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Date Posted: 21:27:28 07/31/04 Sat
Author: The Master
Subject: What a welcome commitee!
In reply to: Ihan (and, nominally, Sioveph) 's message, "What the frash?" on 19:09:47 07/29/04 Thu

To any who touched it or listened close, they would feel the soft and controlled warmth, and hear a thrumming from deep inside, singing with a velvet and mechanic power. It speaks of ancience and wisdom, of an old wanderer settled down to sleep.

Slowly, then, and without warning, a long segment of the pillar cracks and opens: a perfect door for a grown human to slip out. And slip out one does.. though not as human as one might initially think. His senses radiate the same feelings as the pillar, and he gives the gathering a broad smile as he closes the door and pats the grooved, marbled side of his TARDIS.

'Hello, people of Etreus.' He gives a gentle and silken laugh, totally friendly and cool. 'That /is/ where I am, correct?'

He opens his arms - the universal greeting. And this shows that he is quite unarmed, with no mysterious bulges pocking the sleek, midnight colouration of his attire.

'I am the Master, and I merely seek a place to rest. Do not be alarmed of this,' he gestures fondly to the mundane/fascinating pillar. 'for it is only my spaceship, nor my name, for it is the only name I have.'

Another well-timed pause and he would turn his - now slightly sad - smile to the closest: Anzu. 'And hello to you, my dear. The TARDIS seems to like you. Do you think you could point me out to the closest inn or something of the like?'

His face is soft and relaxing, but there is a guarded and steely look in his greyish eyes that shows he won't take diamen and stupidity, though he may put up with a lot before snapping.

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