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Subject: Re: How we spank our kids

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Date Posted: 20:55:15 03/18/24 Mon
In reply to: Siobhan 's message, "How we spank our kids" on 15:44:21 03/17/24 Sun

I'm glad your family/community offer such guidance and support for parents.
I understand about male role models from church as when I was a boy and my father was deployed in the military my mother relied on my uncle to fill in for my dad - with love and support - and occasionally discipline.
And there were a few memorable times our Pastor was called on to make sure I didn't resist a long hard bare bottom spanking.
How does your oldest girl resist? Thirteen is an age when modesty really matters.
I'm not surprised the girls enjoy watching the boys get spanked. I remember girls giggling while I was kicking and bawling.

Aside from your very effective positioning, how do you spank?

>My husband and I always punish our daughters together.
>They are 7-10-13. The oldest is always putting on a
>show that this time she will resist the spanking. So
>far, she has yet to win, and it only earns her bonus
>It is quite simple actually. My husband sits at the
>end of the sofa. I ask my daughter to bend over the
>arm, so she lands with her chest on daddy’s lap, and
>her bottom is nicely elevated on the high, soft
>My husband always pulls our daughters a bit forward,
>until they no longer can feel the floor under their
>feet. He also holds their hands away from their
>bottoms and keeps them in place. My husband is the
>gentlest man I know, but when it comes to spanking, he
>lacks delicacy. We prefer that I do the spanking,
>simply because this way we can prolong the punishment.
>Administrating spankings is quite relaxing for me. I
>can punish my daughters for as long as necessary
>without having to hold them down. Their bottoms stay
>in position no matter what I do to their bottoms.
>I want to also tell you that my husband volunteers in
>our church, and with few other dads and our amazing
>Pastor, they have organised a gentlemen club. The name
>is quite charming If I may say. We live in a small
>town, and most folk know one another. In our church
>community we have few boys that are raised without
>their fathers duo to different reasons.
>I cannot tell you enough how much it means for those
>boys to have a role model in their lives. Dads teach
>them various activities. They are not boring chores,
>but a viable life lesson. From things as simple as
>tying a tie and changing a light bulb to even
>restoring our church or helping the mothers that
>clearly need some help at their houses. One of the
>dads is a renowned carpenter and he even teaches his
>profession to the boys.
>What is most important is that the boys who lost their
>fathers, are given so much attention, and are being
>kept out of trouble.
>Where I am going with this is that after years of
>spending so much time together two boys who are now 13
>and 14, are almost a part of our family. We have
>shared a lot of wonderful memories with them and their
>Many times, it is difficult for those moms to punish
>these boys accordingly. They are good boys, they know
>they cannot resist their moms, even when they are
>being punished. I understand though, it simply hurts
>them too much, and they often break free during their
>spankings at home.
>On many occasions I have spanked these boys with my
>husband’s help. I always make sure to spank them
>thoroughly. Their mothers have given us an enormous
>token of trust to discipline them properly, and I do
>my best to fulfill the role.
>The boys are always spanked severely. I make sure to
>make the most of their spankings. They are much
>stronger than our girls are, and I understand why it
>may be difficult to properly spank them when their
>moms have no one to help them.
>I just want you to know that they are not a match for
>my husband’s loving embrace, and despite their
>yelling and crying I never cease their spankings until
>I am fully satisfied with the results.
>The boy’s punishment is always further enhanced by
>watchful eyes of our daughters, who would have never
>skipped the show.
>When I soothe and cuddle them in my arms, I think of
>them as my sons I have never been blessed with.
>Samantha, I do not know your situation, and I would
>have hated to pry. I hope that my post, although quite
>lengthy, will be of some help to you.
>Also, hello everyone. My name is Siobhan, and we have
>three wonderful daughters. My husband and I believe in
>a proper discipline. In our spare time we love to
>spend time with our children, and we often engage in
>many activities. I believe that we have been blessed
>with many wonderful things. I love my husband, I love
>my children, I love the time we have together. I have
>many wonderful friends, and our town, although small,
>is almost like our family. I believe that it is
>because there is only a single church… which can
>give you an impression how small our community is. The
>building is quite old, but I believe that all the
>little things and renovations we do have made this
>place special.
>Which is also why we volunteer and engage in plenitude
>of events. I do feel connected to the community that I
>am part of. Together we can fill our children’s days
>with many wonderful attractions that they absolutely
>love and enjoy.
>Well, Thank you for having me.
>Best wishes, Siobhan

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Subject Author Date
Re: How we spank our kidsCynthia10:05:33 04/02/24 Tue

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