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Date Posted: 07:20:02 04/05/02 Fri
Author: Kris
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Subject: OH OH!! Krysalis!! I LOVE it
In reply to: Kris 's message, "Anybody feeling creative?" on 07:02:15 04/04/02 Thu

It's perfect and just the image I want to convey. Thank you for saving me from 'rubbing my dub'. Now let's move on to the packaging. *G* I'll pay you in soap!

As far as the business end of it is concerned, I've read three or four books and it seems like it may be more than I want to get into. BUT...for now I can continue to sell privately (without sales tax) and pay for supplies and maybe make just a bit for myself. I've also read up on the FDA guidelines. As long as I don't make any claims about my products such as they are moisturizing or they stop itching (even if they are or do) then I can call them soap. Make claims and they become cosmetics and subject to stricter rules. Pretty straight forward. On a soap label you must have the weight, ingredients and name and address of producer. That's it. It's also wise to include a 'discontinue use if irritation or rash develops' type of thing.

Thank's again for all the help. Now I'm getting excited!

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