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Date Posted: 17:17:01 07/03/03 Thu
Author: Heki and Mayah
Subject: If she only had some tact, dee dee deedledee...
In reply to: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui 's message, "*settles into an easy rhythm of relaxation*" on 14:18:01 07/03/03 Thu

Both Wolves remain silent during the explanations, Heki thoughtful and Mayah... well, best described as scheming. The tall, well-built young man speaks up first, gesturing ambiguously with his left hand while his right leans his spear against his shoulder, one sharp blade buried in the sandy dirt and the other impaling empty air near his face. "The Cat," he says simply and without any particular hostility (though a fire burns briefly in his cousin's midnight blue eyes), "could not beat us in a fair fight. He nearly killed Mayah before I stepped in, and he could not defeat me one-on-one. He..." Heki chooses his next words carefully, unwilling to alienate possible allies, "refused an offer to leave in one piece and instead stunned us with an energy blast of some sort. The Tiger then teleported us here and left us stranded."

Mayah has a total lack of tact and nullifies all of her cousin's careful wording with, "Which was a very underhanded way to win a lost battle." She snorts, ignoring the sideways glare that Heki shoots her. The male Wolf's drawl continues, using his native Wolfin as he has no knowledge of Cattin whatsoever and Mayah isn't fluent, "As to the rest... I've no skill with energy, but Mayah has some. Not as much as the average Cat, persay, but enough for flight and some tricks in human form." Now it's his turn to get The Look for calling skills 'tricks'; he grins. Mayah eyes the Olde Phia, ruminating quietly over what the Cats said about different species. In fact, Heki falls silent as well, his eyes shadowed as he casts his gaze downwards and folds his arms, his spear in the crook of one elbow.

No surprise that Mayah speaks up first after the thoughtful silence. "Plenty of battles, eh? It seems like a cause worth fighting for..." she shoots a pointed look at Heki and adds, "considering the situation." Their pack hadn't been too happy with Mayah's aggressive actions towards an otherwise neutral Cat population, and Heki had always backed her up without hesitation. Trouble-makers, they'd been labeled; perhaps a prolonged absence would be a good thing. Heki glances up, flicking a strand of chocolate brown hair out of his eyes. "We'll stay... for now. Your offer of transportation is most appreciated, and we may take you up on that... once Hashe has healed and there are no urgent battles." Mayah grins suddenly, shooting a calculated but unhostile look at Hora and Aduuni in particular. "Like my cousin said, I do have some skill with energy, more than most Wolves. I don't suppose, if we help you, any of you could teach me a few more-" insert obligatory glare at Heki, "-'tricks'?" The taller Wolf raises a brow at his slender companion but says nothing to negate her question, grinning slightly at her audacity. Someone who picks fights with Cats is now asking for their tutorship. As an afterthought, Heki speaks up, one hand falling to pat a few pouches at his belt, "I'm not a trained healer, but I have a couple sacs of healer flakes and some half-ripe energybeans." He glances at Hashe and grins amiably. "You're welcome to what you need."

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