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Date Posted: 14:51:36 05/23/02 Thu
Author: Diane
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Subject: Jacke... something that I've recently realised
In reply to: Doodle's Mom 's message, "Thanks guys, kind of late getting back over here..." on 08:46:03 05/21/02 Tue

Is that Doodle and Tony are very alike. Just stuff you've posted of late, little things about his behaviour have clicked and I've built up a sort of picture of him and realised how alike they are in some ways. Both really like to get in the face of other dogs and sound off. That wears me down at times as I won't allow it because it was starting to cause some serious problems. T would single Megs out every time I let them out the downstairs door for a run around out the back. She was getting to the point where she'd had enough (fair enough too) and was beginning to retaliate. Megs is a sweetheart but she will only put up with just so much and when she decides to 'have a go' watch out... she doesn't do half measures. So I had to sort it and I did this by taking a plastic cup of water out with me and flinging it in T's face every time he opened his mouth (crude but effective although I missed him everytime as he's the most agile dog I've ever been around). I'm not suggesting you need to do this, I'm really just commenting on similarities I've noted in our dogs lately. I also find that T is almost too bright. Do you find this with Doodle? For example he recognises pictures more so than any dog I've known, he know's what colour he is (and loves for me to wear that colour oddly enough), he is decidely racist towards brindle Boxers, honestly he is! Here's another example... the first day I did the water thing I had the cup behind my back (after one go at tossing water at him while he was sounding off that is). He circled me to check out that cup until I was dizzy with going around and around and finally twigged that I should back up against the fence. He really wanted to see if I did in fact have it or was just calling his bluff! Bright (also a pain in the rear LOL).

I don't know how things will work out for your three, I'm not certain that Spink thinks he's a dog in fact. And I have to add that I do agree that he's sulking, mine would too (and they DO get jealose!!! but don't tell Meri I said that!) I think you're being very sensible over the food issue thing. Another one to watch for is small spaces (halls, doorways and stairways), they can become areas that are a bit like "King of the Castle" thing between dogs. I think the best thing I can offer you by way of advice is that it can be tiring to live with a 'pack' at times and you need to be always aware of what's going on but there are a few wonderful rewards too. :) I hope you have many more rewarding days than the other type that can exhaust a person.... I wish you many snuggly moments with your pack and special memories to draw on for the days when it all seems a bit overwhelming. I'm sure Spink, Doodle and Molly will oblige and be good kids most of the time!!

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