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Date Posted: 23:39:37 06/02/04 Wed
Author: jaws
Subject: unsafe waters
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//run away\\" on 20:44:40 06/02/04 Wed

deciding to lay low while on pursuit of the shadowed female he stayed behind, moving at a leisurly pace as he weaved in between the foliage. stepping carefully as to not make to much noise he watched her flee, and was greatly amused by her frequent checks to make sure he was not trailing behind. a low mutter escaped his vocals chords, unaudible to all but their creator.

just when you think its safe to back into the water..

the meaning of those words will soon become clear. pace was picked up, limbs rising and falling in a rythmic motion. and just when he thought he was home free, one misplaced hoove landed on a brittle twig, a sharp crack sent forth from it. recoiling his optics darted, had she heard it? perhaps not, since he had fortunatly opted to follow from a distance.

moving more cautiously he continued his pursuit, gaining ground alongside the female, but keeping foliage between them. stealthy little bastard, eh? quickly decided to drop the incognito act, he pushed himself through the vegetation, his tride now matching hers step for step. a deep whicker was emitted in a gretting between acquatances.

we meet again

pleased with the reaction he had gotten earlier the smug grin was still firmly planted across his pale features, giving him almost and aproachable look.

but how incredibly wrong that assumption was.

[ x take a plunge x ]

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