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- Remebering -- Jeleta:Kymalae, 21:13:21 02/19/03 Wed
The dark haired coinshifter walks in, not quite used to using her legs so much. Her small silver walks in after her, but the normally playful pair was now very serious. Jeleta walks in and sits in the middle of the den and closes her eyes. Her clawed hands rest in her lap and she sits, her legs crossed. ~This is where we first met, my sweet.~ she says telepathically to her dragon. ~Your mother had not linked, so she was suspicious of us. But when the linking started, everything was a blur, because I was... preoccupied.~ she says with a grin,~ Do you know who linked who?~ she asks her kilven. ~Of course I do.~ the silver replied. ~Lysander linked Kador, the bronze, Renus linked Romanus, the red, Diami and Skivvi got greens, Aliyra got the other silver, and Fern got the gold. But I got the best of all.~ said the kilven. Jeleta stands and rubs her antlers thoughtfully. ~Thankyou.~ Jeleta says, and she oats her kilven on the neck. ~Let's go.~
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- ~*~Linking~*~ -- Evermor; Silver Wild Mother; Cubs, 22:04:37 02/05/03 Wed
With a sudden loud roar that breaks through all conversation, the Wild femme lets it be known that something of great importance is occuring. The eyes of eight cubs seem to open at once, and slowly but surely the small bundles of fur struggle to wobbly feet. With a silent rumble of encouragement Evermor flings himself from the Den, his sentient prescence there could be harmful to the event that was about to occur.
With a loud mrowl the first cub, the bronze furred, wobbles eagerly towards the shadowy Lysander. There is no doubt in his mind as young, damp, wings flap outwards and he trips over them, digging painful little claws into the thin membrane. He yowls his distress, but pries himself from his tangled position, and with a final yowl of determination, flings himself straight at the chest of his chosen Lysander... the blast of mental touch is incredible. Within the boy's mind is now a beating breathing being, and swiftly a voice follows. I am Kador! We are Linked!
The next is the smaller of the two greens, dark fur of the forest stretches perfectly over a roly-poly cub like form. Expressive eyes swirl yellow in confusion as she blinks at the many female beings infront of her, but with a low snort of descision she makes her way towards Skivi. Forepaws stretch up to push against the girl's stomach, broad emerald wings flapping up great gusts of excited wind as the next chosen is Linked. Skivi, I am Shallae, I choose you!
The red male shakes his fur with silent toothy grin, and allows the lengthy russet masses of fluff to settle before eyeing his choices. Tail blade still hardening he points it expressively at his being of choice... then lopes straight over to rub a massive ruff against Jasmine's side. Ears perk with glee as their minds become one, My name is
Hashador, Jasmine. Do you approve of me? Eyes fill with worry as he looks up in expectation.
Another lengthy-furred male, the brown doesn't bother to shake the dampness of the cave from his hide, but in a hyper spurt of energy, spreads his wings, and in a half-shuffle, half-glide, manages to make his way over to the poetic Renus, eyes fill with love as his tail wraps in a sort of "hug" about his lifemate's legs. Renus? I am Romanor! We are one!
With a rumble of impatience, the darker, short-furred silver makes herself known. Tail-blade perks behind her as she gives herself a haughty little shake. Tiny claws extend and fangs are bared, as if she wished to make herself look as impressive as possible before choosing her Linked. With a loud yip to show off her voice, she works her way over to Jeleta, and licks her hand delicately. I am Kymalae.
A second later and the lighter green-furred has tilted her head after her brothers and sisters in baffled confusion. Eyes widen with fear but she forces herself after them... at first shy, but picking up speed as she chases. She continues to run even after her gaze is diverted from the path ahead as she witnesses a Linking... and she manages to plow straight into Diami. Eyes gaze upwards to the face of the femme she collided with... and the Link is made. Diami? I am Adelae!
With a silent grin of anticipation, the stoic longfurred silver makes her way slowly across the Den. Her mind had long since been made up, and so her gaze does not move from the girl that she had chosen. Ears perked in a friendly manner, she raises up on her hind legs to place a furry head on Aliyra's shoulder. My name is Malakae. You are my lifemate Aliyra."
