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Date Posted: Tue, May 30 2023, 14:12:23 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: MEMORIAL DAY - Who do you Remember on this day?

Every Memorial Day people ask: "What are we celebrating?" I suppose many are just coming of age and were not taught our nation's history, or much else. I recently saw a photo of the rear windshield of a youngster's car and handwritten on it was: "JUST GRATUATED." Funny... but not really.

It's simple. As veterans, we and the nation remember those who fell in combat or line of duty. As Vietnam War veterans who served as Air Police and Security Police, in Vietnam and Thailand... we know the meaning well. We Remember our 111. We know their names. We knew them. It is not, “Happy Memorial’s Day,” although there are happy memories of long passed friends. It’ll never fly, but perhaps it would be more relevant to say, “Happy Memories Memorial Day.”

As members of VSPA, we are in the process of fundraising to build a Memorial to remember the 18 Security Police of were killed in Line of Duty on 13 May 1975 in a helicopter crash en route to joining the forming USMC assault force to rescue the US Merchant ship, SS Mayaguez, and crew. The Air Force KNIFE-13 crash in dense jungle was the single greatest loss for Security Police in Air Force history. I have donated from the homepage at VSPA.com (by clicking the Donate button) to help build the Memorial honoring them. I hope you consider doing so to.

What is the Name of the Air/Security Policeman you are remembering today... and frankly, on most days? For me, three Air Police died at Da Nang AB (Rocket City) within 7 months, when I was a K9 handler (Blackie 129) there in 1965-1966: (1) SSgt Terrance Jensen (the first AP/SP KIA/Sappers, 1 July 1965), (2) A3C James Bruce Jones (JB, the second KIA/mortars), a friend and tentmate, KIA/Mortars, 25 Jan 1966), and (3) Richard R. Woodward (the 3rd LOD/Illness, 8 Feb 1966), died within a few days of arrival at Da Nang, and transferred to one the hospital ships in Da Nang harbor--no one ever knew, him that we know of).

It is a rare day I don't remember JB.
At our ages, we remember dad’s and uncles who served, and some fell in WWII or Korea. Some know of family casualties dating back to the Revolutionary War.

So (let’s try it out), I hope you had a “Happy Memories Memorial Day.”

Don Poss

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