- Fashion Beauty Tips Online -- Salena Gomez, 11:33:35 02/11/12 Sat
Fashion Beauty Trends provides you most recent news of Celebrities and also gives you many solutions and tips of Latest Fashion of Dresses, hair, shoes, Makeup Tips, lips care, Eye care, face care and jewelry designs.We hope you will learn new tips of fashion and beauty.
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- Home base jobs -- Irfan, Shah, 11:45:41 02/01/10 Mon
I Was also So Tense About Generating Some Dollars Online and I Started Searching ONline But One Day I Reached a Place,There They Mentioned a List Of Home Business Opportunities http://youronlinejobs.com On That DAY I Was So Glad Cause i joined More Then One Online Money Making Opportunities and I Even Started Earning The same day for free.(good luck and have nice earnings there).
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- corrections on the previous one -- Flowen, 22:25:43 04/18/03 Fri
a cat-like stranger stumbles into the shop completely naked afer his clothes were torn up in a previous battle,his friends are used to him doing this anyways,hahahaha, and eventually finds a browm-green loincloth that only covers..well....you know, and gives the slightest coverage of his inner-thigh area, not mid-thigh area oor outter-thigh area, just inner. he puts it on, finding out that it's a little smaller that he thought it would be(however, it was the only piece of clothing in the store). then he replaces the loincloth with a single peral. right next to it is a necklace with beads of jade which are one and a quarter inch in diameter. he puts it on and puts down three perals where the necklace was. he then comes across a wad of fabaric that could be used as a bandage. he puts a peral in its place. he wraps it around his upper chest(were the wounds are)five inches below the collar bone twice around both if the areas between his neck an shoulder, but more towards his shoulder.
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- shopping -- Flowen, 22:20:22 04/18/03 Fri
a cat-like stranger stumbles into the shop completely naked afer his clothes were torn up in a previous battle,his friends are used to him doing this anyways,hahahaha, and eventually finds a browm-green loincloth that only covers..well....you know, and gives the slightest coverage of his inner-thigh area, not mid-thigh area oor outter-thigh area, just inner. he puts it on, finding out that it's a little smaller that he thought it would be(however, it was the only piece of clothing in the store). then he replaces the loincloth with a single peral. right next to it is a necklace a beads of jade which are one and a quarter inch in diameter. he puts it on and puts dpwn three perals where the necklace was. he then comes across a wad of fabaric that could be used as a bandage. he puts a peral in its place. he wraps it around his upper chest(were the wounds are)five inches below the collar bonean twice around both if the areas between his neck an shoulder, but more towards his shoulder.
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- Shopping -- Koshi, 21:07:21 03/03/03 Mon
The strange coinshifter prances into the shop, her horse hooves clicking against the wooden flooring. She carelessly tosses a silver braid over her thin shoulder. She flicks her horse tail idly against her horselike hindquarters. She glances around the room, her eyes flicking from one item to the next. She spots in the corner a small but beautiful lap harp. She walks over, her face full of awe as she inspects the extroidinary piece of craftsmenship. She reaches for it, not wanting to touch it, for her fingers would leave a mark on the beautiful surface. It was silver, with a band of sapphire running down the middle all the way around. She picked the harp up, strumming a mellow chord. She picked it up, deciding that she must have it. She replaced it carefully with a small piece of semi-precious stone she had found. She trots a few more steps, cradling the harp lovingly in her arms. She picks up a silk, padded harp case and replaces it with a large conch shell. She places the harp carefully into it, and slinging it over her shoulder. She looks at her tattered and torn clothes, ripped and torn from all of the shifting. Only her tunic was intact. She walked over to where the clothes were held and picked out a gauzy silver tunic and a silver vest. She walks into a dressing room and changes, replacing the new clothes with her old ones. She smiles at the comfort of the clothing and trots over to wear the weapons were. Figuring she couldn't do much with a quarterstaff and a bow and arrows anymore, she walks down the line of weapons. She finds a pair of curved blades she remebered reading about in a book. She takes the schimitars and their hilt and straps them to her back. They were beautiful, silver hilts with sapphires in the shape of maple leaves on the T of the hilt. She walks over and takes a heavy crossbow and a quiver of bolts, fletched with blue arrows. She replaces them with her old bow and arrows. Satosfoed, she leaves the shop.
