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Date Posted: 23:54:18 11/02/06 Thu
Author: Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Reese 's message, "Inside" on 23:03:27 11/02/06 Thu

She willingly went into his embrace and returned the kiss softly. It was hard for her to be in here but she had a feeling it was harder for him. She knew it was easier to be the one to die than to be the one left behind, at least that was the way she felt. Swallowing heavily, she reached up to trace his face in her hands, her eyes on him. "You didn't lose me Remy and I love you too." She smiled lovingly at him, her hand lifting up to brush through his hair slowly before she reached way up to press a kiss to his lips once more. "I'm here with you now, I'm safe, Chase is safe, the baby is safe....but if you aren't comfortable in this room, Remy, I need you to tell me." She paused, thinking for a moment. "Our bedroom is supposed to be our sanctuary, our refuge and if it can't be that to you now...we need to look into finding a house." She was being honest with him and wanting him to be honest with her, the moment was serious but all the sudden Chase squealed loudly and nearly chorkled with laughter and she couldn't but smile at that sound, it seemed like their son was enjoying himself out there with the puppies and Skeeter. Skeeter was like a big toy on his own, the man had no pride when it came to playing with the baby and was more than willingly to get down and roll around on the floor in his five grand armani suit if that was what Chase wanted. He would make a great dad for him and Gia's baby and sometimes she wondered if Gia really knew that, if she understood just how perfect Skeeter was. Then again, if the woman was putting up with him being a complete asshole when it came to their relationship these days, she m

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