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Date Posted: 11:31:52 05/07/02 Tue
Author: Margaret
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Subject: Re: Not Diane, but I'm poking my nose in anyway, and me
In reply to: Kris 's message, "Not Diane, but I'm poking my nose in anyway" on 04:10:56 05/07/02 Tue

Kris has given you good advise, but it can be very daunting introducing a new dog.

With Joe, nights and whenever we went out he was crated, I never left him alone with the other 2 until I was 200% sure that he would be OK, and then at night first because I am at home then.

He is the newcomer and until the pecking order is selected, treat him as the underdog. When giving treats etc, I give, Tommy, Dixie and then Joe, and still do 4 years later. The toys are mine and only come out when I can supervise the play and when I have finished, the toys go away. This way there is no fighting over them. Dixie and Joe will get possessive if I leave the down.

For feeding, Tommy is a shy feeder and gets hers first in the downstairs cloakroom. Dixie is next by the back door and Joe last, he is fed behind the kitchen/hall door where he can't see Dixie and Dixie can't see him. None of them are allowed near the others until they have finished eating. They now this and Dixie and Joe will never attempt to approach each other but Tommy is fare game, she will leave her food if one of the others approaches which is why she is behind a closed door that she can open when she has finished.

With all 3, use NILIF, for Doodle and Spink, you need not be as strict but for Molly it will be a good thing for her to work for everything. She will settle in quicker if she knows her place, the underdog. Later she may decide that she wants to be higher in the pecking order, but with my 3, I am boss, I rule, and what I say goes. If they behave, they are my friends, but if not, I am boss until they do.

You are having problems with leaving her, (I don't like classifying her as having seperation anxiety), but if she is crated where she can see the other 2, she will quickly come round, both Tommy and Joe did.

I hope this helps.

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