And then, the gold. Eyes flicker calmly along the matched pairs, and then lock firmly with one's gaze who had as of yet not been Linked. A slow, methodical, and yet almost regal gait sends her before the careful stature of Fern, where she sits a long moment, before reaching out with long, golden wings, and enwrapping the femme with both physical apendages... and mind. Fern? I am Fyrae... And I too have dreams of my own.
With a long bugle of both joy and mourning, the silver Mother flings herself from the Den... Off into the open sky, and beyond the sight of all present. Her job was done here. Her cubs were now safe.
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- Heres another guy -- Renus, 19:26:24 02/02/03 Sun
A man in colorful vestments walks into the den and looks at the Kilven in awe. He sees the females talking and walks in slowly as if not to startle the beutiful mother. "I can barely look at your beautiful cubs for my eyes are unworthy of the sight. They are too beautiful to use words to describe, as are you, the mother of such a fine litter. He brushes a strand of flaming red hair out of his eyes and he catches sight of Evermor. He bows to all of the Kilven and his eyes dart from one to next, unable to chose, for they were all equally beautiful. "I bask in the glory of your prescense. You need not feel threatened for I am nothing compared to you. No human, coinshifter, tokathe, or beast can be as beautiful as are you and your cubs." he walks back to the wall, thrilled at the very prescense of the mighty beast.
(OOC: Sorry, I jua had to do that. Even though half of it might not have made sense, it was fun.)
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- \\\What if the world really is black and white, and we just see it in color because we want to?/// -- Fern, 21:46:52 01/28/03 Tue
A figure dressed in sea-blue enters the den, knowing eyes resting on the Silver hide of the mother. The Kilven's paws were torn and not well cared for, so this one had to be wild. Fern takes in the scene of the mother standing protectively over her cubs, baring her teeth at the hopefuls, her expression fierce and somewhat confused. The others wishing to link must have run in and startled her. Fern reflects scornfully. Sometimes people just don't think about what a Wild can do to them if startled. She almost shakes her head in disgust, but catches herself and remembers not to make any sudden movements or loud noises when approaching a mother with young. Especially a mother unlinked. Slowly, Fern enters the main den, keeping under the light sifting in through the entrance so she would be noticed before she spoke. The Coinshifter casts a quick glance at the cubs then speaks to the mother, averting her gaze to the Silver's pelt and not looking her in the eye.
"Your loveliness is all the more radiant when shining by the light of the stars, Silver one. And like the stars are your cubs, for they, too, have light all their own." Fern smiles, her voice full of respect as she continues to speak. "Indeed, this den resembles the night sky, like a reflection in a sacred pool." A scene comes to Ferns mind of a picture in a book she once read. It illustrated the moon as a womans face, full of loving as she gazed down at the stars. The stars themselves resembled childrens faces, and they smiled up at their mother. Fern had loved that book, and it had taken a lot to keep her cool when it had been lost. But she had managed to stay calm and find it. Unfortunately, the book had later been destroyed in a fire. She would have to find another copy someday.... Bringing herself away from memories of old, Fern speaks once more to the mother, her words laden with serious tone. "It would be an honor to attempt to bond one of your starlets. May you know that I would never restrain them from soaring free across the skies, or go against any wish important enough to them that they would be genuinely saddened at its not occurring." With those final words the Coinshifter bows and recedes back to the wall to stand among the others.
