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Date Posted: 14:42:41 05/28/03 Wed
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Rinyosan 's message, "Hyello! O,O Getting a crowd here ain't we..." on 14:29:54 05/28/03 Wed

One black ear twitches at the sound of fur in the breeze, canine nose sniffing the air and catching some newer, strange scents. Januya's lithe form turns in time to icily watch the rather impressive entrance of the Peshin and Kilven pair, gold eyes blazing without any one emotion surfacing for long. Her calm exterior is near the shattering point, and should the black lose her cool... blood will spill. However, Jan knows better, and thus exerts enough willpower on her own temper to let diplomacy rule... for now.

The Tarok catches the gunband, diverting her attention to that however briefly to inspect its condition. The metal headband and the padding on the inside of the ring are both new; the two slender, unobtrusive gun barrels on each side of the 'band have been recently charged and polished to a shiny finish. This Myk takes good care of his equipment and Jan shoots him a knowing look, accompanied with a slow nod of thanks. One longclawed hand rises to place the gunband about her brow, adjusting the fit slightly and feeling the familiar, soothing weight of the gun barrels rest securely against her temples. The hand falls to her side after a small, embedded button is pushed and now the Tarok seems much more at ease than before.

Skavan's recognition of the massive feline earns him a sharp glance, but Januya simply fastens her intense gaze on Kamali and waits in silence. She knows a warrior, spacer or not, when she sees one; and here she sees someone to be respected and bewared. Even the Rujis' arrival earns them only one measuring look, an earflick her comment to the low note in the black's tone and a light shining in her eyes before immediately extinguished and replaced by shadow. With an unexplained mood change, Januya turns a dark, foreboding glare on Kamali... but the golden gaze is distant, not focused on the Peshin at all... as though she were gazing into the past.

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