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Date Posted: 19:09:47 07/29/04 Thu
Author: Ihan (and, nominally, Sioveph)
Subject: What the frash?
In reply to: Seleth 's message, "Smile... and then..." on 19:34:06 07/18/04 Sun

She hadn't wanted to stop dancing with the wind--

But instincts and training can only be suppressed for so long, and as the scents of wariness and stifled hostility sift through the clean lake-tainted air, the Olashi furled her wings and dove for her weapon, face angled towards her target but pearl-blue eyes watching the pillar that she hadn't noticed before. Wings snap out--flare--one hand darts out--thin fingers close around her weapon and long claws shred the grass--one strong wingbeat takes her away from the earth again--

~Master of the skies, we are, we Olashi,~ the pilot thought to herself, a thrill of adrenaline chasing down the quivering lengths of her wings as she circles the pillar with a radius of at least fifty feet, her holster attached to her makeshift belt again and mist-grey sash fluttering in the wind of her own speed. She saw the Coinshifter touch the pillar and had her finger on the trigger should something adverse happen to the stranger who smelled of fire and wind.

On the shores of the lake, a dark wolfish form remained motionless.

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