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Date Posted: Tue, May 30 2023, 15:32:11 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Do you have Unposted Air Base Attacks, Vietnam and Thailand (VSPA: This Day in History)


I am updating the homepage's "This Day In United States of America Military History" Arrays that show Air Base attacks in the Vietnam War. It is the daily update you will see on the VSPA.com homepage.

We all know the Official records reporting such attacks are woefully inadequate in portraying all attacks. Even Major Robert P. Fox's "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1961-1972" (long consider the Bible for such attack data), falls short (and I reference it all the time--and need a new copy to replace mine that has fallen apart.)

What hope is that you and other members (of readers) who have diaries or lists of base attacks, will txt (951-264-1263) or eMail me (dp-lm37@vspa.com) with the dates and info you recall for those attacks. I will either add the new data to the info, or update if currently there.

Here's what I need (answer as you can):

1. Date
2. Air Base or RTAFB
3. Type of Attack: Stand Off, Rockets/mortars (number of rounds incoming). Sappers. Other info.
4. Your "Printed/Typed FIRST and Last names

If you don't do it now while "young enough" to-- it will be lost to our collective history.

It's on my bucket-list of things I hope to do, and I hope to eventually print the entire list so you (and researchers) can also reference it all.

Don Poss

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