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Date Posted: 06:05:54 10/16/06 Mon
Author: Shay/Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 05:29:23 10/16/06 Mon

Oh the whole male population could just go to hell. "Oh grow up Kyrian. Like I really thought that when your girlfriend is having contractions would be opportunity to grab a shot at your cock." She growled out, climbing into the truck - literally climbing, it was way to big for her - and starting it up to get to them to the hospital in a timely but safe fashion. She parked the car in the front of the hospital and jumped out - way down - to open the door to let Haylie and Kyrian out. Her hand lifted to pat her friends cheek in a loving matter. "Everything's ok, baby girl, you just hold on ok?" She questioned, noting the way that Haylie's skin was taunt and pale, her breathing just a touch labored. She frowned again, turning towards the doors to wave down a nurse and tell her what was going on. Soon enough a wheelchair was there and Haylie was being placed into it. "Go on. I'll wait out here. Just lemme know what is going on ok?" She questioned softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Haylie's head before she was wheeled away. She let everyone help her, just focused on the way the pain was moving through her body with a passion. Oh, it hurt. It hurt so bad. She dropped willingly into the wheelchair, smiling wanely at Shay before she was pushed into a room and quickly set up in the bed. Monitors were hooked up to monitor her heart and all that sort of thing and then hooked up monitors to check on the baby and keep track of what was going on with her. She let out a soft breath, her brow furrowed heavily as she reached down to twist her fingers into the sheets. It hurt, so badly, god, she couldn't even think about anything else that was going on in the room, she just couldn't handle hurting so badly all over. More than that, she hated the fact that the baby was obviously stressed out, the little heart monitor was beeping so fast.

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