For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine
Her scent met him before she'd even slid the lock from it's home. It was tainted somehow--diluted by the discouraging aroma of garlic...but that sultry undertone was still detectible, nonetheless. Still delectable. In the instant before she opened the door, he took a deep breath, savoring what he could of that midsummer scent in an attempt to keep the beast from stirring fully when he came to be face to face with her. When the door opened, however, the blond male gave no indication of the small struggle he was facing...appearing just as stoic as he had in the days of his human life.
He inclined his head slightly in a nod of greeting."The nights become longer in undeath, so I've found." A slight pause given as he gauged the temperament of the creature that possessed him, finding it graciously at bay. "I hope this morn finds you well." Many would find him equally as foolish, entering the domain of a human he found so lusciously titillating. Especially when that human was not one that he wanted on the menu...and one he had utmost respect and well wished for. He stepped into the abode, casting his eerie, almost vacant gaze across his surroundings. Many a memory had been associated within these walls--many good, one horrendous. The starting point--and yet also, the termination point. Of his human days, and what had almost been their partnership. Rage, white-hot and complete, kindled deep within at the very thought of the fateful Christmas night...renewing his urge to have done with this particular mission. The gratification that success would bring would be beyond satisfying. He'd yearned for it for many a year...and judging from the fact that it had brought Cammie back stateside, she had as well.
"Thank you." He voiced in a gravelly reply, settling himself upon what appeared to be the very same couch they'd used over a decade ago. His gaze cast across it, remembering in vivid clarity the times in which his body had pressed Cammie's to that very fabric when they'd been too overcome to even make it to the small bedroom in the back. He could still remember the feel of that soft porcelain flesh, so warm and slick.......
A low growl sounded as he forced his thoughts away from those memories. It would not do to think fo such things in this environment, when the threads of control could snap at any time and end this thing in a very disastrous way. His throat burned, aching for nourishment...and it was of no fault of his own. Silently, he hoped she would bring whatever beverage it was that she had planned for him--even a human liquid such as soda would be better than the horrid dryness he felt just then. "I am of full function on this day, and ready to proceed as planned." Instincts had picked up on her worry of his mindstate, though he'd not prodded into her thoughts--respecting her privacy. Never had he allowed a woman-- or anything--to take his eyes from the target when a mission was in play. Undeath had not changed that quality--it had just made it difficult, for he found he must balance his urge for blood and his determination for vengeance on an equal scale. "An odd thing, to be within these walls once more. One would think a decade had not passed---if for a moment."
For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight