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Date Posted: 07:02:15 04/04/02 Thu
Author: Kris
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Subject: Anybody feeling creative?

I've been playing around selling some of my homemade soaps and I've had a pretty good response. I've got an order for five bags for the American Legion raffle this April and think it may be a good idea to include some type of contact info. in the bags. Also, the manager of the biggest health food store in my area, Sunrise Farm Markets, has given me his card and asked that I bring in some samples. If the girls like them I'll get a discount on supplies and they'll sell them on consignment. They currently sell some handmade soaps for $5 for 3oz - I sell mine for $1 an ounce and nothing less than a 3.5oz bar. Now....despite everyone around here insisting I should do this, it means becoming a business and all the rigamarole that goes with it...so I'm thinking long and hard before going ahead. Truth be told, I'm intimidated. Anyway, the point of this post was to get some ideas for a name. I have to have *something* to put on my packaging. All of my soaps, lip balms, etc. are natural products. I want to go with something that conveys these are simple, natural products that make you feel good. My dad's suggestions of Rub-A-Dub and Scrub-A-Dub aren't what I'm looking for. Nor is my MIL's SissySoap (Sissy is my nickname). Not professional or catchy enough. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as would any suggestions on favorite types/scents of soaps. Thanks guys. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

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