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Subject: (ewww Zeth doesnt want to sleep with her! They're more sister/brother-ish)

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Date Posted: 04:04:51 08/06/09 Thu
In reply to: deuce 's message, "[[she knows about the block, so she at least tried. it's not a visible thing]]" on 20:11:16 08/05/09 Wed

.:. He was blissfully unaware of their argument and when Alicia spoke aloud, he looked between the two with furrowed brow. He had obviously missed something. He looked to Tarot and watched her extract and devour some caramel and he grinned. least her appetite wasn't gone. He choked back a laugh and a chunk of chewed apple as Tarot accused Alicia of being a bad mother. Then Alicia retorted that her mother had died. Zeth glanced back to Alicia. He hadn't be aware of her mother's passing. A twinge of sadness struck him but fluttered away after a moment.

He could tell that the female hadn't quiet started on the right foot, but was clueless on how to repair their waltz. So he sat quietly, eying the pendant, and purposely did not look up. Women. He only understood them if they were on their backs.:.

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i like it when things explodetarot 08:34:22 08/06/09 Thu

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