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- Figured a guy could be of use... -- Lysander and Skivi, 22:03:39 01/25/03 Sat
~The male walked in calmly, aware of the wild Kilven litter and moving slower than usual in order to fend off the already heightened defense of the cubs. He watched the cubs, curious but keeping distance between the group and himself. Brown eyes skipped over connecting with the expressively hostile Kilven hues. Eye contact was challenge, and he did not wish to cause strife, especially with a pretective Kilven mother. He grinned and grabbed onto the corner of his sister's tunic, preventing her from making the error of closing in. He moved foward slightly, palms up in a gesture of peace. His speech would not mean much, so he kept silent, body language speaking for him.~
+Skivi stopped close by her brother as he pulled at the belt of her tunic. Lightning gave the image of a red halo, light catching the spiked, red flecked tips of hair. Pale hues watched the small, furred creatures as they moved about. She broke into a broad grin and looked at her brother. She immeadiately frowned and batted at his hand. He was chewing his nails; they'd promised to rid each other of the habit. He smiled, but kept his eyes locked on the litter. She shrugged and returned to gazing at the eight cubs. The gold fur caught her gaze for an instant before she scanned the others, noting two silver and two green. All the colors were remarkable. She smiled again, watching the mother, but also avoiding eye contact. Wishing to go further, she hesitated and decided against it, burning the fact into her mind that this mother was wild and not to be tried.+
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- *W*I*L*D* *B*I*R*T*H* -- ..., 21:44:21 01/16/03 Thu
The thunder of lightning cracks across a stormy sky, and rain begins to fall in torrents. Two eyes swirl yellow as a soaked silver fur clings to frozen hide of an expectant Silver Mother. Wings flare in precaution, and a whiff of the Cave is taken. Human scent... Coinshifter scent... and yet Kilven scent. The silver Mother wrinkled her nose in distaste. Linked. But Linked was a Chance she'd have to take as suddenly her broad stomach gave roll of contractian. Without further hesitation she loped carefully into the farthest shadows of the Birthing Den, and brought into the world a fine healthy litter of Cubs. As night drew her into the realms of sleep she curled up around them, hiding them from any who may approach... For now, they were not visible, but soon perhaps... colors and genders could be disclosed...
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- Entrance -- Jeleta, 17:08:13 11/03/02 Sun
She walks into the den with a disappointed look on her face. She had heard legends of the mighty Kilven in her short existence and had even seen one or two flying over head at great heights. She had traveled to the Kilven den hoping to catch a glance of the mighty beast and possibly even be lucky enough to get linked to one. Looking around one last time, hoping her eyes had decieved her and the den was filled with Kilven she sighs and turns away. Her normal proud posture was replaced with a sad draging walk as she forced herself out of the den.
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- entrance -- Kailia, 14:19:17 11/03/02 Sun
Walking up to the den, she sighs, knowing it was empty. She looks around anyhow, hoping that one day she would be here to Link with a Kilven. Her pace speeds up as she leaves the area, it wasn't much use staying here, and she still had the rest of the planet to see.
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- Arwen enters on gold hued Jahae -- Arwen -coinshifter- Jahae -Kivlen-, 11:05:11 09/15/02 Sun
Arwen was homesick for Pern, homesick for her friends. She wondered where Marithura, Marthur, Sira, K'valla, and everyone had ended up.
Hand rubbed Jahae's furred shoulder, feeling slightly strange with her Dragon's new form as a Kivlen. Jahae arched her neck, the full-grown vibrant gold looked about in wonderment. It's like the sands.
"But it's not the sand, Jahath- I mean Jahae- it could never be Pern."
This place is nice too, 'rwen, you'll like it..I think.
"I'll miss the old weyr..everyone always fighting and carrying on."
You miss that?
"I do."
Arwen thought of the day of the Disaster, remembering Jahae as Jahath thr junior queen Dragon, her eyes rolling in fright. Arwen had a hard time loading children from the halls and holds, she didn't know where Angelus and Frodo had dissapeared too.
The girl was heartbroken over her lost Firelizards, and she immediatly thought of Konni..poor Konni would be so upset if Crackers was gone to her.
Arwen was jerked from her thoughts as Jahae stated We should try to find our friends, 'rwen.
"I think so too."
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- *enters* -- Arwen + Jahae, 19:53:58 09/14/02 Sat
The goldrider enters, looking fairly angry at this whole ordeal though Jahath, whom was now dubbed Jahae was happy.
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- outside den -- Passion, 09:36:00 08/24/02 Sat
Passion lands outside the den. She peers in and sees that no one is here. With a chirp she launches herself in the air and heads back to her linked.
