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Subject: ~*~Forever Young~*~

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Date Posted: 12:28:56 07/12/03 Sat
In reply to: Domino 's message, "(OOC:)" on 14:18:13 07/11/03 Fri

ooc: *hugs Domenica* I snuck on!! Thanks for letting everyone know :) *hugs C's player* HI!!!!!!!!!!! are you staying?

Lost in her usual reverie, the filly almost didn't notice the presence in her haven. Blinking as if rising from the deepest slumber, she stared hard at the familiar figure...but it couldn't be. Perhaps remnants of her dreams had remained, that was it, it was a hallucination. Shaking her head, she attempted to chase it away. However, the vision remained when her eyes opened once more. ~*~C...~*~ she breathed, her broken heart pounding within her barrel chest. Nickering frantically, she surged into a gallop that quickly brought her to the stallion's side. Her raven muzzle thrust deep into his mane as she inhaled the scent she had missed for so long. Her eyes were dazzling when she finally pulled away, their depths lit with adoration and joy. Seeing Lil' Mist, she prodded the mare with her muzzle, almost as if asking Lil' to reaffirm what she thought she was seeing.

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*Don't Let Size Be the Judge of What Lies Within*Lil' Mist18:57:23 07/12/03 Sat

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