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Date Posted: 04:30:42 03/26/10 Fri
Author: Telcoltl
Subject: _-But how could I know the future?-_
In reply to: Emmaline 's message, "Guess? Thats not reassuring" on 22:25:49 03/25/10 Thu

He turned the menu over again and let his eyes dart across it. He wasn’t reading anymore. He was gauging her reaction to his words. Well, she hadn’t laughed at least. But she had asked a question that he felt needed to be answered in order for their conversational topic not to get lost. “Yes, that was what I was explaining.” It was a nuturing tone as he said it as if it was of little important who she chose but all the while her heart was beating quickly and his hands were a little sweaty. He bounced back automatically to the drinks. “You can just have one glass- you’lll love it and want another.” Here his smile glinted in her direction. “ It’s like the Ice Wines…you know about those, don’t you? In some contries if they know there’s going to be a frost after harvest, they’ll abandoned a few fields until after the freeze and then come back for them. The cold make the sugars crystalize. “ They were carrying two conversations. One on top of the table about wine and the art of wine making. The other, under the table, about him taking her for his ward. As old as Telcoltl was he had never been a guardian. He hadn’t liked the idea of someone being dependent on you. Someone having to follow you and know where you were most of the time for their peace of mind. But things with Emmaline were different. Telcoltl wouldn’t mind any of that at all.

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