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Subject: ..I need a catch phrase..

Lyla Jones
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Date Posted: 08:01:56 12/09/09 Wed
In reply to: Verda Thorne 's message, "::Leader of the Pack::" on 06:20:03 12/09/09 Wed

It was unusual having someone else’s voice in her head; to learn something instantaneously instead of waiting for her brain to decipher the code her ears streamed through. She moved at once, prompted into movement by her alpha.

She slide past the female with hunkered down shoulders and a swift gate, keeping her eyes averted until she reached Ronon. Her hand found his to discover that his body was tense with aggression. Lyla recalled almost too vividly how he’d taken the exact stance only moments before Lyla was swiped out from under him and attacked last night. She suppressed her growing desires to get the hell out of dodge; but, her own body was jittering with nervous energy. She didn’t understand how Verda had told her what to do; but, she’d recognized the voice and the dominance it held. She wasn’t sure if there was a way to communicate back. There were no words needed, surely. They hadn’t been needed last night. With Verda behind her and Ronon in front of her, Lyla realized eerily that she was acting as a human/shifter shield. Gulp.

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...ooc..Lyla08:12:06 12/09/09 Wed

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