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- *Farewell* -- Mavlae and Peace/ Donovan and Nathor, 18:45:52 08/13/02 Tue
*With a final glance at their departing cubs, both pairs of Linked exit the Kilven Dens, thus leaving it vacant for the next litter.*
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- *L*I*N*K*I*N*G* -- Kilven, 17:00:03 07/11/02 Thu
*The Silver female lets loose a roar which echoes throughout the entire Den, Nathor follows this roar with a roar of his own, and immediately all attention is placed upon the cubs. Slowly at first, the cubs open their eyes and rise. Mavlae rises with them, and many rumbling bugles urge them forward.*
*The first to stumble forward on unused paws is the yellow. She peers about curiously, looks back to her mother, then races directly into the arms of Xev. I am Zierae. You have Linked with me Xev!*
*Next is the large bronze-furred cub, spreading spindly wings he races after his smaller yellow sister, only he collides with Osserys. You are now linked with me Osserys. I am Valor.
*The third cub to Link is the red. He looks confusedly between the two possible female candidates, then powers his small form over to the first girl to enter the Den. I am Luthor, Arili! We are Linked!
*Fourth to Link is the blue cub. Eyes swirling cyan in a crazed look, he leaps into the air and instinctively spreads his wings into a glide... crashing directly into Yajer's left leg. He peers up the third white Tokathe, and drops his jaw in a grin. Hiya Yajer! I'm Zenthror! We're Linked now... so lets get food!
*The final cub to leave the silver, is the large gold. She flaps sparkling wings once, then turns an azure gaze to Aiko. I am Leynae. You are my Linked Aiko!*
*A final roar from the Silver mother lets all know that Linking is complete.*
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- <^> -- Creyeron, 09:26:35 07/11/02 Thu
-A small bronze 'lizard flickers in for a brief moment at the entrance, pressing a note against the wall before winging out quickly.-
Attention riders from the Lost Planet,
If you had previously owned firelizards, they have appeared at the Vae Tree. If you wish to reconsile yourself with them, come pick them up.
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- Grey, insaneness... much more fun then boring old Skavan... *evil laughter* -- Rejinak, 21:52:55 07/10/02 Wed
*Bright silver eyes shining the grey is seemingly a blur of grey fur until he stops, claws digging into stone with a screech, a few feet away from the white... gang? Blink. Blink. Three of them? By the Kilven's Blade... He shakes his head. This could get interesting.*
"Hi there, I'm Rejinak. Who're you three?"
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- &*()%$#^&*()^ -- Xev, 21:25:27 07/10/02 Wed
::The white Tokathe enters the Kilven den cautiously, smiling slightly at the large litter at the other end. Red eyes meet the Linked of both mother and her mate, but the white reserves his bows for Silver Kilven only. Then, duties completed, he heads over to the other two white Tokathe in the room.::
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- *A large brown Vae lands by the entrance of the Dens, dropping a note* -- Egan (Vae), 15:44:40 07/09/02 Tue
Dear Members of the Lost Planet,
Please look at the Learning Tree's latest book for some very important news.
Buried in CoinShifters,
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- *The Silver shifts a little bit, placing a long tail protectively about her cubs* -- Mavlae and Peace, 13:18:39 07/09/02 Tue
*Her eyes swirl a protective yellow, but she forces herself to remain calm as her lifemate, Peace, reminds her that the reason these cretts were here was to begin their own healing process. She flaps her wings once, curling one over the cubs, but still leaving a bit of a space for the possible Link candidates to see. There were, three so far? Two females and one male... Well, there were two female-linkable cubs and three male-linkable cubs... Linking would not occur until two more males came about...*
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- *The black Tokathe shifts a bit, slightly uncomfortable about all the newcomers* -- Donovan and Nathor, 13:01:38 07/09/02 Tue
*Nathor rumbles a laugh* Brave Guide my eye... *The Brown Kilven shakes his head in amusement, but immediately changes his tone to a more serious one.* They come here for comfort, and I hope in the Linking they find it. By the first Vae, they've a right to be here. The least you could do would be to go around and introduce yourself, offer condolences.
*The Guide shakes his head* "I know, I know, I just didn't realize there were so many of them, and the look on their faces... I wish there was something we could do."
*The Brown shrugs* As I said, do what you do best. *The Brown's eyes swirl a cheerful blue* Kamali is coming here soon with news they will find enjoyable. Something of Flits and Flights? Pernese culture seems to be taking an affect on our own. *The Brown unfurls draconic wings in a much needed stretch* Or she would come here, if she weren't being blasted by the masses of CoinShifters at the Guide Den.
