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Date Posted: 22:08:14 10/19/04 Tue
Author: the context doesn't matter
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Subject: you know what I am talking about
In reply to: knip 's message, "i am afraid" on 21:35:14 10/19/04 Tue

Oh c'mon, Knip, you know exactly WHAT website I am talking about, and generally WHAT exchange.

I have been following your particular fencesitting on this topic and I am not happy about it. You know better than that, I think.

I have refused any specific information about what DP did to upset the website owner. I don't think it matters. He set up the website with specific rules and she is willing to follow those rules, but he doesn't want her on it because she made him mad. He is the one who is discriminating and prejudiced. It really doesn't matter what she said, IMHO.

I want the internet to encourage free exchanges between people of all kinds and types. If website owners set up rules and then arbitrarily push people off of them because of personal issues (not related to the 'rules') then this free exchange is not possible. Fuck that.

And damn anyone who makes up their own unspoken rules of obedience and persecutes those who don't comply with them.

BTW, I hate equivocation. It is the worst of all faults. Either you know what you believe and you stick to it, or you don't. If you make a mistake, big whoop. You can correct that. But if you don't take a side you're doomed to constant moral stagnation. You can't be right and you can't be wrong, because you haven't taken a side at all.

I am taking my side based on fairness, not personal issues. I HOPE I'm right. If not, then I will learn.

>i don't know what you are talking about
>if there was a specific exchange, can you direct me to
>the thread?
>also, i would add that anonymous postings, although
>perhaps relevant for what they say, have no context

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