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Date Posted: 14:18:01 07/03/03 Thu
Author: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui
Subject: *settles into an easy rhythm of relaxation*
In reply to: Heki and Mayah 's message, "Ohhh boy. Hide'n'seek turns into lost'n'found... pardon the bad writing. It's early. :)" on 04:55:27 07/03/03 Thu

"I don't know all about it myself," replies Aduuni, her posture a little more relaxed now that the terms are more even. She still speaks Wolfin, and occasionally has to hunt for words. "Eliqui has been my guide, and I am thankful for that." She indicates the enormous creature, who nods to the Wolves and continues to clean her wounds. "But yes, this is Etreus. Eliqui is an Olde Phia, and there are other native species as well, lesser Phia and their ships, Morolla, which I don't really know how to explain... The one you'll have to be most worried about if you're staying are Tokathe, they're the dominant species. See, there's a revolution at hand, and their government has turned the upper class against the lower class, aided, abetted, and possessed by alien invaders, the Rjin. They are completely energy based, and thus susceptible to some of our attacks... Recently, along with myself, a bunch of other, non-native species have arrived. There're a lot of them.I tend to fall into random portals, so..." Shje leaves it at that, crossing her arms over her chest. This exposes the intricate tattoos, silvery swords twined in vines, on her forearms. She rolls her eyes about the next statement she makes. "And there're people creating new species all the time. They're called CoinShifters. How it works is a mystery to me, but they take on different characteristics of animals, something like we do, though the changes appear to be permanent. I chose to join the revolution and remain here, and my friends followed me. Others have chosen to leave the place behind. But basically, yes, almost everyone is a different species."
Hora lets Hashe lean on her, and the two join their friend, looking at the Wolves for a moment. Hashe is the first to speak, also adressing them in their language. Her pale eyes stare fixedly ahead now and a grimace thins her lips into a line. "You inquired of a fight... We recently battled with the Rjin in their pure forms. If either of you are energy users and have to fight them, blast them and above all don't let them get close to you. That's what happened to me. I had to dunk myself in a rain barrel because my fur caught fire. In fact, I was too weakened to shift without the three of us doing a Circle. It seemed to suck my power out of me. If you're not proficient with energy, run as fast as you can, and you'll have a sporting chance." She falls silent and busies herself with putting her bracers back on, fumbling with the numerous clasps. "Curse it," she mutters. "My hands are still numbed!" She sits down on the lake edge and works her hands through the sand furiously. Hora, a tall Cheetah in a blood-red tunic, steps forward and continues where the albino had left off.
"I'm not sure any of us singularly can teleport you should you wish to return to Rumm..." she catches herself. "Alasa Ca as soon as possible. But the three of us together can try once Hashe has recovered a little. Unless of course," she adds with a wry smile, "you would wish to stay here and aid the cause. There are plenty of physical battles to be fought before the Rjin emerge from their hosts, and any allies are welcome, especially if you know the next thing about healing. If you wish to return, I'm sure everyone will understand though. I don't mean to pry, but may I ask why, exactly, the Cat who brought you here did so? We're all a bit curious now."

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