*Donovan grins* "If I know Kamali, she'll just have to roar and send the 'Shifters running..."
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- ::In for a Moment:: -- All'ndar :: Dialor, Niyt :: Versor, 18:23:26 07/06/02 Sat
::The bronzerider walks in, hands buried in his jacket pockets. He stops once inside the door and runs a hand trough his hair to smooth it down. He grins and looks around, eyes falling on the Kilven riders. His grin softens to a wistful smile as a picture of the Dawn Sisters flash in his mind. But it only lasts a few moments. Another male walks in, taking up a stance beside the first. Niyt squints slightly, looking over to All'ndar. All'ndar moves forward first to Peace.::
"I hope you do not mind our intrusion. We're another from Pern and I have to say, I'm quite drawn to the Den. We will be making our stay short, so don't worry."
::He nods and moves happily over to Channa and Wassae, leaving Niyt behind. His amber eyes reflect an inner sadness, but he smiles.::
"Mavlae's clu- litter is beautiful. I know there will be sufficient number to Link to them."
::He bows his head and follows All'ndar to where he had appeared beside the two female riders. Niyt merely nodded to them and let All'ndar speak.::
"Hello, ladies. I hope I'm not intruding on anything, but I wish to be around others from...home."
::As All'ndar falters on that note, Niyt takes it from there.::
"I am Niyt, rider of Bronze Versor and this is All'ndar, rider of Bronze Dialor."
::Although All'ndar smiles, his bright countance making up for his falter, Niyt manages nothing in the way of greeting besides his former nod. He didn't feel like it at the moment.::
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- ..^.. -- Osserys, 09:10:12 07/06/02 Sat
The white Tokathe slips into the Den, his curious eyes slipping over the forms of the mother Kilven and drinking in the sight of her young as one in the desert devours water. He sketches a bow and a salute to the mother and her Linked, glad that his loose garments hide quivering shoulders and legs. "Congratulations on your sucessful litter, Mavlae. They are a beautiful group." He smiles a little nervously at her, his gaze slipping to the five nestled around her once more, before turning to Peace. "And congratulations to you as well, they are truly a marvelous group," he tells the Zeybran earnestly, his solemn nature surfacing in the face of this...situation? No, but not a challenge either. Though certainly, parts of it were challenging. This oppurtunity was hoped for, since he was young, though truthfully, what youngster does not hope to Link with one of these magnificent Kilven? Like a magnet, the five draw his eyes, their irrisitable young forms tease his imagination and his hopes, until he is utterly lost in them, in awe of their youthful magnificence.
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- +A lone twin entered+ -- Aiko, 16:57:21 07/04/02 Thu
+Bright blue eyes watched the five cubs with growing adoration. She backed up slightly, remembering what she'd read about the Kilven cubs. Hands off, okay... She sat against a wall, eyes flicking towards the full grown Kilven's that had come to watch. Aiko grinned, attention on the cubs now, watching as they nursed. She ran slender fingers through her hair as several strands refused to stay away from her face, making a slight sheild over her eyes. She grinned at the mother Kilven and spoke softly. It was a tone that could never be thought of as shy.+
"You're litter is beautiful. My name is Aiko, and I hope to Link with one of your children."
+She smiled amiably and crossed her legs, continuing to watch the litter.+
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- Wandering... -- Channa and Wrelor, 13:08:07 07/04/02 Thu
I'm serious, Channa. I feel at home here. I can't help it if someone has a litter.
-Wrelth... sorry, Wrelor, I'm serious too. Would you intrude on a *queen's* clutch back home?-
No. But we're not home and this isn't a queen.
-The principle is the same.-
Yeah. Homesickness. And will you stop Igen's squaking?
-Trying. I think she wants to fly on her own.-
Then let her. She's not going to leave. I think.
-That's the thing. There's not a very powerful link between me and her. Not like a flit at all.-
Oh well. I've not known a single person to leave you voluntarily.
Barring your family.
