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Date Posted: 04:10:56 05/07/02 Tue
Author: Kris
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Subject: Not Diane, but I'm poking my nose in anyway
In reply to: Doodle's Mom 's message, "Diane...if you get a minute?" on 16:25:42 05/06/02 Mon

First off, she's lovely. I'm partial to classic fawn girlies. Jacke, when I introduce a new dog into the house I always keep leashes on - sometimes for a week or two. Absolutely on the new dog and sometimes on my own two. It gives you a measure of safety if you have to break up a scuffle. Never leave them unattended (sorry, I know you know that). Feed in separate areas. No bones or high-value treats. Toys are also sometimes a problem and I always put them out of reach until I'm ready to supervise play. Sometimes these dogs haven't had anything. No toys or special treats. No love. When they do get something of their own (yes, I always make sure each dog including a foster has their own toy that only they can play with) they often get possessive. This includes you. Give her love and attention, but don't coddle her if she seems afraid. If you decide to keep her, be aware that sometimes it takes two or three weeks before they settle in and you see the *real* dog. Be firm and establish ground rules now. Do some basic training. You'll do fine. Just keep your eyes open and see how things develop. You said she's smelly? Why don't you try a cider vinegar rinse on her? It's wonderful for the coat and she'll be all nice and soft. I'm sure Diane will pop in later and give you some good tips. She's done wonderful dealing with her group at the Inn. If you need anything, let me know. Hugs to Doodle, Spink and Molly Brown. Hugs to you and Doug too and know I thought of you both and Paddy yesterday.

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