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Date Posted: 14:29:54 05/28/03 Wed
Author: Rinyosan
Subject: Hyello! O,O Getting a crowd here ain't we...
In reply to: Skavan and Seka 's message, "Landing..." on 20:49:26 05/25/03 Sun

The orange tabby flinches and mentally smacks herself as Kamali appears and that one comment is uttered. Oh, good job Rin, get said local ticked at you! Blast. However, Rinyosan has exceptional nerves and turns with a bright smile to face the Peshin; seeing exactly what Kamali looks like, the Masi's expression switches to a more appropriate respectful look and she bows. The Tarokian weapon flying through the air catches her attention briefly and she loses her train of thought, one long ear flicking as though chiding her lack of concentration on the situation. At least the Tokathe is calm now. And then some big, massive, furry... beasts... appear, earning the whole of Rin's green-eyed focus. Now distinctly uneasy, the tabby makes an effort to keep up a casual, unworried air as she sidles backwards -- not towards her own mech, which would catch the others' attention, but just a bit closer to Kakimi's MERF. Not that her friend's mech really has weapons, but a big metal shield is welcome at this point.

"Well then, kaehr," she finally manages, voice fortunately at ease, "we're all listening." Rin grins faintly, ears sweeping up in a motion reminiscent of Olashi and muscular frame settling into a casual standing slouch.

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