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Subject: i like it when things explode

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Date Posted: 08:34:22 08/06/09 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, "(ewww Zeth doesnt want to sleep with her! They're more sister/brother-ish)" on 04:04:51 08/06/09 Thu

Tarot snorted. Ooh. What a scary little wife. Half her size, half her strength and half the emotional capability. Tarot preferred angered outbursts to well-mannered lecturing. As her therapist had put it, 'how does that really make you feel?'. Incredibly irritable, thank you.

Mummy was dead? Oh, how sad. Let me find you a shoulder. Death was a part of life for those useless enough to not to live on. There was something in her makeup that just giggled at the word. Death. Heh.

Where I come from, wives are extremely expendable resources. You haven't borne him any children so you're useless. Tarot grinned. Watch it.

You should find the reason for that. Tarot plucked the pendant from his hands, careful not to allow it to brush against her bare skin. It's up to something.

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I hate cleaning up messesAlicia11:48:38 08/11/09 Tue

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