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Date Posted: 05:29:23 10/16/06 Mon
Author: Remy/Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie/Shay 's message, "inside" on 05:13:01 10/16/06 Mon

(He hadn't meant the greeting as anything other than a greeting.. okay, so he'd known he was misbehaving and was trying to sound innocent and it had come off badly.. but what was her deal?! He hadn't heard her yell at him like that in.. God, had she ever yelled at him like this? He actually shifted his weight and looked highly guilty as he held the glass pane in place with his shoulders, swallowing almost audibly and opening his mouth a couple of times to answer her. Lord, she was turning his gut into knots with her tone, not to mention her words.. he was never that good at accepting that someone was upset with him. By the time she finished there was a tick in his jaw.) Shaylin.. please.. just.. (He was cut off as she went into her oration about Haylie and then the line was cut off. Well, son of a bitch. He put the phone back into his pocket and turned to put the screws into the top of the window pane, setting it in place before he reached for his crutches and went to get the other pane. He couldn't drive, so he called a cab as he finished putting up the remaining pane of glass. Nearly fifteen minutes later he was hobbling inside and putting his heavy sherpa lined jean jacket on and heading down to catch his cab. It would be twenty minutes before he arrived at the hospital.) (He arched a brow as Shay lit into his friend, wondering what the hell Remy was cleaning, building or otherwise doing to reinjure himself this time. The man had no common sense about taking care of himself.. anyone else he could tend, but not himself. Tilting his head, he kept careful watch on Haylie as he shifted her in his arms, keeping her close to support most of her weight. When Shay came over to take the keys, his eyes widened and he grunted.) Hey, reach down, not at an angle.. (He commented, shaking his head, wondering why his nether regions determined that quick copped feel a reason to perk up and ask for more. He swore it was a wonder men didn't just crawl around and beg for sex the way Manland was always soliciting business even when it wasnt a good time. He looked down at Haylie as they got on the elevator.) What's not a good idea? The baby? We'll get you lots of drugs, baby.. don't worry bout that. (He murmured, kissing her temple again as the doors opened and he led her out to the truck, opening the door and easing her inside before joining her and drawing her into his arms. The fact that he was letting Shay drive his truck said a lot about his love for her.. he didn't even let Remy drive it.)

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