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- Shopping -- Koshi, 20:23:55 02/15/03 Sat
A young female steps into the store, her long brown hair ties in a neat braid which waves in the slight breeze. Her pupils grow as she steps into the store. She had a full pouch full of round full objects and a tattered and torn hemp sack with little to nothing in it. She pulls out a ripped sheet of parchment and reads the first thing on the list. She travels down the rows of weapons and stops at the staffs. She walks down the row, inspecting each quarterstaff. She finds a straight, flawless oak wood quarterstaff and picks it up. As she inspects it she notices it is covered with patterns of leaves matching those on her clothes. She holds it in both hands and begins to dance around. She smiles and replaces it with a smooth, greenish stone from her pouch and straps it to her back. She glances at the list again and walks towards the bows. Her hand reaches for a beautiful composite longbow made of oak, engraved with leaves. She pulls the oiled string back and smiles. She removes the string, coils it and puts it in her belt pouch. She straps the bow to her back and replaces it with a purplelish stone from her pouch. She walks a few steps and picks out a good leather quiver full of, straight oak arrows. The arrows are fletched with light green feathers. She throws it over her shoulder and replaces it with a smooth, pure black pebble from her pouch. She pulls out the list again and walks to wear the knives are kept. She opens a oaken box and pulls out a dagger. It has gleaming metal and is of beautiful craftsmenship. It has a green, leathery cloth wrapped around the hilt. She waves it around expertly and takes the six daggers and their sheaths, replacing each with a beautiful stone. She clips two of the sheaths to either side of her belt, two to her arms under her sleeves, and two her legs under her boots. She glances at the list and walks towards a different eisle and picks up a nice leather backpack with silver buckles, replacing it with a pretty shell. She looks at the list and heads over to the ropes and picks out a 50' hemp rope and coils it around her shoulder. She replaces it with a small whitling of a roaring kilven. She walks down the rows and stops at a small wooden box. She opens it and it contains bandages, needles, and thread. She places it in her backpack and replaces it with a pretty shell. She walks over and picks out a small lantern and a flask of oil, replacing them with two small shell necklaces. She then walks over to a different eisle and picks out a empty book with a leather cover and binding. She replaces it with a small pearl. She thin gets a vile of ink and an ink pen and replaces them with pretty stones that shine when the sun hits them. She then gets some twine and a fish hook and replaces them with shells. She fetches flint and steel and replaces it with a small silver buckle. Satisfied, she leaves the store.
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- Shopping -- Rila, 15:28:39 02/10/03 Mon
A young girl walks in, her hair tied in a ponytail. She straightens her leather vest, tugging at the bottom then running her hands over it. She walks in, looking at the shelves. She walks to the weapons section and picks up a sheath, removing a 10 inch knife, sharp and made of excellent craftsmenship. She checks it's blade and replaces it with a pretty pebble. She attaches the sheath to her belt and continues to walk down the rows. She walks to wear the glaives are kept and tries out a few. She finally finds one made of dark, smooth wood. She tries the blade and does a few pattern dances and finds it to her liking. She ties it to her back and replaces it with a shell necklace. She walks out of the store, the breeze playing with her hair.
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- Shopping -- Renus, 22:22:35 02/08/03 Sat
The brightly clothed figure walks in, his arm around his red kilven. "Wait outsie, I'll be right back." he says, patting it's neck. He walks in and browses the shelfs of food. ~Hurry! I'm really hungry!~ he hears his kilven say. He walks in and grabs a bright yellow cloth bag and replaces it with a pretty shell he has. He grabs a large chunk of meat and replaces it with a pretty glass bead. He runs out of the store to his kilven. "Come on! We can't eat here!" he says.
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- shopping -- Zandorin, 19:31:51 01/27/03 Mon
This black Tokathe walks quietly into the Shoppe looking around casually. He then notices a nice set of matching scimitars he picks them up in his six clawed hands takes them out of their jeweled scabbards and takes a few practice slashes testing their balance and weight, they seemed to fit him perfectly. So he put them back in the proper scabbard and replaced them with two small daggers.
