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Subject: I love anti-media cops

Major Monaco
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Date Posted: 20:49:39 12/27/02 Fri
In reply to: Like the media has ever been our friend 's message, "Grainy it's still just all media hype, tell your guys to do a little research and reading if they need some extra confidence to do their job." on 17:18:46 12/27/02 Fri

As a member of the media and heavy police supporter I take offense to your post. I assume from your post that the "our" you're referring to is law enforcement and that you are a PO. You seem to have a grudge against "the media". You assume that media interest in Crown Vics is not credible because you feel they have never been on your side. Wasn't the story brought to the attention of the media by members of law enforcement? A long time ago I read an article about an Arizona Trooper who posed for pictures to show the severe disfigurement caused by a CV fire. I suppose you think that the reporter wasn't really interested in the Trooper and how the fire affected his family, just in writing a sensasional story to help sell papers and help his career. Am I right? Well if I have correctly anticipated the way you feel let me tell you that media folks are just normal folks like you and your copper friends. They have compassion for their subjects the same way you have compassion for the victims that you meet everyday. They get excited about catching a good story the same way you get excited when you catch a criminal. They make tough judgements about what is as what isn't news and will never please everyone. The City of Dallas is suing Ford, not the news media. It is absolutely a valid story. It's too bad that you are so against the media that you can't even recognize a story that exists to potentially make your job safer.

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I love anti-cop mediaMonaco Minor06:33:25 12/28/02 Sat

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