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Subject: **A long moment of silence...**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 14:58:51 01/13/03 Mon
In reply to: Jask 's message, "*Smiling at her complimant.*"Why thank you. I did not know I had a reputaion."" on 09:44:46 01/10/03 Fri

**after a long moment of silence the wolf finally smiles briefly after looking over the squirrelmaid. He nods to her in greeting.** Greetings Riasa of the Lafaryl... I am Klik Redwolf of the House of Redwolf. I serve Quanshaire on a scouting party of the First Wave. **He bends his knees and sits down on a stump** We left for the Abbey weeks ago... I last saw Kinnan when he gave me orders to protect the Abbess... and I did just that. I was upon a tower when the queen approached and did my duties as instructed... that was the last I seen of Kinnan. However I am not worried... he is not one to get captured... he could take on that entire army by himself if he desired. **a brief noble smirk plays accross his face as he looks to Jask** I know not where everyone is... I saw Favre also before our journey to the Abbey, but have not seen since. It is my guess that they have journies of their own to tend to. Regardless I doubt Kinnan and Favre would want us to be sleeping away like this... so up and atom with all ye beasts. Time to tend the chores of yaself and ya mate. Come on now everyone... Lets clean this place up and make it nice for our mates return.

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**Taking a mug of cider she cups it in her paws and leans against a tree.**Riasa Lafaryl03:06:45 01/14/03 Tue

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