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- Buying -- Jeleta, 17:25:56 01/21/03 Tue
The coinshifter lands in the doorway and folds her wings against her back. She walks in and reaches into her pouch, checking to see how many pearls she has left. She fells around, satisfied, and flips her hair over her shoulder to get it out of her face. She walks in and graps a large, strong piece of cloth and a few coils of hemp rope. She also graps a few boards, replacing each with a pearl. She walks outside and ties to ropes to the corners of the cloth and lies each corner flat on the ground. She enters and get a 6 foot long log. It has a radius of about 2 feet and must have belonged to a mighty tree. The inside was soft and the outside firm. With much toil she drags it out and lies it on the cloth, and grabs the ropes in her talons. She takes off into the air, just managing to get off the ground carrying her heavy load, even with her mightly dragon wings.
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- :) -- Jeleta, 22:07:28 12/29/02 Sun
The coinshifter lands gasping and falls over dramatically and starts chugging her flask of water. She crawls in and sits in the shade, tired.
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- Shopping -- Katamali, 15:30:42 12/21/02 Sat
A young woman appears in the doorway, the wind blowing her hair into her face. She stands there for a second as her blue eyes adjust to the dim light of the shop. She walks in and looks around, her eyes taking in the her surroundings. She walks down the eisels looking for something. She finds the instruments and looks through the harps, playing each. Finally she plays a song on one and the notes are very clear and the sound is beautiful. The harp is gold with a strip of aquamarine going down the middle. She replaces it with a beautiful purple shell from her pocket.
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- Shopping -- Jeleta, 16:19:50 11/25/02 Mon
A girl lands lightly in the doorway. She folds blue hawk wings against her back and enters, flexing long white claws.
She pulls back her hood to reveal a dark face and straight brown hair falling over her shoulders. Two large white fangs protrude from either side of her mouth and she is covered blue fur. A sharp fin runs down her back through a torn tunic. Her belt pouch is bulging with small round objects. She walks over to the armor section and picks up two almost identical helms replacing each with a black pearl, the only difference was the stone imbedded in the middle of the forehead. They were magnificent pieces of craftsmenship. Each framed the face and the edges were decorated in beautifully engraved vae and kilven. One had a flawless emerald in a octagon shape, the other a flawless sapphire in an octagon shape. Both where a very light silver. The one with an emerald she placed on her head, the other she placed neatly in her sack. She than walked to the chain shirts. She chose two identical chain shirts with silver matching the helms and replaced them with large pearls. She took one and cut the links in a line on each side and down the middle so her wings and fin would fit and slipped into it and it was as light as a feather, the other she again stuck in her sack. She then ambled over to where the leggings were kept and chose two, again identical, with the same light silver her helm and chain shirt she replaced one with a small blue shell she dug out of her pouch and one with a small glowing rock. She slipped one on and slipped the other into her pack with now clinked as she moved. She then grabbed two pairs of gauntlets both the same silver to match her other armor which she replaced with her cloak and another pearl out of her collection. Again, in the middle of one pair were sapphires and the other was emeralds.The one with the sapphire was a normal pair but the one with the emeralds had holes at the end of each finger which her claws fit perfectly through. She, of course, the other in her still light bag. Next she grabbed two pairs of silver chain boots. This she replaced with two more pearls out of her many. One, again, had holes at the end where her claws slid easily into. She then went to the armory where she scrutinzed the swords. She picked up each one, checking the balance and the blade. As she picked up one her eyes lit up. Not only did it have perfect balance but it was beautiful beyond belief.She looked at it, awe crossing her face, it's blade was sharp enough to split a hair and the hilt was covered in beautiful silver metal strands making it very comfortable on her hand. There was also an emerald on the hilt. She gave it a few trial swings and replaced it and its beatiful sheath with 3 pearls. She clipped this two her belt. As she was leaving the armory section a set of 4 daggers mathcing her sword caught her eye. She grabbed these and replaced them with another 5 pearls. She put two in her belt, one in her right boot, and one in her right sleeve. She then strolled around the store and picked up 2 spy glasses and looked through both, out one in her sack and and the second in her belt. Lastly she grabbed a belt pouch and replaced it with a small white conch. She also picked up a whetstone and deposited it in her sack replacing it with yet another pearl. She walked to the doorway, the armor so light it was obviously not a burden. She then spread her wings and flew away.
