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Date Posted: 19:11:57 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Diane
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Subject: Oh Yeah Kat, that's a good idea but here'e my problem...
In reply to: Kat 's message, "Re: LOL Marlene and a question please....Diane" on 15:47:01 03/24/02 Sun

I have to keep part of the diet plan here at the Inn high protein (for Miss Piper) low carb, lowish veg, then the other three get more carbs and slightly less protein (that means we can still pay the occassional bill and they don't seem to mind so long as their tums ar full ;) and then for Sam I have to hide anything that suspiciously resembles a vegetable (horror of horrors - the big booby!) so I was kind of thinking that I'd tweak the loaf to suit Piper and then add to it with extra stuff on the side BUT, now you've got me thinking, maybe I should just make her a meatloaf all her own and then puree the veg for the other dogs meatloaf...hmmmmmmm, that'd work I think. :) You know some days I feel like I should be going around handing out diet cards for them to fill in for the next day and then spend all day concocting for them all LMAO!! ...and what would Ti like when he comes to stay I wonder? :)

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