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Date Posted: 14:26:17 05/25/14 Sun
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Case dismissed
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Case Closed" on 04:39:16 05/22/14 Thu

"I'm not at all surprised that the author of this novella is Seth Tyrsson. He's been posting on the Fan Club Forum for quite some time now."

Linda, could you post the link here so we can see what he was saying?

"The psychic is a friend of his that he trusts implicitly, and what "info" he did share was something that had already come out in the Club's investigation years ago.

What information would that be? Aside from this statement ( http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/hotstuff/fanclubstatement.html ), a Q&A Trevor did on Lars back in 2008 or 2009, and his final statement that he posted on the fan club page in March 2010 (which has since been deleted from the fan club page), Trevor has released absolutely ZERO findings to the public whatsoever. Anything that I listed above was backed up publicly with zero public proof of whatever claims he made.

Anything that has "come out" as you said, has only been told to Trevor's select circle of insiders and financial supporters. If anything Trevor has gone out of his way to avoid any public release of his findings and has come up with a million sorry-assed excuses and lies for why he hasn't released any information or evidence with proof behind it.
Correct me if I'm wrong here.

" Seth just doesn't know about that investigation, nor how thorough it was."

LOL, no one does, but I'd bet anything it isn't as thorough as he's led you to believe.

"What he had to say was actually pretty accurate, and in keeping with the findings of that now long ago team of respected detectives and lawyers."

The respected detectives you mention bailed out on Trevor because he was shutting them out after they did the legwork. They were sick and tired of Trevor dragging his feet and bumbling everything.
There was only one lawyer and believe me, his intentions were financial, just like Trevor. This had long ago stopped being a grass-roots "justice for Brian" cause, certainly before I came in the picture in 2006.

Nobody would listen to Seth, since psychic info is considered legal "hearsay", and not admissible in court, so it looks like his desperation to tell everyone has resulted in this e-book.

Well, I give him credit for getting off his ass and getting the message out seeing that he has the same inadmissible evidence as Trevor.

"Don't discount it so much, Lazlo. The poor guy's just trying to get the word out, not knowing it's already out"

Again, see what I wrote above. Trevor has nothing "out" outside of what I just posted and what he tells his circle of supporters and donors. If Seth doesn't know it's out, obviously he isn't part of Trevor's circle.

"Maybe you SHOULD read it Dear, you may not be so quick to mock him"

Maybe I will sometime. And if I could return some unsolicited advice back to you Linda, maybe you should start believing ME and what I have written instead continuously being duped by a lying sack of shit who is too much of a coward to come here and even half-ass attempt to prove me wrong (because he can't) and hides behind good-faithed people like you to go to bat for him. If Trevor was credible and on the level, he'd stand up for himself. If someone was calling me a liar on the internet, you can bet your ass I'd be right there in their face, wouldn't you do that if it were you Linda?

Just sayin'

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