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- Back again... -- Fern, 17:30:21 11/11/02 Mon
A creature enters the shop, looking around with knowing eyes. She had changed much since her last visit here. For one thing, all her transforming had left her dress in shreds. Now she would need something that would be suitable for her "new look". Scanning the isles, she comes upon an over cloak made of thick, sea blue material. It would not tear easily, that was for sure. She folds it and places it under her arm, putting in the empty space a flowing white dress made of light fabric. Her old spare. Fern sets out again through the isles until she reaches skirts. After choosing a sea blue one to match her cloak and replacing it with a semi-precious stone, Fern searches out the changing rooms. When she emerges she is wearing her newest finds. Luckily the fabric was thick enough so that her spikes would not pierce it if it were laid lightly on them. After all, it was practically rubber. She glances at her image in a mirror before exiting the store.
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- Shopping -- Jeleta, 16:51:48 11/04/02 Mon
Jeleta comes back to the store happily humming to herself. She walks over to the shelfs containing clothes and gets a shimmering silver cloak with a hood. In its place she puts a small, shiny red conch shell. She then looks around and grabs a black belt with a belt pouch in its place she puts a yellow stone which catches the light nicely. She then walks over and find a black sheath that fights her knife well. She picks it up and replaces it with a whittling of a dragon with black pearls for eyes. She takes her knife out of her belt and places it in the sheath. Looking down out her worn and soiled tunic and ripped breaches she heads to the clothes section. She finds black breeches and a black tunic and she takes them and replaces them with a purple shell. Looking around once more she finds a large, many faceted stone that never seemed stayed one color and replaces it with a wittling of a unicorn. She then pauses for a moment seeming to think about what she needed. Looking at her staff she then looks around for a protective liquid that she could cover it with she took it replacing it with another shell she found. Then she found a pair of shoes for her crammed feet and replaced with another pearl. Looking at her new clothes, checking for comfort, she walks out of the store.
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- Shopping -- Jeleta, 19:49:24 11/03/02 Sun
A young woman walks in carrying a basket. She is awed by the diversity and quantity of the items on the shelfs covering the walls. She starts to look through the shelfs, apparently she knows what she looking for. She finds a small but sharp knife and takes it putting her basket in its
place. Smiling and obviously pleased with herself and walks out of the store, playing with her new knife in her hand.
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- ±enters± -- ±.Nova.±, 15:02:04 10/14/02 Mon
The ivory hued Tokathe Nova pads in, raptor-like claws quiet. She peers at the shelves, dial cocked to the side as she gazed. She came in on a hunch, the Tokathe not looking for anything in particular..but maybe she'd find something she fancied?
White optics look at the other shoppers giving her the impression she was blind, but in truth she saw quite well..maybe better then some?
Tail high, blade glinting, she edged through the aisles until she found something of intrest. "Oooh!"
Maw opened into a wide grin as she looked upon a colorful gem. Intrigued by the many hues she picked it up and examined it.
The white Tokathe, enjoying pretty baubles put the stone in the big interior pocket of her cloak and then withrew a small pearl she had found.
She placed it where she had found the pretty bauble and exitd the shoppe.
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- Thura looks for a maternity top... -- Marithura & Marthur, 23:25:15 09/03/02 Tue
After warning the horde of flits that looked to the two of them to stay outside with Sarinor, Thura walks into the shop a little hesitantly, followed by Marthur. She looks around, watching the other shoppers for a moment, then looks for the clothing aisles. She is gratified to find that some kind soul has stocked the shoppe with clothes in the style of her old home. Seeing a section with an image of a pregnant...something...(she assumed that one had been Coinshifting for a while!) over a small set of shelves, she headed in that direction. She searched for a nice long-sleeved overtunic, that dropped to a long, full shape below a tie belt threaded through loops under the chest. When she found a few, she was overjoyed to see that one of them was in the exact shade of blue that Sarinor's hide once had been. She held it up to herself to check the fit. "What do you think?" she queried her brother.
