agony he had known in that time...so he did not attempt it. "At the start of the fourth week, it was decided my blood was not...compatible...with the venom. That death was coming, at a slow rate. The dominus fled, leaving me to my agony with no knowledge of when death would finally claim me." His blue gaze flashed with renewed anger at that, remembering how he'd plead, how he'd begged for release from his life. "He had not been gone many days when the change completed. And the monster took over completely. I managed to flee the city--to hold on that long--before it took me completely." He'd been a prisoner of his own form in those initial months of the change...watching helplessly as the beast had it's way, killing on a rampage without a shred of mercy. "It was many years before enough control could be gained that I could attempt integration with the living. Lives were lost in the process. Even now, I fight...this may be all of the control I ever master." Broad shoulders lifted lightly in a shrug as if to say that he was okay with such a situation--twas better than what he'd been, anyway.

He leaned, fixing himself another shot and downing it before leveling his gaze upon her again. "My years were spent mastering my own form. I do not know the dominus. I do not know why it took so long for the change to complete. These things are answers I intend to find."

For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight

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Subject Author Date
: Shadows Haunt Me :Cammie Hajoysky23:51:30 01/10/12 Tue

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