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Subject: The Sweet Taste of Blood

Raven of Darkness
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Date Posted: 16:00:46 08/05/04 Thu
In reply to: Death Toll, Bloody Sunset 's message, ":: *Grin* That Works Too ::" on 19:42:20 08/04/04 Wed

wandering into a territory she seldom ventured into because it was out of her way the queen of the streets looks over the males silently. her dingy coat hidding her well in the shadows though the collar she could not rid her self of had metal studs that shown dully through the blood tinted mud coating it. Audits focused on them she watches silently before steping forward and into her a part of her domain as all of cm city was. a slow growl gathering in her throat and chest as she waits for them to look to her. Her sleek form ridged with challenge as she shifts her dark hell tinted pools from one to another waiting for an explianation. Her fighting capiblitys far superior to any she had come across big or smal upon her streets though she did not like to fight and perferred peacefull resolutions.

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That's comforting.K9 Kriegan20:31:54 08/05/04 Thu

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