His eyes softened as he recognized the hue. "It looks beautiful, sis...a perfect match. It sets off your auburn hair quite well, and brings out the fire in your eyes. I haven't seen that in a long time." It was then that she remembered her eyes were also of the same color.
"Well, it's settled, then. I've seen others leaving different things in trade, so I guess that is what this blue stone is for. The Guide was very kind." She folded the tunic carefully and took the stone from her pocket, placing it where the garment had been. Gesturing for him to follow, she walked out of the Shoppe and over to Sarinor.
Where to now, mine? Do we go back to see the feline again? |
Yes, my dear Sarinor, we do. Are you getting tired?
A little. But I am eager for a home. We have been alone long. |
Thura felt the stirrings of chagrin. Had she been selfish all of this time, depriving her beloved red of companionship of his own kind? He had been alone in learning about his new shape...should she have taken him to be with the others so that he would have support in dealing with the changes? My red, do you wish I had joined the others from Home when we arrived?
His mindvoice held worlds of sadness. I did not want to see others then either. |
Thura could have cried anew, feeling his pain. She knew how he felt. After the months of seclusion, the tearing ache of Sl'th's and Tillath's deaths was still completely fresh in their minds.
Come, my love, it is time we were back at the Den. Without another thought between them, or a word from Marthur, (who knew the signs by now of their conversations) they were soon airborne again, flying back to the Guide Den.
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- Looking for something -- Millicent, 00:22:27 08/25/02 Sun
Strolling through the door Millicent looks around to see witch aisle to start with. Heading down an aisle to the right she notices several things that she has never seen before. "How can sso much sstuff be in one placce." Passion chirps in response her eyes whirling in happiness. "Well what sshould we look for firsst?" Passion projects a picture of fresh meet into Millicent's mind. "Yes I guesss you would want that" she laughs scratching Passion's eye ridge. Spotting some meet she places it in her basket replacing it with a gold ring. Then scanning the shelves she notices a verity of fruit taking a few and replacing it with some scarf's. Looking down some more aisle she see some paper and pens. "Oh good I can get back to my writing" Placing the last item in her basket and replacing it with a feather. She wanders out the door back the Vae tree.
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- ... -- Mave::Seerae, 18:49:24 08/07/02 Wed
Mave browses the shelves carefully, sifting through the items as she looks for what she wishes to find. The first is a long thin needle, replaced by a small comb. A variety of colored threads take a rather long time to locate, but she finds an appropriate amount lumped together in a messy pile, Mave scoops it up and places a glass phial and a fire striker where the chaotic swirl had rested. A bolt of white cotton is picked up next, a strand of blue and white swirled glass beads is placed where it lay, a waterskin next to it, and then lastly a palm-sized mirror. Satisfied, Mave exits, her arms filled with her bulky bolt of cloth.
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- Browsing through the shoppe -- Tenji, 20:14:01 07/24/02 Wed
The grey Tokathe strides in and instantly begins herself for what she was searching for. She partly waltzes between shelves, her tail whipping above her head both in interest and by preventing her from swiping everything out of the shelves. Her eyes dart about, flashing all emotions from enthusiasm to disgust. A while later she departs with what she had set out to find, a knife sharpener for her battleclaws, along with a game for her pocked computer. Left behind is a game already beaten and a short and sharp knife that, eh, 'magically' appeared in her inventory.
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- Walks in and looks around... -- Fern, 11:24:37 07/19/02 Fri
Finally. Years of research had led up to now. Fern silently makes her way through the store, clearly looking for something. She stops in front of a row of large pearl-like objects. Each one is a different color. Each one is glowing inside. Fern studies them for a moment, then chooses a dark blue one with a yellow/red swirl gently rotating around in the middle. Gently placing it in a velvet bag she replaces it with a carving of a dragon roaring in anger from her satchel. Not quite finished Fern hunts down the chain section, choosing a strong gold one and replacing it with a small, smooth, pebble that shines when placed in light. She glances around nervously before quietly exiting the shop.
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