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Date Posted: 08:46:03 05/21/02 Tue
Author: Doodle's Mom
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Subject: Thanks guys, kind of late getting back over here...
In reply to: Diane 's message, "Re: Diane...if you get a minute?" on 05:06:21 05/09/02 Thu

...I've been lucky so far.

Doodle continues to be kind of pushy with her, and I think in his mind he's inclined to "want" to be the alpha dog in a juvenile sort of way. Molly is becoming much more tolerable of him over time, and though she occaisionally gives him a warning growl when he becomes just over the top aggravating (like licking her face until she's just worn out with it), she hasn't shown herself to be particularly dog aggressive. Doodle also wants to put his head over her neck all the time and assume some dominant dog postures. In between all this is his silliness of wanting to initiate play, head down, butt in the air and woofing at her. The one thing she doesn't seem to like is him pushing her out when she is getting an ear rub or loving, and Doodle IS PUSHY.

I just haven't been able to peg Spink is this triad yet. He's such an odd dog anyway (more cat attitude really). Spink has tried to aggress her once, which we were there to intervene...he had a doggy biscuit (we thought he'd already ate it) and he got very nasty with her. This is hardly a news flash as Spink much as I love him came to us with some really problematic behaviors which I've mostly just "worked around." So I don't know how it will finally work out with him and her. He's been "sulking" lately (that is if I may humanize what he's doing for a moment), he's refused to sleep in the bed with us since she's sleeping at the foot, and he just generally doesn't look thrilled with the additional dog thing. It is odd with Spink, he fit very well with Paddy, but those two were raised together from the time Spink was six months and Paddy was a pup. Paddy wasn't a pushy dog, more quiet and laid back, allowed Spink to initiate play and it worked well. In my mind I've never really sorted out the pack roles between Spink and Doodle yet. To watch the signals it would appear that Doodle is out ranking him, but then when it comes down to something important like food, or a chewy...Spink just won't put up with him! My biggest fear in this process is Spink getting injured. He is so small, and has too much fiesty in him for his own good.

I am feeding Molly away from my crew. I think the food issue is just way too much to risk right now. I have the hall area gated now and she goes there and eats and stays until the boys finish as they are slow eaters. Miss Molly likes her food and would eat hers and theirs too!

Thanks for the advice, some of which I was already doing, but that is o.k. as it affirms I'm heading off in the right direction. Hugs to each and every one of you.


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