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Date Posted: 17:50:13 09/22/13 Sun
Author: Mon
Subject: You should stick around because...
In reply to: Stephanie 's message, "RPG Shopping- Show a newbie why to stick around..." on 17:05:13 09/22/13 Sun

You are awesome sauce. ;)

First off, I'm going to apologize for any grammatical errors...I'm on my phone and we all know autocorrect fails. Baha. Also, I want to thank you for tally the time to give us a little look over. We love you for it.

As I mentioned on Reddit, we are rather slow at this time. It was not always this way. CM got its start 10 or 12 years ago...it's been so long, I can't even remember an exact date (Dom, can you maybe shed light on this?). It used to be a hopping place...so active it was almost hard to keep up! The main areas of activity were the horse sections, wolves sections, and of course the humans. I primarily stayed in the human area myself, but Chaos and Domino (two of the other ladies currently active here) had some characters in the other sections. The horses and wolves were divided by evil and light and each had an abundance of territories. The humans were more 'free', and people created original characters and developed plots amongst themselves. There has never been much restriction in terms of what kind of character you can create. You want to e a vampire? Sure! A Demi god? You got it! A human in a rock band? Let's write! See where I'm going with this? It has always been a place that encouraged creativity.

It really has not changed that much, at least in that regard. As you can see, we do not have a 'site wide plot', so to speak. It is very much a collaborative writing environment. We out our heads together, we plot, we write. We aren't bound by too many 'laws' like other RPGs. It is awesome.

Okay, now...about me. I am Mon (obviously), and the one who is on Reddit for the site. I became a member here when I was 13 or 14. I played with many people back in the day, but most of my threads were with Domino and Chaos. Very talented ladies, which I am sure you will see. Anyway, life got in the way and I took a long hiatus. When I found CM again, it was as slow as you see it now. But the three of us jumped back in and have been for years. :) I am 27, married, and mommy to a cattle dog German shepherd rescue. I live in Wisconsin and am outdoorsy. Hunting is my thing. Big time. I'm kind of a health nut. Hobbies include jogging, going camping, ATVing, snowmobiling...and writing, of course. I have gazillions of characters in existence, though many are 'on reserve'. I'm also an acid reader...Stephen King and Dean Koontz are my boys!

Alright, now...why you should stay. I wasn't lying. You are the kind of awesome sauce we need to jump start this place. It doesn't seem like much now, but we are hoping to overhaul this site and if you stay, you are going to witness a site half our age come back from the dead. How cool is that?

I'm going to share a little secret with you. Remember how I mentioned dom and chaos? Well, we use some of our CM characters on a private board...inappropriate content and such. I'm going to link you that board, so you can decide for yourself if we are the type of talent you'd like to write with.

Check out the drop downs. There's lots of links to various plots we had.

So, in closing, I hope you know that we appreciate the fact that you came to us. And I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would love to write with you. I am sure Loo (CM owner) and perhaps Duece (graphics) will agree. If you decide to move on, info wish you the happiest of birthdays, and an incredible wedding day!

I have included my email address. Feel free to use it with any other questions! Much love.

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