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Subject: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)

A Malay Filipino
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Date Posted: 01/28/02 10:37pm PST
In reply to: Barney Caparros 's message, "Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/20/02 4:43pm PST

Maybe we should ask Mr. Mondoy to post his grandma's photo here. You could be right if she got the physical characteristics you mentioned. Most Aetas/Negritos, however, are upland nomads who have rarely married non-Aeta people. A decade ago, they comprised a tiny portion of the Philippine population - about 300,000 out of 70 million Filipinos then. As far as I can recollect, we were always taught in our Philippine history classes that majority of Filipinos are of Malay stock. The oft-trustworthy CIA page (accessible online at www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rp.html) confirms this: the ethnic makeup of the Philippines is 95.5 percent Malay and 1.5% Chinese/Tsinoy. The remaining 3%, I understand are American, Arab, Indian, Japanese, Mexican, Negrito, Spanish and others, including combinations of two or all of these. 3% look too small compared to Mexico's 60% Amerindian-Spanish. That's why Filipinos don't look like Latinos. How about you, Mr. Caparros, are you a Negrito-Filipino or Tsinoy? Why not show us your unretouched pic.

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Subject Author Date
Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)Barney Caparros01/29/02 11:13pm PST

Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)kalani mondoy06/ 5/02 9:56pm PDT

Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)nagsasaing si kumander01/19/04 2:15pm PST

Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)M04/18/04 4:31am PDT

Most of the US based Filipinos do not know whether their ancestors in the Philippines do have Spanish ancestry.The fact is, there are more Mestizas in the Philippines than in the US. Most of brown, flatnose pinoys had to migrate out of the Philippines because their looks wouldn't elevate their status there. The mestizos are the ones that move-up not the native lookings you'll see on the streets of Hawaii and Daly City (NT)The Fact08/22/04 4:04am PDT

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