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Subject: i love cowboys

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Date Posted: 12:17:05 04/30/10 Fri
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:. I dun like cowboys.:." on 04:40:28 04/30/10 Fri

Zeth stunk of cheap perfume; reminding our unnamed guest of a two dollar french whore. Doesn't the local drug store sell that fragrance in an aerosol can? He really did wish for a cigar now; at this point even a cheap one will do the trick, masking the stench.

'I'd almost rather drink paint thinner than the watered down stuff you keep in the bar.'

Footsteps tracked Zeth into the bathroom, fingers still wrapped around the bottle. Dark lashes masked his gaze as it slipped over Zeth's physique, stirring up memories from the past. An ache burned deep within his gut, drawing him in closer to Zeth.

'You don't recognize me, do you?'

Scarlet tie slipped from around his neck to his floor as the fingertips worked at the top buttons of his white dress shirt, revealing inches of flesh with each button.

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.:.You're confused with the "cowgirl" position.:.Zeth21:53:14 04/30/10 Fri

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