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Subject: That's comforting.

K9 Kriegan
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Date Posted: 20:31:54 08/05/04 Thu
In reply to: Raven of Darkness 's message, "The Sweet Taste of Blood" on 16:00:46 08/05/04 Thu

Good. They were interested in food more than ripping him to shreds. The stomach was a powerful thing.. The sable dog collected himself, racking his mind in search of some place good.. some place that would satisfy these dogs' seemingly voracious appetites. Real food, not kibble. Kibble was disgusting. Man, Kriegan was in the wrong line of work.

"Uh.. pizza." He had just the place in mind. But whether or not the establishment was open to errant dogs was a coin flip. "Follow me." Yeah, they had to walk. No public transit for these pups.

But just as he turned, the German Shepherd Dog came face-to-face with a ferocious-looking Doberman. He took a slow step backwards, glancing once, quickly, in the direction of Death Toll and Bloody Sunset. The dark sable laid his ears back on his head. He definitely was in the wrong line of work. Was there a full moon tonight, or something? Very carefully, Kriegan drew himself to his full confident height. He chose his words carefully; he didn't know if this female was homicidal or not.

"I am K9 Kriegan.. Do you need assistance?"

He sure hoped the entire group of them didn't jump him right now. The sable wasn't a streetdog. Streetwise, yes, but not a streetdog

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The Sweet Taste of BloodRaven of Darkness20:55:30 08/05/04 Thu

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