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Welcome to the Mid-American Irish Dance Board
The goals of this board are to inform and educate readers about Irish Dance within our region. Anyone interested in dance is welcome to read and post here.
Moderators: Be aware the moderators of this board are unpaid volunteers with no affiliation to voy.com, moderators of other boards or with each other beyond a shared love for Irish dance. Other activities keep us busy. We respond to questions and requests as quickly as convenient. If you have a question about editorial policy, please contact us via the �Contact Forum Admin� link. We do not discuss editorial policies or reasons for post removals on the open board. The opinions expressed here are those of the writers, not of the voy board or board moderators.
Policies: Cursing and libel are not tolerated. In addition to the usual words and phrases commonly accepted as swearing, any reference to genitalia, either missing, original equipment or artificial, is vulgar and will be treated as cursing. Before posting a comment, remember there are real people with real feelings attached to the statements you write. Do not publish a comment if you wouldn't want something similar written about yourself, your school, child, TC or friend. Readers, remember you may, without comment, scroll past any thread or post you find boring or aggravating.
Out-of-region and international visitors are welcome to join us on this board but be aware, your home area's rules may be different from ours. Describing regulations or requirements that apply to your region may accidentally misinform readers about our region's protocols. If you post information of this nature, identify your dance region to avoid misunderstandings.
Vendors and private sellers may post ads here using appropriate self-control. Repetitive posts will be edited or removed.
Email addresses on this board: Do not post your email address in a message title or body on the main index of the board unless you like spam. Create a protected link by starting a new thread or response to a comment. When you are in the "Post a new message" or "newpost" screen, fill in the box labeled "E-mail address (optional)." This creates a Captcha safeguard against web crawlers but still make your address accessible to legitimate users. Posts which have a protected email are easy to recognize: any text in the Name section of a message appears in boldface type.
Anyone found posting and answering their own message in order to create drama will have their message removed and banned from further posting. Repeatedly asking the same question after it has been removed will also result in banning on this message board. IP addresses are now made visible on this message board. Anyone message posted using masking sites will be removed.

Archives: 1234567 ]

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