The mental dialogue stops as the red Kilven lands gracelessly, jarring both human and Vae perched on his back. But Channa refrains to comment, knowing Wrelor isn't quite used to this new body yet, and she dismounts, letting go of Igen's tail to do so. The beautiful black Vae seems to purr, spreads her wings to their full twelve feet, and gently glides to perch on Channa's shoulder. "Oof. Heavier than flit. Gotta remember that." -Stay out here, Wrelor. I'm gonna see if you can come in first. Got that, bub?- The red doesn't answer, his eyes swirling in agitated hues, so Channa hurries into the Den, one hand steadying Igen. She spots three Kilven a bit farther inside, and nods to herself. -It's okay. C'mon. There's a gold, brown, and silver in here already.-
Wrelor bundles his way after his human, his head surprisingly at her level and his tail practically dragging the floor. Igen, her black fur patterned with violet and silver swirls, croons sweetly to the out-of-place red. Channa, acutely aware of a sense of trespassing, minces her way down the hall (she'd taken a side entrance) and spots Peace talking to a Coinshifter. She smiles, bows, and calls, "Hello Peace." -Thank Faranth for my good memory of names.- "I'm Channa, with red Wrelor. We were hoping to-" -Wait. What are we doing?- Visiting. -Oh.- "-visit for a little bit, if that's okay with you and Mavlae." The red Kilven, not even waiting for a formal invitation to enter the Den, slinks past his lifemate and curls up in a tight ball, head under his paws and tail blade resting against them, the tip glittering wickedly in the light. Igen purrs as Channa takes a few steps forward, eyeing the brown and gold bulks of Kilven (which hide the two Tokathe and Wessae from her sight) and folds her legs, sinking against her lifemate and briefly closing her eyes.
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- Visiting -- Wessae and Shrinae, 18:48:42 07/03/02 Wed
The gold Kilven lands softly outside the den, her young human rider dismounting with relative ease. Wessae gives the sleek fur a pat. "Wait here, Shrinae, I want to see the litter, and I don't know how she'll take to you." The girl murmurs quietly before stepping into the den. She smiles when she sees the cubs and then looks at Peace and Mavlae with a big grin. "Congratulations on the fabulous litter, word gets around. But I don't believe we've met yet, I'm one of the ones fresh from Pern." Her eyes cloud for a moment before she smiles again. "My name's Wessae, and Shrinae, my lifemate, is right outside the den. She's not sure if she should come in or not."
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- *The Brown races in, claws digging desperately into soil to provent a collision with the others in the Den* -- Donovan and Nathor, 14:29:38 07/03/02 Wed
*Once stopped, Nathor crouches towards the ground, offering a bent leg to both Takothe upon his back. His eyes however remain a bright swirling blue, and linger gently over the sleeping cubs and his silver mate.*
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- *The Zeybran enters quietly* -- Peace and Mavlae, 11:43:23 07/03/02 Wed
*She smiles warmly at Arili and grins broadly at her Silver lifemate.* "They're beautiful Mav..." I know, I know, I just wonder where Nathor is. "He'll come. Don't worry." The Silver Kilven grins, I suppose so. The Kilven's eyes swirl a kindly blue and she turns to Arili, glad to already see a possible Link for one of her five cubs. Hello CoinShifter. Thank you for waiting. How are you liking your stay on Etreus?
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- Arili enters, filled with an mystereous awe at the beautiful creature and the miracle of birth -- Arili, 18:57:38 07/02/02 Tue
She sits on her heels, watching, ever silent as the majestic silver birthes her five cubs. She speaks not as they nurse, she will wait untill the mother rests, out of courtisy
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- *B*I*R*T*H* -- Mavlae, 22:39:19 07/01/02 Mon
*The Silver Kilven wanders into the Dens, and settles herself comfortably into the birthing "nest" she had been working on. After a few hours of struggle, she has given birth to a small litter of 5 cubs. The first born is a red, male, and small. The second is female, and a gold. The third born is male and a blue. The fourth is a yellow female. And finally, the fifth born is bronze, and male. Mavlae nudges them all gently towards her where they can nurse. Then, she telepathically calls out to both her mate, Brown Nathor, and her Linked, the Zeybran Peace.*
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