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Date Posted: 18:30:46 10/05/04 Tue
Author: Roseas (Ruzor)
Subject: It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's...
In reply to: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk ) 's message, "Glory" on 18:57:09 09/23/04 Thu

A bladelike PhiaShip pushes its way past the thick darkness, and hovers over the edge of the lake. A moment later, a bedraggled creature appears, posessing dragon's wings and an oddly elongated, saber-toothed muzzle. Silhouetted in the glow of the ship's propulsion until Ruzor finally lands, Roseas, uncaring for any observation, shucks off her ragged blue tunic and takes flight, diving into the dark water, with her wings tucked about her, a moment later.
Forward-sweeping horns poke through the surface after a while, one having a medium sized fish impaled upon it.
Very funny.
Hey! You didn't ever tell
me how to zoom in on the visuals!
I was waiting for an opportunity like this.

Another few draconic flaps lit Roseas from the water, breaking the surface in a spray that glitters around her in the moonlight. Wings snap wide as the new pilot enjoys the freedom of flight under her own power... and forgets that she's stark naked.

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